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Wants to retire at "club" (Suggestion)

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Being a supporter of the great Newells old Boys from Rosario, Argentina in the last few years I´ve enjoyed a great deal of outstanding players who took incredible wage cuts to come to their boyhood club they love.

Maxi Rodriguez, Gabriel Heinze, Ignacio Scocco, Diego Mateo, Lucas Bernardi amongst others, decided to turn down a lot of offers to come back.

I know the Favorite Club counts towards a player being more likely to come back, I still think we lack an option with players saying they will undoubtly want to retire at their boyhood club. Not only for real payers, I think that maybe managing a team on a small league(swiss,scotland, etc), when you get that regen who only played one or two seasons before moving to a new club, he has the prefference to retire at said club.

Excuse me if I made any grammar or spelling mistakes, english is not my native language. And it´s just a suggestion I would love to hear everyone else´s opinion on the matter.

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Sounds like a great idea to me. The game should bring it up gradually, similar to how they let you know about a player's post-career plans (considering coaching, etc.)--perhaps around the age of 30 or so, a player that wants to return home should drop hints that they'll only be looking to sign one more contract/extension before they decide to go back to the club in question. This could also apply to players wanting to try out a "new" experience of playing in a different country before they retire.

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