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difference between anchor and HB?

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I've been playing '14 for some time now but I haven't really used the new options yet. I guess HB is better if you have a possession style? Where can I find a more in depth explanation compared to the old roles?

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Half back acts as a 3rd Center back ([presuming you have 2 center backs) when you don't have the ball. Anchor man will always sit just in front of the back 4. That's the simplified explanation anyway.

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The halfback drops between the two central defenders when the team is in possession and pushed high up the pitch, usually with a second deep-lying and more creative midfielder ahead of him. The idea is that it allows both fullbacks to push forward in possession while the DCs and HB are better positioned to control possession at the back, but when defending, the halfback operates in midfield as opposed to acting as a third central defender which better enables the team to more effectively win back and control possession. As you guessed, the HB is designed for a possession style that plays with a high line.

An anchorman just sits between the defensive and midfield lines to act as a sort of midfield sweeper in defence and usually to mark an AM or deep lying forward in attack. Compared to a standard Defensive Midfielder, the Anchor Man is a bit more positionally disciplined (meaning he's a little more reluctant to step forward and close a player down) and plays an extremely cautious game on the ball (meaning he will only rarely attempt risky passes or shots from distance). Going forward, there's not too much difference between a DM and a holding midfielder in the MC position since using the latter in the absence of a DM will encourage the defensive line to push up to compress the space between midfield and defence, but in defence, using a DM as opposed to a flat trio of MCs means you will generally have less lateral coverage across midfield (meaning the opposition will find it slightly easier to advance the ball into a deeper position, especially if you don't use wide midfielders) but you'll have better protection between the lines, allowing DCs to hold position and MCs to press somewhat more aggressively (since there's always a covering player behind them).

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I think a great idea would be for someone to start a thread with all the roles and duties and examples of players who play them IRL.

Unless this has already been done?

The role on FM while may share the same name as real life roles is very different, the players who play them in real life play it very differently too. Plus some of the names of the roles mean the exact same thing anyway, its just a different countries way of saying it. But FM treats them as different roles.

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I plead for some sort of representation system where we get to see the sliders that indicate how much a role closes down, offers freedom, atacks, defends,.. kinda like the old slider tactics but then for camparisson.

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I plead for some sort of representation system where we get to see the sliders that indicate how much a role closes down, offers freedom, atacks, defends,.. kinda like the old slider tactics but then for camparisson.

Nothing akin to the sliders will ever come back, but hopefully some sort of visual aid will be introduced to give clarity.

That, or more explicit documentation.

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I plead for some sort of representation system where we get to see the sliders that indicate how much a role closes down, offers freedom, atacks, defends,.. kinda like the old slider tactics but then for camparisson.

A big +1 to this, it doesn't have to be the sliders coming back but just give us something more absolute, something quantitative that we can look at and be sure that the instructions/tactics we are using are actually doing what we think they are doing.

As for experimenting, that's all well and good but there are so many variables and factors that affect how any one game or situation pans out that it can be very difficult to be sure of anything. Plus it is very time-consuming and I don't think most people have the time or inclination to watch full games just to determine how a half-back plays in comparison to say, an anchor man

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I plead for some sort of representation system where we get to see the sliders that indicate how much a role closes down, offers freedom, atacks, defends,.. kinda like the old slider tactics but then for camparisson.

For me the game is crying out for this. Sliders which can't be altered would be more than acceptable I believe.

It's all well and good saying to experiment with roles but some may not be able to establish the differences as much as others...

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I recently used a possession oriented 3142 and I normally used an anchor man with it. But sometimes when the opponent was pressing high (while using an AMC) I struggled to control the game. I could often regain control by switching to a half back who would then be able to escape the attention of the AMC and relieve the pressure on the back three. I'm not sure if I'd want to use a HB if there was space behind my midfield; isn't it better to have the man a little closer to action if possible?

For me the game is crying out for this. Sliders which can't be altered would be more than acceptable I believe.

It's all well and good saying to experiment with roles but some may not be able to establish the differences as much as others...

I think it should be something like grayed out PI's that are locked but rather than being exactly that they should be more like keywords that describe anything special the role has. A little like PPM's I suppose. These keywords would be visible when hovering over the player and in the PI panels.

The same stands for team instructions, these keywords would describe the base style of the team according to the chosen strategy, ie. for attacking it would state that it incorporates playing out of defense, high tempo+line+width, aggressive closing down, general attack-mindedness (that may be obvious already), etc.

All of this can be gathered from the tooltips of course, but it's an usability issue. It would be nice for many if the info was there in a readily accessible format.

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