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Has FM ever actually improved??? Time for a season break!

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Been playing this game for god know how many years. I am in my mid 30s now, so go figure. After being fed years of monotonous FM that is usually given cosmetic work I gave FM a skip for a couple of years and bought the FM14, hoping that there would be massive improvements. Alas, i was wrong. I have played close to 10 seasons. The match engine looks similar, the players AI is still shockingly bad... The list goes on.

- I saw my subs walk towards the back of the dugout and through the panel to sit on the bench

- Sub players were strolling towards the bench despite team being a goal down

- While I am not expecting an exact replica to a real game, the match engine is no where close to that of a real match

- Players' and coaches interaction and match instructions have massive room for improvement

- Scouts ability, I use scouts that have 20, 20 ratings but they can never unearth the young players/wonderkids that Real and Barca unearth

- The fans... surely there can be some sort of improved sound effects and fans graphics

- The players' AI still needs massive work

- My players always take long throws into the box even though no such instructions have been set and my team plays short passing

- The pattern is always repeated - player throws a long ball, it does not go far, my first player in the opposition penalty box heads it back to the thrower and he proceeds to cross the ball (this happens all the time)

- All opposition players are always camped in the box during a throw in or even corner, no one is outside the box or even near the thrower or corner taker (which does not happen in real life)

As I said, the list goes on. I know some of the comments above are a little petty. But it's this niggly stuff that really gets to me and I guess a lot of people. And really, I don't think these niggly stuff require a lot of time and effort to eradicate.

And worse, FM is the premier and the longest running football management game around. I expect that over the years a lot would have been done to take out most of these little things I mentioned. But I can't wrap my head around why such basic fundamentals of the game can be missed and needs a few rounds of bug fixes and updates (and still not fixed).

Imo, i think FM should really take a two season break to relook at the entire game. I know that there are still many fans of this game. But I feel that FM is losing a lot of fans over the years.

A break or two would really work wonders for the game. FM is so tired looking now and devoid of new ideas.

Back to the drawing board guys?

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