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Women's football


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you may well work for SI or whatever, but your still crazy...:thup:

To be fair, I am slightly more biased and perhaps more educated in my view.

Away from my duties at Sports Interactive I help coach Queens Park Rangers Ladies, so I've seen and worked with players who are technically and tactically very competent. I'm not an easy person to impress, but I've found working with them incredibly refreshing and it's certainly helped improve my understanding and insight of football on all levels, from male or female to adult or child.

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To quote Homer Simpson:

".....girls should stick to girls sports like mud wrestling, foxy boxing and such and such!"

never a truer word has been spoken!

Everybody is entitled to have their opinion, but please try to refrain from posting sexist remarks as we don't want to see that sort of stuff around here.

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I'm not opposed to the idea in general, but at the moment, football is pretty much the worst example when trying to convince people that women are good at sports too. I'm not exactly sure why this is, but take a look at the Olympics for instance. There's more than enough disciplines, both individual and team-based, where the women reach a level more than high enough to warrant a place in a video game for that sport. Football does not find itself in the same situation though, and I wouldn't dare make any guesses as to how quickly this could change.

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Thinking of the "long-term" game here this could be a very good aspect to bring into the game, adding the women's football to the database you will use could be done very similar to the way we already choose it. Along with the coutries you could have a section to add ALL women's football to it not just certain countries as we currently have the ability to do with the mens game therefore theoretically being able to switch women's football on and off at will.

Starting off unemployed and playing through a decent career could have an added extra twist and for example... Having managed Southampton WFC for 4 years Richie Brill gets approached to take charge of the Men's team. Or obviously a team of lower/higher stature offer you jobs. Understandably I very much doubt teams like Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal etc... will approach a Women's FC manager to take charge but the idea is there. Having this option could lead to career games lasting longer if you had to spend x amount of years in the Women's football before breaking into Men's and making a real name of yourself.

I know some of you will bite my head of for this aswell as anyone else that has shown any sort of liking for this but I'm sure many people out there will agree with my thinking of it

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ok well here is another serious reasson for why it shouldnt be included....

There is only one team in England....and thats Arsenal. They win almost everything going if IRC. That would be no fun at all if you were Leeds or Fulham...and (as a Dragon from The Den would say), for that reason....IM OUT

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Hate to burst your testosterone bloated bubbles, but there are a lot of women who play football.

Not only do they play, they play it BETTER than most men.

Women also play computer/console games, and a lot of them prefer the blood&gore style games over "The Simms"/wii sports.

Some of these female gamers feel marginalised by a predominantly male fraternity, frequently they are inundated with innuendo and stupid thoughtless comments if/when they admit to being female.

The Women's FA Cup this year had an excellent turn out of around 25,000 people .. thats a bit more than a few hundred.

However, at the moment, No i dont think it's the right time for Womens Football to be added to the DB, in a few years when it has better mainstream support & structure would be a better time.

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I think this would make the database too big but I'm sure it could be made into a different game

I don't really agree here. "Too big" is very relative. Right now you can already adjust it to your own liking, and the real limit is your PC. So people who wouldn't want to use it, might choose not to, that shouldn't be too hard.

And in case you meant "too big" as in disc space, then the solution is this newfangled technology called DVD. :p

I can imagine many reasons why one would be opposed to this idea, but database size should not matter.

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well eff me! womens football incorportaed into the worlds biggest selling manager title....what a way to ruin the game.

mr.moderator please close this thread before people start making up wierd excuses of why this is a good idea. blimey. i know about free speach and all but this sort of pish should be kept to a whisper in a shadowy cornor.

What an idiot

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Id like to see it incorperated into FM in some way. Maybe as seperate playable databases?

Anybody who thinks women are crap at football should seriously check out a player called Marta, she's Brazillian 22 years old, rather good looking and is an awesome player.

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Id like to see it incorperated into FM in some way. Maybe as seperate playable databases?

Anybody who thinks women are crap at football should seriously check out a player called Marta, she's Brazillian 22 years old, rather good looking and is an awesome player.

Yeah, I agree with this. I don't think they should be included in the same database as such because to me other variants of the game like futsal or beach soccer should not really be included. Both women's and the men's game don't really 'mix'. I mean the manager of the male team, like Wenger at Arsenal, has no say on the women's team and vice versa. They are separate sports and should be at least in separate databases.

This is not putting down women's football in anyway. People think the standard is bad when it is not. I watched some of the Olympic games and they were very good. Players like Marta and Christiane scored some great goals and played brilliantly.

They are 2 completely different sports in my opinion and so should not be included in the same game or at least not the same database.

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Unless you've seen women's football at close hand, then some of you are probably making an uneducated assumption at the level of quality there is out there. There are some excellent sides and players around, both in England and abroad.

I saw Birmingham v Everton last season in the Premier League. There couldn't have been more than 200 at Redditch's ground, and while there were flashes of skill, there were also parts of play that wouldn't have looked out of place in Sunday League.

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I saw Birmingham v Everton last season in the Premier League. There couldn't have been more than 200 at Redditch's ground, and while there were flashes of skill, there were also parts of play that wouldn't have looked out of place in Sunday League.

The question at hand was if women's football should (or shouldn't) be included in FM09/10/11/.../56

I find it odd that a LLM would find quality of play and attendances key factors in determing if a league is to be considered in or out of the game; Jeez Nobby with your reasoning, the players who like to play Chelsea and the like can rightfully state:

'Let's dump that Blue Square Mickey Mouse League from FM09; only 150 people come and see the matches and they can't score a goal even if the other keeper is blind and one-legged. :D

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Well if SI decide to put it in the game I don't mind. They could make the separate database and at the start of the game we could decide to select 9.00 database or 9.00 female database. I for certain will never play it (unless my future better half is a professional footballer in the game and the chances of that happening are very slim).

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The question at hand was if women's football should (or shouldn't) be included in FM09/10/11/.../56

I find it odd that a LLM would find quality of play and attendances key factors in determing if a league is to be considered in or out of the game; Jeez Nobby with your reasoning' date=' the players who like to play Chelsea and the like can rightfully state:

'Let's dump that Blue Square Mickey Mouse League from FM09; only 150 people come and see the matches and they can't score a goal even if the other keeper is blind and one-legged. :D[/quote']

Brian, I'll all for LLM and more lower leagues being playable... but do you think there is a demand for women's football to be added?

Not in the UK, the game doesn't have a big enough fanbase to warrant inclusion. The women's game is all but damn it a completely different world to the men's game.

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I woudl have no problem with it though to be honest I would not play the womens league maybe in the future if I knew more about it I would perhaps including their leagues may educate those who want to be educated. My issue though is there a demand to justify making womens football part of the game. The NHL Eastside series very sadly was discontinued and that represented mens ice hockey which I would argue is more popular and has more publicity than womens football. I guess SI could using the features of FM create a womens football add on for FM and see what kind of potential demand there is for it.

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your right Nobby, Womens football is in a completely different world to the men's

the woman play for passion & love of the sport, the men play for thier fat over-inflated paychecks

of course as soon as major sponship starts happening in women's football, they too can earn 160k per week and claim they are treated like slaves.

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Some really down right pathetic remarks in this thread.

Ok, i wouldn't wish to control the women's teams myself, however, what would be the harm in just adding, underneath your Under 18's the women's team aswell?

As a liverpool fan, on our website, i've seen before updates on how the women's team has done, that is all that would need to happen in FM, but to completely dismiss it is pretty pathetic.

I personally am not bothered either way if its in or not.

And yes, maybe the womens game technically isn't as good as the mens, but the same goes for, The Welsh league isn't as technically good as the premiership, does that mean that shouldn't be included?

My Auntie used to play football, and to be honest, i think she would have ran rings round a lot of people who use these forums.

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Ok, i wouldn't wish to control the women's teams myself, however, what would be the harm in just adding, underneath your Under 18's the women's team aswell?

Research would have to be done and putting these staff into the game will

1) Slow it down (more unneccesary staff)


2) Take Si's time away from more pressing issues.

Also, what would SI gane from doing this? They won't make more money or get more customers - it would just be a waste of time.

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Research would have to be done and putting these staff into the game will

1) Slow it down (more unneccesary staff)


2) Take Si's time away from more pressing issues.

Also, what would SI gane from doing this? They won't make more money or get more customers - it would just be a waste of time.

My post was more so geared towards the large amount of sexist replies in reference to this, when i know a few girls who do play football, and do play football very well.

All i was saying is, like it or not, it is actually growing in popularity, and it would not be the end of the world if it was included.

Some people have reacted to this suggestion as if someone said, its either women's football to be included, or death by firing squad, you choose!

Too many melodramatic posters on these boards, hence why i frequently read, but rarely post.

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Ok, i wouldn't wish to control the women's teams myself, however, what would be the harm in just adding, underneath your Under 18's the women's team aswell?

As a liverpool fan, on our website, i've seen before updates on how the women's team has done, that is all that would need to happen in FM, but to completely dismiss it is pretty pathetic.

I personally am not bothered either way if its in or not.

And yes, maybe the womens game technically isn't as good as the mens, but the same goes for, The Welsh league isn't as technically good as the premiership, does that mean that shouldn't be included?

The women's would have to be a standalone thing. It could maybe run alongside the men in a game, but the only people who could 'transfer' from one to the other would be people off the pitch. The good women players at Liverpool for example could never play for the men's team in the Premier League, no matter how good they are (unless the FA has a major rewrite of the rules).

In addition you mention the Welsh League... players from that can be transferred to teams in other leagues. The women only could if there were ever more than one nation's womens league included in the game.

I'd happily see it added, but I just don't see anywhere near the demand (or indeed the level of research) required for them to be added.

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If there is a demand for it then put it on a seperate game and see how many it sell. I would personally guess at not many.

To the person who said that in the future they see womens football being better than mens football, what planet are you on? I am not sexist in the least, if the girls are good enough come and play with the boys. The simple fact is they are not and never will be.

If you put the best male boxer in the ring Vs the best female boxer = male wins

Best male tennis player Vs Best female tennis player = male wins

Best male F1 driver Vs Best female racing driver = male wins

Same goes for golf, rugby, 100m, any sport really. Its not sexist its just a fact.

I have served in Iraq with women and I know they are very capable at what they can do, but yet the British Armed Forces (in fact the majority of the world) do not allow women to join infantary divisions, you will never see women in the Para's. There is only a handful (worldwide) women who are fighter pilots, these women proved they can cut the mustard, however the majority cannot.

Can anyone, anywhere please tell me that they can envisage a female version of Cristiano Ronaldo or female David Beckham (in his prime). I have watched womens football and was actually very suprised at just how good they are. I have even met Hope Powell on an FA Coaching Course I did in 2005 and she taught me a few things or two that I did not know before. These girls would certainly whoop my ass at the beautiful game no problem, as to assatain what level they would cut it at I am guessing that the best players might just about cut the mustard at League 1/2 level.

Sorry if this has offended anyone, I am mearly stating facts.

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Two words why men would want to watch womens football:

Rachel Unit

She probably enjoys the company of women as most female football players do but still..........Phhhwwwaaarrrrr!

Are you joking? She isn't that nice.

Back to topic, and I honestly dont see this coming into FM anytime soon. I believe that there simply wouldn't be a whole lot of interest in it as most FM-er's wouldn't be able to name 20 female footballers, and would much rather manage the men's side's with players that they know and love.

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The problem with womens football and FM is simple. The mens and womens league don't interact in anything other than a shared resources sense. Youth teams and reserve teams feed first teams. Foreign leagues can interact, as players can move. The mens and womens game are totally separated though.

The only way it'd really work would be to either bring in lots of complex coding to make sure it stayed that way, which would open the game up to bugs where they would just mix in a year or two... Or to have a separate game / database. 9.02f and 9.02m... could work, but then it's a lot of extra work (and research) for what would essentially be an unpopular addition. Adding in womens leagues would most likely do very little to underlying sales. It would also do nothing towards making the game better (merely adding depth not quality), so isn't on the agenda for the "staying ahead of rivals" reason either.

Put simply, there isn't enough demand for it. It probably wouldn't justify the extra work.

I wouldn't bet against it in the future though, as the game's profile rises. Even if there were only a few leagues to keep research low.

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I don't see a problem with it, but only if there was enough demand for it, which there obviously isn't atm it's not like womens football is new invention and considering some of the pap put on the shelves and described as computer games, any company would have snaped up the idea if there was a demand for it. Most people who watch the women's game are just as interested in the mens game anyway, so I don't think it's a necessary progression yet.

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I see that there is hell lot of sexizm here. I wonder if women reading such things from you are aware of your approach to the topic. This is typical male approach that women should stick to things like: kitchen, bathroom, bed, mud wrestling, beach etc. No way such words spoken to a woman in other region of the world, where they are treated equal to men, would be passed over. As a male player I'm really happy that SI implemented such function as, I would now second my thought, there should be parity between men and women. Why my girl can't play FM? She should stick to kitchen and make me dinner? Don't treat them her a waitress!

SI - you have my vote for it!

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This is typical male approach that women should stick to things like: kitchen, bathroom, bed, mud wrestling, beach etc.

Wow wow wow, let's not be too hasty. We don't want women to stop doing these things (if/when they do) because they think it's sexist!!

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I don't think even women care much for women's league football, only the players otherwise more women would show up during games right? At the moment barely 500 people show up for even the bigger matches... Thats only from me counting the spectators shown on tv during an arsenal ladies match though I'm not the authority on women's football

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Unless you've seen women's football at close hand, then some of you are probably making an uneducated assumption at the level of quality there is out there. There are some excellent sides and players around, both in England and abroad.

From a personal perspective I find the way ladies football operates very interesting. There are various degrees of financial support from a lot to little or none and that puts an interesting twist on the way the game develops, but many of the clubs and players are just as committed as their male counterparts.

There is of course still a lot of room for improvement within the women's game, but there's no reason why they can't continue to make rapid strides forward.

Agreed. About 5 years ago I ran a Women's team's website for a season - followed them home and away, for the seniors and went to whatever Reserves, U16, U14 and U12 matches I could get to. There is a lot of talent out there (I don't just mean eye candy!) and I think in a few more years it might start to get to the point where it will have to be given the respect it deserves.

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I see that there is hell lot of sexizm here. I wonder if women reading such things from you are aware of your approach to the topic. This is typical male approach that women should stick to things like: kitchen, bathroom, bed, mud wrestling, beach etc. No way such words spoken to a woman in other region of the world, where they are treated equal to men, would be passed over. As a male player I'm really happy that SI implemented such function as, I would now second my thought, there should be parity between men and women. Why my girl can't play FM? She should stick to kitchen and make me dinner? Don't treat them her a waitress!

SI - you have my vote for it!

I don't think the majority have an issue with the female manager aspect of the game. This new feature in my eyes is very welcome. There is nothing in the laws of the game to stop women becoming a manager of a top flight side (so long as you have your Fifa Pro licence). Also coaches, scouts, physios.

I think the argument is about whether a womens version of the game would be worth putting out. Which it quite clearly would not be. There is simply not enough support or intrest in it.

My argument earlier was when somebody said that oneday womens football WILL become more popular then mens. Which it won't. EVER! This is not sexist, there are a lot of good women footballers out there, but I'm afraid that even the best women footballers would probably only cut it in maybe league one at best!

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