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game plan & strategy

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There'a lot of talk about formations, OI's, roles and team instructions, but I feel that there's an important thread we all tend to miss - and it's the game plan.

I think whole discussion about "does this kind of passing match this tempo" and so on should be seen as a part of something bigger. What is my strategy? What is my game plan? How am I planning to get away from this game?

This is what I'd like to discuss - several scenarios.

Game 1: at home vs weaker team.

Plan: try to rip them apart during first 20 minutes with fierce & quick attacks and runs (control/attacking + direct passing, high tempo, play wider, push higher) and calm things down if succeeded. If not: try more patient approach (control + default passing, hight tempo, play wider), deploying 'hassle opponents' from time to time. If the game is still tied as final 15 minutes approach - back to square one, just in even more offensive manner (attacking + direct, very high tempo, play wider, very high DL).

Game 2: at home vs equals.

Plan: try the patient approach through the game, similarly as above deploying 'hassle' instruction from time to time, say this parts of the game, when opponent concedes most goals (check opposition report). For the final quarter: control + direct/default, fast, wider, push.

It's seems easier if your team is expected to win the game. Tricky part begins when your men are being considered underdogs. What plans can we use then?

1. Try to carefully win your share of possession without giving away too much space, pass in more disciplined way, make your chances count.

(Standard/counter + default/shorter passing, lower tempo, drop deeper, default width/more narrow).

2. Don't bother with possession, pull back but be ready to counter & kill instantly.

(Counter + direct, high tempo, drop deeper, narrow).

3. Stay defensive, respect the ball when you have it, be very careful and don't push forward if not necessary.

(Defensive + short, lower/much lower tempo, drop deeper/even deeper, narrow).

4. Park the bus.

(Contain + direct, high tempo/lower/much lower [depends if you care for counter attacks or not, FI when defending the result during last 5 minutes], even deeper, narrow).

Until now that's all I've managed to figure out :)

You might switch between these plans, FI at first try plan 1, but be ready to switch to 2 if things tend to get too hot at the back.

I'm more than happy to read your comments and ideas.

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