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Upgrading training and youth facilities.

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So I managed to get the board to agree to it after being very prudent around wages costs etc. However over the course of the season the finances have deteriorated, mainly down to me signing three youth players I managed to steal on newgen days for a total cost of £1.1m. My remaining transfer budget at the time was £2.6m.

Now I'm absolutely sure that once they agreed to the upgrades the money was taken from the clubs overall balance, and I'm pretty certain that every time I've upgraded before it's been the same. Now I can't be 100% certain as I've never had this scenario before....It may well be the money only gets taken upon completion of the work, but that would obviously seem silly considering the board carry out the work and just hope to have the funding in place when it's done.

Here are two screenshots, one from the 4th May when I first got the message and one from the 5th May when I decided to check what it said on the boardroom overview. As you can see on the boardroom overview screen it says the expansions are in the "Planning stage" and the dates of completion are still in place. Can anyone shed any light on what's going on as the whole situation is completely ambiguous and unclear to me.

Was the money taken upon agreeing to the expansion ? If it was it definitely hasn't been returned as my balance hasn't changed. And if the work has been cancelled then wouldn't that leave me with half dug up training facilities with a lot of confused looking contractors wondering what on earth ( no pun intended ), is going on.



Thx in advance.

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On the bottom it still says 'planning', which means work hasn't actually started yet. Once planning is complete and work actually begins you get a new message saying the work has begun and the money is taken at this point.

However it seems that after the planning phase your chairman has realised the club cannot afford the work and so it was cancelled.

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I noticed this today. My board agreed to expand my youth facilities, and instantly £650,000 was taken from my bank account (dropping me to near 0). The news message said the work would cost £650,000, and that was instantly taken.

I am still in the planning stage and am fearful that I will have the work cancelled due to lack of funds and not get this back as it was 15 months from taking the money to the given completion date. I have a strong suspicion that coming season changeover day (when works go from planning to building) it will be cancelled.

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Your suspicion is nearly accurate. I definitely had the money taken at the time the board agreed to the work. After season change over time it still says planning, but now the completion date is a year further on. Playing as Chester I have tiny resources anyway and can ill afford to lose circa £3m. I still might be wrong about the money being taken but looking at all the expenditure graphs and my transfer history, the £3m did appear to most definitely be taken.

I'm half tempted to take over another team and sell a player for the amount lost, but I know that would make me feel like the save isn't worth continuing. Meh, but oh well. And unless I sell my two best players in the January transfer window it looks likes it's going to happen again this season.


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Exactly what I feared. Between the last game of the season and the season changeover, the works were scrapped due to lack of funds. I never got back the £650,000 that was taken earlier, leaving me in the red.

On the board room page, the works are shown in red, as cancelled, not still planning.

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Have had it cancelled once in my save as well, and thankfully saved a note of it. The note mentions the estimated costs, but looking at my expenditures, it doesn't look like the money is actually taken out of the accounts until work begins (which in my case happend the following season).

I do seem to recall money being taken out, but it could just be confusion over the news messages mentioning the amount, as opposed to the money disappearing right then. There is no spike in "Ground Maintenance" at the end of the 13/14 season (when the work was cancelled), nor at any point that season, so it looks like the money is only taken out when actual work begins. I have a 2m spike in May 2015, and another huge one in May 2016 (we bought our rented stadium, plus more facilities work).

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I've moved on a season since then, it's still saying planning, that has never changed and I've got around a month and a half to go to the completion date. I will be watching very closely to see what happens on the completion date. I have a feeling no further money will be taken, but that begs the question, why was it postponed in the first place.

Bit of a strange one, but I'll keep you informed what happens. I've actually made a save called "completion date," and I'll use that the day before and report back. Like I say, I'm 100% sure the money was taken at the start. Find out soon enough.

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Well it's been pushed out for another year. It is still saying planning. I had over 5 million in the bank at the season update time. The options for upgrading the training and youth facilities are available again now. And I've just asked the board to upgrade them again. They accepted. But this time I watched very closely at my balance and no money was taken.

I've really got no idea what's going on now lol. Any idea Alex. Atleast I've put the money being taken when the board agreed to the expansion thing to bed.


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That was the first time I've asked for an upgrade. It has always been "greyed out" before. I only asked them because it was the second year it had been pushed out. The 1st year I actually got a message saying it had been cancelled, this year I didn't get any message. So naturally as soon as the option was available I asked again.

I think I have a save but I wouldn't have a clue how to upload it, I've read the guide for that and it might as well be in Esperanto for me ;) Is it worth holidaying through until next year and return just before season update and the completion date just to test ?

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Panic over, after an entire afternoon of testing and checking then double checking and writing a whole pile of stuff down, taking screenshots and generally working out exactly what was going on it's pretty simple. Doh !

1. You ask the board to upgrade.

2. They agree, but the work can only be carried out during the off season. They tell you the amount it is going to cost. ****They do not take the money at this point****

3. The board overview screen will say planning. ( The completion date is the estimated day of completion of the project once construction has started. )

4. At the end of the season ( The day after the final round of games in the premiership, or the day after the playoff finals in other leagues ), you have to have sufficient money to pay for the construction. If you do not have enough money, one of two things happens, either the project is cancelled altogether, or it stays in the planning phase and at a later date ( I couldn't work out when ), the completion date is pushed back a further year and the process repeats until you have enough money on the final day of the season.

5. If you do have enough money on the final day, then the planning changes to construction.

Only thing I couldn't work out is after the project was completed I was told a loan of £27.8 million was required to carry out the work. Although when I checked the clubs finance there was no further loan details, so I'm guessing this is because I'm building a new stadium and the loan is the one the club took out to build it. *

*Yes the loan is for the stadium, £27.79m. So it looks like if you complete any other projects whilst building a new stadium ( that the club had to take a loan out for ), then the game thinks that loan applies to any other construction projects when it clearly doesn't.

I can upload Screenshots if anyone is interested. I just want to play a little now:lol:

One last thing. Even though I had two construction projects running at the same time ( two to upgrade training facilities and two to upgrade the youth facilities ), only one amount of money was taken and the facilities only went up 1 level.

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Good stuff, this corresponds to what I've experienced too. I'm a little confused why the planning stage for expansion to our stadium is 2 years, as I would think construction should begin at the end of the current season. Hope it will take shorter than 2 years, but we will see... These things can take a long time IRL after all.

I do wish it was possible to make big upgrades to the facilities though, and not just one step at a time, when the money is there. In my case, we got to the German First Division with much worse facilities than our competitors, and at the end of the first season we had £30 million or thereabouts thanks to the money at the end of the season. With that, we could have upgraded a lot more than from poor to below average, or whatever it was.

Financially speaking, I also assume it would be cheaper (at least IRL) with a bulk upgrade instead of many smaller ones.

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I've got a probably dumb question that's only semi-related but not worth opening a whole thread about. If you are constantly packing out stands and have the money, will you constantly ask for upgrades? I don't wanna wait the 20 years till the loan is paid, but I don't want to spiral into debt with loans upon loans haha.

Agree with Pangea about many smaller upgrades vs. less larger ones too.

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