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France - Having problems geting Benzema to play well

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save upload links - http://speedy.sh/HgzvA/france-2015.05.12.fm http://www.filedropper.com/france20150512_1 http://wikisend.com/download/344560/france 2015.05.12.fm

I've tried him in multiple roles ( AF, CF, treq, support roles too especially in 2 striker formation), in all those 3 tactics and he still disappoints. The current squad isn't my main one btw ( I like to rotate a bit for friendlies)

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for the whole set up u have the save links

http://imgur.com/a/MXYJT album

last 5 pics are added by mistake

most players are on long shots rarely, the back ones mark tight, dm hard tackle, some on short passing. Benz just LSR.

benz's form with the club is 0.5 better and he has no serious injuries problems

his morale is often good

on defensive pieces he is man marking ( a poacher or AML/ML is forward) but that doesn't explain why he sucks in the other box

my main 11 is something like this lloris - clichy koscielny sakho debuchy - pogba cabaya toulalan/mavuna/mvila ( now that he is unbanned) ribery benzema nasri ( the AMR is usually APS)

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I looked through the album and I'm not actually sure which of those tactics you are using.

What I did see is the general trend of using a lot of instructions that sound good without it showing a clear consistent plan.

1. You play an attacking strategy but you also drop deeper. Basically you press and defend aggressively while giving the opponent space to work with. The tighter marking will only help the opponent here as it drags defenders out of position and puts them closer which makes it easier for attackers to get in behind them. This approach is not necessarily bad as the extra space can Also be used by your own team on the counter but it is certainly a risky way to defend. A more solid defensive approach would be to either push up and hassle the opponent (basically what an attacking strategy already does) or to play a deep line (counter strategy or attacking strategy along with "much deeper defensive line" and possibly stand off opponent, you'll have to watch games to find a good balance).

2. You tell your players to run at the defense (dribble more for attacking players, less through balls) while also telling them to pass into space (more through balls). If you want your team to do both you could just remove the instructions. This again shows how you are trying to do too much with your instructions.

3. You are very determined in getting your team to take less long shots by giving your team the instruction to work the ball into the box (less long shots) and giving your players the individual instruction to shoot less. If you are still seeing long shots from your team you have to realize that the problem is not your players choosing to take a long shot. The problem is they are FORCED to take the long shot. Either because a lack of available options (that they see), being under pressure from defenders or getting rushed into a decision due to their instructions. A high tempo forces your players to immediately do something with the ball, the attacking mentality increases tempo. If a player is forced to make a quick decision he is more often going to miss other options available to him which will increase the chance of him just taking a shot. There is a very good chance that if you take away the instructions to lower long shots you won't see a very big increase in the amount of long shots taken and the extra long shots will likely be cases where your player thought it was a good option to do so making the extra long shots you will see each game more effective.

4. Both your attackers are instructed to sit on the defensive line looking to get in behind the defense. The CF(a) having a slightly higher chance to drop of from time to time. I would watch some matches in full (or moments of a match in full if you have less time) and see if there is actually space in behind the defense to work with. If not consider letting one drop deeper (CF(s), DLF, F9 or Treq) to bring the other attacker into play.

The 4-3-3 you have there looks pretty solid to me. Maybe consider making benzema a CF(s) (I think it suits him better in that position) and maybe putting the other IF on attack as well (or changing the AP(a) into a CM(a). If this strategy isn't working well it is probably due to the extreme high defensive line and closing down (Attacking strategy + push higher up + hassle opponents). This is a very aggressive defensive approach which can be really solid but is also susceptible to balls over the top and it can really decrease the space your team has in the final third as the opponents are pushed so far back. Watch some games and see if you need to lower that defensive line a bit.

My advice would be to take one solid formation, one defensive approach (choose between defending deep or pressing high) and a solid cohesive attacking plan. Use far less if any team and personal instructions and just get that one thing working. Make sure to not change too much at one time and to give it a couple of games (that you watch) before trying something different.

Good luck and keep us posted!

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i use all 3 but mainly the 433

1. i already have hassling higher up on the attacking tactic

3. long shots attempts are actually rare already.. maybe a bit too rare

benzema still sucks. I already tried him as you said. U might be onto something there with attacking + higher up + hassle. I will try with default line and pressing + double CDD


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it seems to be a bit better now after 2 games

benzema had 6.8 rating against ghana ( 2-0) but 1 assist and 2 key passes as CF

against S.K. it was 0-0 pretty bad game until min 60 when I turned benz into a treq and set tempo default ( it was high) which made him score. just 2 shots ( like in the Ghana game) but 3 key passes

I notice that ~29 goals assists are passes and just 2 crosses. What should I do about this?

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it seems to be a bit better now after 2 games

benzema had 6.8 rating against ghana ( 2-0) but 1 assist and 2 key passes as CF

against S.K. it was 0-0 pretty bad game until min 60 when I turned benz into a treq and set tempo default ( it was high) which made him score. just 2 shots ( like in the Ghana game) but 3 key passes

I notice that ~29 goals assists are passes and just 2 crosses. What should I do about this?

Benzema in this role is just not an out and out goal scorer. You have to accept that he will mostly be dragging defenders out of position to allow his teammates to shine. If you want Benzema scoring a ton of goals you need to change your tactic to where you are creating space for him to shine.

1. Put him in a more advanced role (CF(a) AF(a)) and using your tactic to create space behind the defensive line, stretching that defensive line and putting passes/crosses in behind that defensive line.

2. Have him attack from a deeper position (AML, IF(a)) like he played a couple of times for France while a different ST (Giroud?) plays a more supporting role dragging defenders around and bringing Benzema into play.

You can also just leave him as is and accept that he might not be the top goalscorer of the tournament or even your team.

Getting crosses to work requires one of two things.

1. Get the opponent on the counter and put a quick cross in on a defense that is still in retreat and out of shape.

2. Get a lot of attacking players into the box with solid movement to give the opponents defense trouble and then have an accurate, technical crosser put in a well timed cross that gives one of the attacking players an advantage over their defensive opponent.

3. Play against Chile.

Right now you are set up aggressively with a high pressing system. There is little space behind the defensive line so the chance a player can put a cross in from behind the Dline without it being blocked are almost zero. Targets to cross to from deep are either your CF who is marked by two defenders (unlikely), one of the wide players ghosting in on the far post (difficult to pull off against a competent defense) or one of the midfielders getting into the box without being tracked properly (the advanced playmaker is not likely to do this and a box to box midfielder will get in the box eventually but is not an all out aggressive player either). Basically right not you are set up to pass the ball into the box by dragging defenders out of a deep Dline, attacking the central area from wide and creating from the middle. If you want to change that you have to rethink your strategy.

BTW. You can try the "cross from deep" instruction which might get your fullbacks to put more crosses into the box, then watch some games to see how it's working out.

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he already is CFA usually

how should I change the other roles if I go with AF?

>You can also just leave him as is and accept that he might not be the top goalscorer of the tournament or even your team.


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If you want him as the main goal threat you have to create space for him. If you put him on top of the defensive line and you want him in front of the goal you will have to create space in between the defensive line and the goal. On top of that you need to get the ball in there too so you want to stretch that defensive line or put a cross in behind it while the Dline is out of position. Basically you will have to play with a deeper defensive line to create space up front. From there you can either attack with purpose and pace on the transition to catch the opponent out of position or you play a more careful buildup play from deep that relies on well placed ball from deep or a sudden quick set of passes to put your striker through on goal while the majority of the opposition is still further up field.

Basically either a fast counter attacking play or a more careful controlling approach with at least one creative player sitting deep (if the opponent is unwilling to close you down further up the pitch this doesn't work, a dangerous player in a deep position can encourage the opposition to close down more).

I would play the other attacking players as an AMR Winger (a) to stretch the defensive line and maybe get a cross in from the byline, he will also pose a secondary goal threat if the defense is too occupied with the striker, an AML Advanced Playmaker (s/a) or Inside forward (s) to tie up defenders and get them to close him down deeper as well as put the striker through on goal and lastly an MC Advanced playmaker (a/s) who gets into the space in front of the defense and put the striker through on goal.

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