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Can Galway F.C. turn pro?

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Ok heres the deal:

Towards the end of the last season on FM14 with Galway FC I had the chance to suggest going pro to the board. So I did and they said "we will look to go pro at the beginning of next season." I progressed through the off season up to the first IDP match and nothing ever happened the board also did not follow through with my request to start a youth recruitment network which I brought up during contract negotiations which they also agreed to.

We currently are sitting on 400k with a projected 900k through participation in the ECC.

So my question is something broken or is this normal, does the board actually have the potential to be total pricks and not follow through with their agreements?

I have never had this trouble on previous FM games as clubs usually turned pro on specific dates

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I haven't played with them but......

All clubs can turn semi-pro/pro and equally go the other way too. It's not all driven by money though. Reputation is also a driver and of course chair

man personality. It's not an auto-trigger where you get £xx in the bank and turn pro. The way I understand it it's a sliding scale, (together with


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Since I've done this before on FM12 I kinda assumed by the language the board used that they planned on putting the change into action prior to the start of the following domestic season and in FM12 if clubs were to go pro they would do so Jan 7 if memory serves me right. But if its really just a 'we will look into it' scenario and stars must align for us to actually go pro then I have no choice other than to just keep chipping away at it. In truth I didn't expect to go pro until my 3rd or 4th as I did before (I am only at the end of the second season currently). I must admit though I feel a little cheated having not seen the youth improvements either.

I mean the game just isnt as much fun with a ceiling so low being unable to grow into a potential world class club.

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