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4231 Keeps Ruining My Day

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As the title suggests I keep getting torn to shreds by teams that play the 4231 (wide) and I could do with a little help.

This is my default tactic:



GK - Dist to def

WM(A) - cut inside, dribble more, more risky passes, sit narrower, get further forward.

AP(A) - Roam

I've tried adjusting it to exploit the 4231's apparent weaknesses but nothing I do seems to make a difference, still get carved open like a turkey at christmas.

Any general tips or advice would be appreciated, it's ruining my cup runs.

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You could ask the 2 wide midfielder/Winger to man mark the AML/AMR so you have them tracking back to help them. You could also ask the DLP to mark the AMC for the same reason seeing as you don't have a real DMC even though the DLP will drop deep. Another option is you could maybe try and find out who is being the creative player and try and cut his supply off.

When you say getting torn to shreds what are you actually seeing when you view the match back? As that will give you the biggest indication of what you might need to do. :)

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Thanks. I've just replayed the game actually as I rarely play against it so don't get much or chance to try things out.

After paying a bit more attention I noticed that we were a perhaps rushing our passing and giving the ball away cheaply so I dropped to mentality to Control.

Then they scored as they had far too much space in front of my defense. I pushed 'Much Higher Up' which seemed to stop that.

Then they started threatening down the wings more but I looked more solid than before and I was a bit at a loss of what else to do that could tip the balance in my favour. I didn't try asking my Wingers to man mark theirs as I thought it would prevent me from getting out of my half more than usual.

To be fair, by the end of the match I felt things looked pretty even but I couldn't see me scoring an equaliser.

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The key to handling AI's use of AML/AMR (and or AMC) with 1 striker up top, is to stop the supply. Once the ball gets to one of those players in a dangerous area, you're screwed. The bug where a central defender steps out of line to close down, thus leaving a gap for a through ball, is something that hopefully will be fixed in FM15. For now, your best bet is to stop the supply. So, you gotta make sure that the dangerous players aren't receiving the ball in dangerous areas. So that means..

- checking to make sure your players are in proper position / keeping shape

- making sure that if you have a DM, that he is properly intercepting moves / breaking up the play before the AI can create chances

- making sure that you're working to exploit the massive gaps left behind the AI's CM's

- And of course you want to make sure that your team is being aggressive enough to close down the dangerous passers, which obviously is key in stopping the supply

Good luck

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Another option is you could maybe try and find out who is being the creative player and try and cut his supply off.
you want to make sure that your team is being aggressive enough to close down the dangerous passers, which obviously is key in stopping the supply

I managed to beat them twice in row using this tactic of marking the DLP out of the game with OI's and asking my AP(A) to MM him. Didn't beat the 4231 really but made them change to a 433 and then took control of the game. I guess that only makes me halfway there to really having a plan to deal with it but at least I'm not giving away 10+ CCC's anymore.

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I managed to beat them twice in row using this tactic of marking the DLP out of the game with OI's and asking my AP(A) to MM him. Didn't beat the 4231 really but made them change to a 433 and then took control of the game. I guess that only makes me halfway there to really having a plan to deal with it but at least I'm not giving away 10+ CCC's anymore.

If your tactical adjustments have forced the opposition to change their own tactics, then I'd say you have beaten the 4231 - well done :)

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