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Its a mariolicious xmas tree 3-4-2-1 winning CL w/ mediocre players. Score lots, solid def P&P

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The original thread can be found here:


It contains a very detailed explanation of the tactic.

Here however i will just post pictures showing the settings and show my results.

I won the CL and league with a team thats composed of players all bought for less than 4.6 Million GBP. So with very cheap players i am able to dominate and win the toughest competition in Europe, as well as dominate the league.

The Formation



Team Instructions


Now, I teach all my AM's and ST's to "play one two's" as this helps a lot going forward and getting through tight spaces.

Player Instructions

- are in the tactic i wont be going through them all.

















Download link



Offensive version:


Defensive version:


Let me know how you get on!

And again the link to the original thread for more in-depth explanations.


mario milanista

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the original thread can be found here:


It contains a very detailed explanation of the tactic.

Oi and training ????

Here however i will just post pictures showing the settings and show my results.

I won the cl and league with a team thats composed of players all bought for less than 4.6 million gbp. So with very cheap players i am able to dominate and win the toughest competition in europe, as well as dominate the league.

the formation



team instructions


now, i teach all my am's and st's to "play one two's" as this helps a lot going forward and getting through tight spaces.

player instructions

- are in the tactic i wont be going through them all.

















download link



offensive version:


defensive version:


let me know how you get on!

And again the link to the original thread for more in-depth explanations.


Mario milanista

oi and training???

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OI and training of this tactic

I have mentioned something about the training in the comments of the original thread you can read it here:


as for OI's i mentioned in the article, that i often select the entire opponent side, and tell my team to close down more. on every single player including the keeper. wide players i will also add pressure to weaker foot. But this is always on a game to game basis. if i am up against extremely technical speedy wingers, this might be a problem. And if a winger poses a certain threat i might ask my players to never pressure him and just win the ball in numbers. If an opponents defender is particularly weak at passing and the other is very good, i might choose to man mark the best one, and never pressure the weak one so that my opponent if they are a possession based side would be forced to play through the weakest defender on the ball, thus making my chances of intercepting passes and winning possession higher up the pitch higher.

As for ST's i can mark tighter, close down more and pressure to weakest foot if it is a slower opponent. I never mark tighter if it is a very fast striker, but i do like to close him down, and to pressure to weakest foot.

It is hard to say, but there are some ideas of what you can do. I dont think there is a set way of doing OI's for every type of game but if i was to choose one set way of doing it for this tactic it would be:

Close down - EVERYBODY

wide players - pressure to weakest foot

STs - pressure to weakest foot, close down more, and +/- mark tighter depending on speed of the strikers in question.

Also. The tactic without OI's work in the exact same manner, and all thought it will be a more general, the team still does exactly what i want from them, they close down in numbers, they win ball high, and they limit opponent chances.

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Ok so i just want to shear here what this tactic has done for me in an 8 man online game, where i am playing as swansea in my first season. So far 16 games in you can all see the results i have gotten so far.

Ok so, i had a very slow start to the season, i had a lot of new signings and my team struggled getting tactical familiarity up because of this. So results where a bit all over the place with me wanting to implement new players etc causing me to go outta COC in the first round, I knew if i wanted to make a stand for myself and my tactic i would have to do well in my upcoming games vs Newcastle, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man Utd and Everton, with the 3 latter clubs being human controlled managers. We are playing both fantastic and horrible at the same time. Wilfred Bony is struggling big time, so much so that i am 120% convinced Michu has stopped passing him the ball all together, the striker had scored 1 goal in 14 games for me this season being completely rubbish. But at the end now he's gotten 2 goals so hopefully he's getting he's confidence back.

I have been extremely solid at the back, and i have been very good going forward and creating numerous great chances, having mostly around 4-5 ccc's a game, yet to no avail any goals. Most of my games this season feature only one goal despite a lot of great chances, now this is not down to the tactic but rather individual abilities and performances.

Going into those 5 big games for me, i was not playing well, and my tactical familiarity only reached an acceptable level after chelsea game. Which shows in the results, Newcastle had one shot on target which was an FK, and i could not convert my chances. But going into Chelsea game, Bony got he's first (open goal tap in) and we were on our way. The next match vs Arsenal proved a very tough one. Arsenal on top of the league playing in a strikerless formation is a completely new thing for me to deal with i however managed a goal, my high pressure game and wanting to win the ball kept drawing my defenders out for him to overload us over the top. After getting a well worked goal early on i switched to sit deeper so that he was unable to get so many players running through, and it worked. We did not play very well in this game but still got out with a win. Next up vs Man Utd, we started poorly and conceded, but we took control over the game after that for the most part and creating an ok amount of chances, one of whom resulted in an equalizer. Had Bony been anywhere near acceptable level, we would have won as he could have converted he's chance or Michu might actually have passed him the ball.. once.. Everton proved a decent game, we controlled it, didnt play very well but won it by playing solid at the back keeping the ball and controlling the game as i want. We were still not scoring how i like us to however.

This is my side more or less, i think i prefer De Guzman to Shelvey for the most part however.


And here are some pictuers of the fixtures and league standings.





Upcoming match VS City will be tough, but possible. I need to get Bony scoring and my team more effective however. As i have only scored 20 measly goals all year in the league.

Now, all opponent managers are using downloaded tactics from either this forum or others, and so far, with a lesser side than them, my tactics have proved very strong. Hopefully it will continue and ill try and keep updating. If there is any interest at all.

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Here's an update on the online save.

By January i was top of the league with 29 goals scored. Its horrific. My offensive players are letting me down but i am still managing top of the league. But the game crashed twice apparently so instead of me beating liverpool (human manager) 3-0 i had to replay, and it was 0-0 then it crashed again, and i had to replay him again this time i got a red card and ended up losing 4-1. So instead of a 3-0 victory leaving all my players on average rating of 7+ top of the league with the game that seemed to finally have loosened everything i ended up with a 4-1 loss to crush everything. in the next 8 games or so i only won twice i think I was 3rd in the league yesterday before i had to go, so there is no telling how far i have dropped now that my assistant was controlling the team for the remainder of yesterday. I just hope i haven't fallen out of a champions league spot.

These pictures are taken after the liverpool game before the crash.



Ok so as explained above, that liverpool game did change a lot for my team and all for the worse. I had to go off yesterday due to illness, and left my team in my assistant managers hands with 7 games remaining. My season was just dreadful after that. And when i got on today to learn my assistant manager, did not manage to win one single game in the last 7.. And that Bony was without goals for 13 games.. I had ended on a 6th.. its unbelievable. If i had stayed on for 1 more game and won it i would have gotten CL. Needless to say my assistant is fired. Thats the worst i have ever seen.

So clearly the tactic works outside of Italy. If Bony wasnt the worst striker in england this year i could have challenged for the title, and if my assistant wasnt a complete ****** i would have gotten 3rd. If Game had not have crashed at such an important stage for my team a lot could of gone differently. Swansea was predicted 10th, i managed 6th. Now by my own standards this is godawful. But in one of these pictures you will see what my team averages in ratings. Nobody played a good season. So despite my entire team playing extremely average or even maybe below that the tactics propsered, and took a bunch of poorly playing mediocre players into the top for the most part of the season, and would have ended in a 3rd place had i not gone off. I will just post the pictures.




Overall the season was a failure. But the tactic was not. Next season i want to be challenging for the title without many changes made to the squad. It would be impossible to do any worse than what i just witnessed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm loving this tactic! I normally use Mr Rosler's but gave this a go and in my second season in with Nottingham Forest's first season back in the Premier League I am currently sitting in 4th spot after 34 league games amazingly.

My only slight snag is the amount of yellow cards I've been picking up.. 65 in 34 games so far, by far the leagues highest. My second player is just now serving a 3 match ban for 15 yellows. Is there anything you can suggest?

I have changed all three tactics to "Stay on Feet" which doesn't appear to do much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, I love this tactic! Just finished 4th season (3rd in Premier League) with Forest and only narrowly missed out on winning the league as you can see below.

After three seasons with this tactic in the Prem I've finished 7th, 3rd & now 2nd.


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Hello all, I love this tactic! Just finished 4th season (3rd in Premier League) with Forest and only narrowly missed out on winning the league as you can see below.

After three seasons with this tactic in the Prem I've finished 7th, 3rd & now 2nd.


What training you using and OI?

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sorry if it sounds like a stupid question but i see a post in here that says download link and then it gives the links then it gives links for offensive verison and defensive verison confused on all 3 verisons?

sorry just confused of which file i need to download for my game

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  • 1 month later...
What training you using and OI?

Sorry dude, only just now seen your reply! Training I put on Team Cohesion; Very High to begin with then after the first transfer window I put it to Balanced; High, normally keep match training on Tactics or Defensive Positioning.

OI I don't normally bother with unless I see a players condition is low in which case I would instruct players to tackle hard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OP and further comments seemed really impressive, decided to plug this in with a fresh Liverpool save. holy crap, did i get battered. opponent strikers score for fun (none other than the semi-decent Torres scored a hattrick against us, the latter two of which came after they were down to 10 men), my AF was barely getting chances and he squandered most of them. defense was horrible, midfield even worse, yellow cards galore, and i've never seen Coutinho more useless as with this setup. don't know what else to say but it obviously didn't work out for me lol

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OP and further comments seemed really impressive, decided to plug this in with a fresh Liverpool save. holy crap, did i get battered. opponent strikers score for fun (none other than the semi-decent Torres scored a hattrick against us, the latter two of which came after they were down to 10 men), my AF was barely getting chances and he squandered most of them. defense was horrible, midfield even worse, yellow cards galore, and i've never seen Coutinho more useless as with this setup. don't know what else to say but it obviously didn't work out for me lol

Blimey, I think it seems to work better with smaller teams maybe.. I've had great success with it at Forest & Toulouse in Ligue 1 but that's it. I have never tried it on my long-term Arsenal save, I don't think it would work.

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This tactic has done very well in my tests.

Read more about the tests and results here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/392616-In-depth-Tactic-comparison-thread

I have tested the posted tactic and also used an edited version where there are NO strikers, but 3 AM'S (3 Trequartista).

It proved to be very good and do even better than the original.

For those interested, the download link to my edited version: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=20687607351079220434

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not really getting good results after 10 matches, i mean i don't lose. most of the games are draws but can't seem to achive victory for more than 1 match. Anyway i will stick to this tactic til the end of the season and see how it goes.

P.S: Thanks for the tactic

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