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My Liverpool tactic and more

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Good evening all.

I've been trying since this game was released to create a tactic using my preferred formation 4-1-2-2-1. I have failed miserably numerous times. The only formation I have managed to be remotely successful with is a narrow 4-1-3-2, I don't particularly enjoy this formation as I like to use wingers/inside forwards and I really want to get the best out of Sterling, Ibe and Wilson (U18s).

I don't necessarily want to play exactly like Liverpool. My ideal style would be fast attacking football, whilst keeping 50%+ possession where possible. I also want to have a reasonably sound defensive unit although I am aware I may have to sacrifice a little to play attacking football.

So, my question is how do I go about it? I have posted my initial tactic which I am using as a starting point and hope to evolve from there with your help :brock:

In order to create the attacking play I thought I should use the following instructions:

Direct passing

Hassle opponents

Pass into space

Work into box (to minimize long shots)

Higher tempo

Control - Fluid

I have set my defensive midfielder to half back as I want him to remain defensive minded when the fullbacks kick on and want him to sit between my centre backs. I have set one full back to attack so he fills the void left by the inside forward, the other fullback remains on support so the he helps the winger.

My aim is to have my striker score goals but I also want him to create space and get plenty of assists therefore have set him to be a false 9.

Centre midfielders, I would use Gerrard as the DLP so he sits back and creates chances with precision passing and I want the other to support the striker and wide men and attack any open space.


Any help would be much appreciated

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The world is spooky sometimes, I've been just rewatching Liverpool v Spurs from season just gone with the view to replicating it. This is what I got:

Control Balanced - 4-1-2-2-1 High Tempo Short Passing

GKd - distribute defenders

WBRa - close down more, fewer risky passes, cross less often, get further forward (Johnson)

FBLs - close down more, fewer risky passes, cross less often, tackle harder, dribble less, shoot less often, pass shorter. (Flanno)

CD - pass shorter (Skrtet & Agger)

DMd - tackle harder ( Gerrard)

APs - roam, dribble more, close down more (Couts)

B2B - close down more, get further forward, shoot less (Hendo)

IFa(left side) - more risky passes close down more(Suarez & Sturridge swapping)

Ws(right side) - shoot less, fewer risky passes close down more hold up ball(Sterling)

Treq - run wide, fewer risky passes, dribble more ( Sturridge & Suarez swapping)

I went for DM with Gerrard because most of the play went through little Coutinho and Suarez, that's why they are the ones with the riskier passes in the set up. Liverpool pressed hard and moved the ball around quickly so went for higher tempo and shorter passing.

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Treq drop deep, maybe not F9 deep but they do drop. I need a Treq here for that reason but also because 1)Suarez will be here and I want my team picking him out a lot and 2) With me playing a Winger on Support I need more bodies Capable of being in the box, Treq will give me that too.

I'm like you with individual instructions but here I didn't want Hassle opponents raising tempo any higher since I was already using higher tempo and Control mentality. The other ones are just little flavours like flan no tackles really hard and others from seeing what they were doing versus Spurs. http://www.footballorgin.com/2014/03/liverpool-v-tottenham-hotspur-watch.html

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The world is spooky sometimes, I've been just rewatching Liverpool v Spurs from season just gone with the view to replicating it. This is what I got:

Control Balanced - 4-1-2-2-1 High Tempo Short Passing

GKd - distribute defenders

WBRa - close down more, fewer risky passes, cross less often, get further forward (Johnson)

FBLs - close down more, fewer risky passes, cross less often, tackle harder, dribble less, shoot less often, pass shorter. (Flanno)

CD - pass shorter (Skrtet & Agger)

DMd - tackle harder ( Gerrard)

APs - roam, dribble more, close down more (Couts)

B2B - close down more, get further forward, shoot less (Hendo)

IFa(left side) - more risky passes close down more(Suarez & Sturridge swapping)

Ws(right side) - shoot less, fewer risky passes close down more hold up ball(Sterling)

Treq - run wide, fewer risky passes, dribble more ( Sturridge & Suarez swapping)

I went for DM with Gerrard because most of the play went through little Coutinho and Suarez, that's why they are the ones with the riskier passes in the set up. Liverpool pressed hard and moved the ball around quickly so went for higher tempo and shorter passing.

To achieve the swapping between the ST and AML, I imagine this is done manually?

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To achieve the swapping between the ST and AML, I imagine this is done manually?

Yeah unfortunately it can be a chore to do as you can imagine, alternatively play Sturridge up front when you think the opposition will leave space in behind and Suarez when not.

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If your playing him as an IF, I'd play Sturridge at AMR so he can cut in on his natural left foot.

With regard to swapping positions, it occasionally happens naturally. As Suarez drifts around looking for space to create havoc, the IF will fill the gap up front. Personally I play a CFs up front, but often see him on either flank with the IF filling the space.

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