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[FM2015] USA World Class MLS (8 levels)

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Oh cool. That makes sense and is totally fine. Didn't realize the game even did that, pretty cool!

I like to think that referee Mark Geiger loves the USASA as much as I do! If the game doesn't generate some friends for him by next season, let me know.

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Version 1.3

Choose ONE file from the following four (five actually in this post):


1.3 w NACL


1.3 Original Clubs w NACL


Optional MLS with new Club World Championship

1.3 w CWC


1.3 Original Clubs w CWC



1.3 with Former CWC - The old group stage format if you prefer that to this new 3-tiered woven knockout format.


Here it is folks – the long awaited “final” version. I know I just jinxed myself saying that, but seriously I fixed so many big and tiny issues that this is gonna be it for a while. I’ve tested each file in game for a year and I’ve been happy with what I seen. There will be no further changes until the database update comes from SI in a couple months. I’m publishing this to steam as well. Now go out there and find the one major bug that makes me break my word. Or better – post your stories!!! I want to hear how close someone came to doing THE WORLD TREBLE with the USASA team they brought to the premier league (because it’s impossible! Muahahaha!! or is it? I'd like to know).

That being said, I’ll still be on this thread taking your suggestions and participating in discussion. It’s thanks to everyone here that this file is as great as it is! Now read the change list…

1.3 Changes

KEY INFORMATION – I’m reinstituting the requirement that you must have the top 2 levels loaded for this to work properly. It turns out that I didn’t fix the issue that existed before and it is impossible to fix with the way the rules are set up. You must have MLS and Xbox League both loaded at the very least at all times.

1) Fixed issue where reserve and U18 teams were picking grayed out players instead of your contracted players. – Thanks Taleron!

2) For CWC users – rebuilt the CWC with the new tiered knockout structure.

3) Playoff rounds now will have higher seeded team (the better one) playing at home in the 2nd leg. – Thanks Dim13!

4) Fixed the amateur schedule (finally) – there should never be a regular season or amateur cup game played on Wednesday (except for the regional cup matches).

5) Changed amateur league sub rules – now 12/12

6) Changed the transfer date for the amateur league – now it is June 23rd. I’m placing it after the youth intake day (June 14th) so people can play the mini-transfer window better after assessing their team needs after youth intake day.

7) Added 1 free agent-only transfer signing day to amateur league – January 1st.

8) Fixed a couple of stage name typos (stuff like: Team X qualified for the Prime Cup Prime Cup! Blah)

9) Added several familiar USA media sources.

10) Removed the MLS All-Star Match (wasn’t working right past the 1st year.)


I want to hear some positive feedback before I publish it to Steam. Just to be extra cautious before a wide release like that.


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Thanks again for this. Already restarted my career with the vaunted FORT WAYNE CANNONS. Can we even get promoted out of the USASA division, or actually win one game of the Bluegrass Cup? WHO KNOWS!?

Maybe if your players put down the Wild Turkey! Hey ho

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I started over again with the Vermont Voltage but I noticed that your newest update seems to give me a lot of Japanese players, especially where I have to call my midfield, the "Kamikaze" line because 3 out of 4 midfield positions are American-Japanese that it made it unrealistic at all! haha


Is it a bug or is that how it works in the database? Remember, I decided to do this as a youth-only save, so...

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I started over again with the Vermont Voltage but I noticed that your newest update seems to give me a lot of Japanese players, especially where I have to call my midfield, the "Kamikaze" line because 3 out of 4 midfield positions are American-Japanese that it made it unrealistic at all! haha

Is it a bug or is that how it works in the database? Remember, I decided to do this as a youth-only save, so...

That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I have no idea what might have caused it so I wonder if you just got lucky? How do you do a youth only save by the way? And also, do you have a Japanese league loaded (like Claasens or something?). I know the USA nation is hard coding by itself to give some people dual nationalities but I've never seen that many Japanese-American soccer players in one team especially in Vermont lol. Do any other teams have weird dual-nationality numbers?

America - best country in the world right? A true melting pot :lol:

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That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It's probably completely out of my control so I wonder if you just got lucky? How do you do a youth only save by the way? And also, do you have a Japanese league loaded (like Claasens or something?). I know the USA nation is hard coding by itself gives some people dual nationalities but I've never seen that many Japanese-American soccer players in one team especially in Vermont lol. Do any other teams have weird dual-nationality numbers?

America - best country in the world right? A true melting pot :lol:

Nope, I only loaded USA, that's all. Vermont's Asian Population is only 1.3% yet that it's the second highest non-mixed ethnicity in the state behind Mixed ethnicity of 1.7% (White are 95%). Largest ancestry in Vermont is 23% of French or French-Canadian, so we should get Quebecois players in my team, not the Japanese-Americans (it was not even listed in the largest ethnicities in Vermont) lol

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Even though I don't quite understand what Boxing Day is, consider this your gift!

It's a British Commonwealth thing.. so anything that was under the rule of the Queen at one point usually celebrates it, in Canada we treat it as you would Black Friday, except its a designated holiday and those who work get time and a half.

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Currently running through Claassen's Leagues once again.. and if its breaking as I load just the A's, it's gonna be a long night, I'll get a complete list up ASAP, gimmie an hour, will edit post when done.

These go in addition to my previous list a page or 2 ago, as I deleted those files from my folder and will assume are still broken, the following should be checked off you load order and deleted from your editor data folder if you have no intention of loading games without this.

Andorra [Nukes the list]

Angola [Nukes the list]

Well damn, after breaking in the A's, it didn't break again so thats 5 out of 71 leagues and all in countries that really have no global impact, now that graaa has won FM Editor and has put away his wizard tools for the time being, it is time to bring Le Rouge and the Northern Guard from AA and Cass Tech to the Premiership and it's own ground.

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Nope, I only loaded USA, that's all. Vermont's Asian Population is only 1.3% yet that it's the second highest non-mixed ethnicity in the state behind Mixed ethnicity of 1.7% (White are 95%). Largest ancestry in Vermont is 23% of French or French-Canadian, so we should get Quebecois players in my team, not the Japanese-Americans (it was not even listed in the largest ethnicities in Vermont) lol

...and somehow, the only 3 Japanese-Americans in your state are good at playing soccer. lol. Maybe the game confused Vermont with Hawaii.

Currently running through Claassen's Leagues once again.. and if its breaking as I load just the A's, it's gonna be a long night, I'll get a complete list up ASAP, gimmie an hour, will edit post when done.

These go in addition to my previous list a page or 2 ago, as I deleted those files from my folder and will assume are still broken, the following should be checked off you load order and deleted from your editor data folder if you have no intention of loading games without this.

Andorra [Nukes the list]

Angola [Nukes the list]

Well damn, after breaking in the A's, it didn't break again so thats 5 out of 71 leagues and all in countries that really have no global impact, now that graaa has won FM Editor and has put away his wizard tools for the time being, it is time to bring Le Rouge and the Northern Guard from AA and Cass Tech to the Premiership and it's own ground.

I'll add it to the compatibility list - Thanks Joseph. And that's the right idea! Bet you're already tired of those Cass Tech students sneaking in without paying...

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Just a minor gripe with what is otherwise an absolute masterpiece of a mod, the A1 Minor Leagues are capitalised incorrectly. Instead of "League", it shows "league" in its full name. Short name is fine, it's purely visual, but if your could sneak a fix into the next version, that would be nice. :)

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Just a minor gripe with what is otherwise an absolute masterpiece of a mod, the A1 Minor Leagues are capitalised incorrectly. Instead of "League", it shows "league" in its full name. Short name is fine, it's purely visual, but if your could sneak a fix into the next version, that would be nice. :)

Lmao, absolutely. That's a good catch! You have no idea how I spent an hour just looking for typos this one time. I'm irked that I missed that one!

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Thanks, glad to help.

I'm taking Pasadena Pulse from the USASA to the WORLD TREBLE! Even used the In-Game Editor to make myself unsackable, because I want to simulate what would happen if I was appointed manager for life. :p

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Thanks, glad to help.

I'm taking Pasadena Pulse from the USASA to the WORLD TREBLE! Even used the In-Game Editor to make myself unsackable, because I want to simulate what would happen if I was appointed manager for life. :p

Can't argue with that! I've always felt that the board AI in teams sack managers too quickly anyway. What's ten bad seasons at the bottom of the league? =P Good luck!!

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Still having fun, dragging the Wichita Wings up the table in the Fed Ex 2-West, but can't seem to 1) get a work permit for my one Mexican player signing (believe me, in Wichita, if you don't have a few Mexican players, you won't have a ticket-buying crowd) and 2) all those lovely youth prospects can't play on the senior squad until they're 18, so my youth squad is loaded with players who currently are rated higher than most of my senior squad. According to the match rules, foreign players are allowed, but whenever I click the "apply for work permit", I never get any response and the player remains ineligible. Any ideas why they won't let me have my Mexican?

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Still having fun, dragging the Wichita Wings up the table in the Fed Ex 2-West, but can't seem to 1) get a work permit for my one Mexican player signing (believe me, in Wichita, if you don't have a few Mexican players, you won't have a ticket-buying crowd) and 2) all those lovely youth prospects can't play on the senior squad until they're 18, so my youth squad is loaded with players who currently are rated higher than most of my senior squad. According to the match rules, foreign players are allowed, but whenever I click the "apply for work permit", I never get any response and the player remains ineligible. Any ideas why they won't let me have my Mexican?

That's odd - I certainly want L2 teams to be able to sign foreign players. I also can also see the issue with having better young players than your senior squad. Those punks would really get on my nerves if I were a senior squad member.

I set the work permit rules to allow anyone foreigner with a potential ability over 95/200. If this is a database Mexican player (and not a regen), can you give me his name so I can look up his potential ability in the editor? Otherwise, if he's a regen, do you have the real time editor and can you look it up?

More importantly, it's a mystery how you signed him if he didn't get a work permit. Just to be clear - you signed him and he's on your team with a contract, but ineligible to play in matches? On what day did you sign him and what day is it now? It might be a registration window issue, but it's unlikely.

The work permits are definitely working for the upper leagues - lots of foreigners getting signed and playing matches too.

EDIT: Just to clarify how I set work permits to work - If they player has played 1 international game out of the past 16, it's an instant work permit. If he hasn't you can appeal and if his potential ability is at least 95, it gets approved WITHIN one week.

As for the youth players, I'm open to re-thinking the way it's done. Next version I'll allow U18 players to play in senior matches, but not say, U16 players (to comply with USA labor laws).

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That's odd - I certainly want L2 teams to be able to sign foreign players. I also can also see the issue with having better young players than your senior squad. Those punks would really get on my nerves if I were a senior squad member.

I set the work permit rules to allow anyone foreigner with a potential ability over 95/200. If this is a database Mexican player (and not a regen), can you give me his name so I can look up his potential ability in the editor? Otherwise, if he's a regen, do you have the real time editor and can you look it up?

Jesus Salazar : signed 6/10/14 to a full-time contract (key player 5% of payroll) He has a current ability of 78, potential ability of 113. So, not exactly a world-beater, but for this team, 4 star potential.

More importantly, it's a mystery how you signed him if he didn't get a work permit. Just to be clear - you signed him and he's on your team with a contract, but ineligible to play in matches? On what day did you sign him and what day is it now? It might be a registration window issue, but it's unlikely.

The work permits are definitely working for the upper leagues - lots of foreigners getting signed and playing matches too.

EDIT: Just to clarify how I set work permits to work - If they player has played 1 international game out of the past 16, it's an instant work permit. If he hasn't you can appeal and if his potential ability is at least 95, it gets approved WITHIN one week.

There's never been the ability to appeal, there's actually never been any response to the work permit request and I've clicked it more than once.

As for the youth players, I'm open to re-thinking the way it's done. Next version I'll allow U18 players to play in senior matches, but not say, U16 players (to comply with USA labor laws).

Most of the youth players are probably too young to be playing, but this one 17-year-old William Jones, I signed to a full contract that won't go into effect until the following April 29, 2015, his 18th birthday. So evidently, they can't play until they hit their 18th birthday. And with a 2-year contract, I'll get maybe a season out of him before someone comes in and snatches him up, since he's got a PA of 169.

Guess that I'll just have to accept that building for the future means holding a player for 2-3 years on the youth squad.

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tried to sign another Mexican free agent - work permit denied, GM appealed, says decision should be made within 2 days. Still no response on the player on contract already.

Has a week passed since you first clicked appeal for the first Mexican free agent? And I'm a little confused - did he actually make it onto your roster (but can't be registered due to lacking a work permit) or is he still unsigned in free agent land?

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Ok it seems that I'm not smart enough for this.

I downloaded your File '1.3 Original Clubs w NACL' and the two Logo Files. I put them in the right place and I have no other files for the United States or any other North American Country. But I can't even choose the USA when I want to start a new game. It only says that there are teams missing in... almost every League. Maybe I'm missed something but at this point I have no idea what it could be.

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Ok it seems that I'm not smart enough for this.

I downloaded your File '1.3 Original Clubs w NACL' and the two Logo Files. I put them in the right place and I have no other files for the United States or any other North American Country. But I can't even choose the USA when I want to start a new game. It only says that there are teams missing in... almost every League. Maybe I'm missed something but at this point I have no idea what it could be.

That is strange indeed. Not too sure what is causing that because I haven't seen it before. Let me start with some basic questions -

Are you using FM15?

The GAME file is in your "documents/sports interactive/football manager 2015/editor data files" folder? (the logos wouldn't be causing this by the way)

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Has a week passed since you first clicked appeal for the first Mexican free agent? And I'm a little confused - did he actually make it onto your roster (but can't be registered due to lacking a work permit) or is he still unsigned in free agent land?

The work permit appeal was denied, it says he's "unable to play for Wichita, but can be loaned to another club in the meantime". And the next item in the inbox is the "Castillo has agreed to terms with Wichita, and his deal can now be finalized". But if he can't play for me, I'm not going to sign him and loan him out (because if no one loans him, I'm on the hook for $850/wk). I think I'm going to cancel that deal, and list Salazar for loan, see if I can get him off the books this year.

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That is strange indeed. Not too sure what is causing that because I haven't seen it before. Let me start with some basic questions -

Are you using FM15?

The GAME file is in your "documents/sports interactive/football manager 2015/editor data files" folder? (the logos wouldn't be causing this by the way)

Yes I'm using FM15 and the Game File is in "editor data files" folder.

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The work permit appeal was denied, it says he's "unable to play for Wichita, but can be loaned to another club in the meantime". And the next item in the inbox is the "Castillo has agreed to terms with Wichita, and his deal can now be finalized". But if he can't play for me, I'm not going to sign him and loan him out (because if no one loans him, I'm on the hook for $850/wk). I think I'm going to cancel that deal, and list Salazar for loan, see if I can get him off the books this year.

Save the game as a new file and then accept it and see if it works. If not, load the old game (before you accepted his contract). Let me know what happens with Castillo if he can play or not.

That is the strangest thing with Salazar. I might just try and simplify the work permits to eliminate the appeal and just do an instant yes/no based on the potential ability - or eliminate them all together since there are already foreign player limits - there are probably bugs in the editor that I can't see.

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Yes I'm using FM15 and the Game File is in "editor data files" folder.

Have you tried de-selecting the editor file and loading all the way up to the pick nations screen? From there, go back to the menu and create a new career game again and re-select the editor file. I don't know if this will work but maybe you need to "reset" it somehow.

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Have you tried de-selecting the editor file and loading all the way up to the pick nations screen? From there, go back to the menu and create a new career game again and re-select the editor file. I don't know if this will work but maybe you need to "reset" it somehow.

Nope this doesn't work either. :(

That's really sad - but I don't think that there's something wrong with your file. It seems that I'm the only one with that problem so it couldn't be a bug or something.

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Nope this doesn't work either. :(

That's really sad - but I don't think that there's something wrong with your file. It seems that I'm the only one with that problem so it couldn't be a bug or something.

Have you ever edited any XML files for nations or installed any edited XML nation files? Have you edited my file in any way? I'm running out of ideas here but I'm really trying to help! lol. I wish I knew what was making yours do that.

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I know it's still early and only been a few days, but those of you who have been playing this - how's it been going? So far I have a list of issues some people have had and I want to know if you've also had these issues. I also want to know what your own thoughts are, maybe one positive and one negative you see in the file. This sort of feedback is immensely important and as you know has a direct influence on improving the quality of this file.

Feedback and issues so far:

1) More referees recommended

- Plan to create some next version

2) Disproportionate amount of Japanese-American regens created for Vermont Voltage

- Unable to reproduce this in my game, seems like a fluke.

3) Lower case 'L's in the A1 league names

- Will correct

4) Work Permit glitch - player was signed to Wichita while work permit was not granted (thus leaving him unable to be registered).

- Will remove work permits in the future. I already have foreign player limits in squad registration, and there are none in real USA leagues anyway, as I read here http://www.ussoccer.com/about/federation-services/intl-clearance

5) Youth under 18 unable to play in senior matches not a good idea

- Definitely agree with this and will change it. Perhaps I will eliminate any age limits because after all, didn't Freddy Adu take the DC United field when he was just 14? I may even lower the regen creation age from 15 to 14 to honor this event.

6) Issue with Original Clubs w NACL file being unloadable - teams missing when starting new game.

- Has anyone who has played this also have this issue? It shows that 16 people have downloaded this file at the time of this writing. Would one of you speak up and confirm this file works for one of you?

So please! Leave some feedback/a review of your file. Write the name of the file you're using and a positive and/or a negative about it. This will give me a good idea how the file is doing and what work I should focus on for the upcoming version. I have my own private list of issues with the file that doesn't warrant a posting at the moment or any immediate changes to the file, but I'm interested in hearing yours.

Thank you!

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I know it's still early and only been a few days, but those of you who have been playing this - how's it been going? So far I have a list of issues some people have had and I want to know if you've also had these issues. I also want to know what your own thoughts are, maybe one positive and one negative you see in the file. This sort of feedback is immensely important and as you know has a direct influence on improving the quality of this file.

Feedback and issues so far:

1) More referees recommended

- Plan to create some next version

2) Disproportionate amount of Japanese-American regens created for Vermont Voltage

- Unable to reproduce this in my game, seems like a fluke.

3) Lower case 'L's in the A1 league names

- Will correct

4) Work Permit glitch - player was signed to Wichita while work permit was not granted (thus leaving him unable to be registered).

- Will remove work permits in the future. I already have foreign player limits in squad registration, and there are none in real USA leagues anyway, as I read here http://www.ussoccer.com/about/federation-services/intl-clearance

5) Youth under 18 unable to play in senior matches not a good idea

- Definitely agree with this and will change it. Perhaps I will eliminate any age limits because after all, didn't Freddy Adu take the DC United field when he was just 14? I may even lower the regen creation age from 15 to 14 to honor this event.

6) Issue with Original Clubs w NACL file being unloadable - teams missing when starting new game.

- Has anyone who has played this also have this issue? It shows that 16 people have downloaded this file at the time of this writing. Would one of you speak up and confirm this file works for one of you?

So please! Leave some feedback/a review of your file. Write the name of the file you're using and a positive and/or a negative about it. This will give me a good idea how the file is doing and what work I should focus on for the upcoming version. I have my own private list of issues with the file that doesn't warrant a posting at the moment or any immediate changes to the file, but I'm interested in hearing yours.

Thank you!

I started over again with a new save, it doesn't display any disproportionate amount of J-A regens, so it seems that it's a fluke like you mentioned, so it's all good :thup:

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I'm still playing 1.2 MLS with NACL, my only problem noted was the mentioned work permit denial on a player that was signed. I'm wondering, after I tried signing a second Mexican national, that I might have got the "finalize contract" message the same day I got the "work permit denied" message, and the game allowed me to sign him even though he couldn't play for me. Either way, it's not worth re-starting the save over it...

Re: the under-18s not playing senior games: In all the years I've played FM, I've always avoided playing in the US for two reasons 1) the stock database for the US is just MLS, and I like playing lower leagues and 2) all the wonky rules regarding contracts/drafts/etc. I recognize that in the US, most youth players will follow the "high school > college > pro" career path (and indeed both the high schools and colleges don't allow players to receive compensation for playing), but there is, so far as I know, no prohibition for players to sign pro terms and play pro games, so long as they are aware they are forfeiting amateur status. I'd even be perfectly okay with signing youth players to amateur contracts until they hit 18 and allowing them to play senior matches.

But overall, this database is incredible, just for its ability to play lower-league US football in a meaningful manner, with the possibility of one-day promotion to the top. (Yeah, never will happen here in Wichita, but there's always hope!) I haven't enjoyed managing Wichita so much since they brought out "MISL Soccer" for the Commodore 64 back in the late 80's. I appreciate all your hard work and your willingness to tweak the database to make it even more immersive.

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I'm glad there aren't any game breaking issues. Your feedback has been great - I've spent way more time on the editor than I have actually playing this game so I'm relying on many pairs of eyes to spot things that I might have missed.

I'm happy to add more refs in - I've already created around 80. It's a great way to add more diversity to regen names as well, because the game draws names from any American that is in the system - non-player and player alike.

And yeah, Podunk is definitely thinking about the youth system the way I would. You gotta consider the USA culture with training youth for sports and most of it is done through primary and secondary schools and colleges unlike the academy system in Europe. Even our rare sports academies here in the USA are mainly directed at training kids for the college game... so it's weird. How do you represent that in a file like this? Even SI only recently was able to program the English academy system for Football Manager a couple of years ago (and of course, there's no way to duplicate it for a custom league).

So I'm just sort of stuck with creating a U18 team. It's not as interesting as I'd like. I originally had the idea for U23 teams being the 2nd reserve team, but decided against it in favor of putting normal Reserves in the game like the MLS has in reality. I guess that's why this is a half fantasy half reality file...

But anyway, now that I've been play testing it pretty thoroughly myself, I'm putting together a list of things I want to change in the next version. I'll put it up here sometime soon.

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Has anybody seen the following:

1) A "big time" european player sign for an MLS team?

2) A regen from an amateur team make it to the MLS?

Both would be really cool to see. I've seen some really good Mexican players signed so far, and some better amateur players signed by AAA and AA teams, but I have just started. Would also be cool to see guys like Howard come back home to play in a better MLS

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Has anybody seen the following:

1) A "big time" european player sign for an MLS team?

2) A regen from an amateur team make it to the MLS?

Both would be really cool to see. I've seen some really good Mexican players signed so far, and some better amateur players signed by AAA and AA teams, but I have just started. Would also be cool to see guys like Howard come back home to play in a better MLS

Interesting to note on my save that the biggest transfer was Bobby Millen went from Munchen Lions to Boston for £3.6M

So an American going back home from Germanys 2Bundesliga, looks legit

Brek Shea also moved from Stoke to LA Galaxy

Yup, Brek Shea always moves back in my test saves. So does DeAndre Yedlin after a couple years in Tot. The longest I've simmed ahead with this 1.3 version was 4 years and you get a whole crew of big time USA players moving back. Howard always retires. You do get Will Packwood, John Brooks (sometimes) Eric Lichaj, Joel Sonora, Paul Arriola though.

As for a huge European player, I haven't seen them yet! More often I see players getting poached for high transfer fees (40 mil) by the European leagues after a couple years. It's probably not going to start moving the other direction until the 5-10 year area but I haven't simmed far enough to know. Frank Lampard is 39 years old and still starting for NYCFC in my save btw.

And the amateur players well... the odds are all against them. Especially with big time foreign talent moving in, they would be incredibly lucky to get signed for a professional team in L2. But anything could happen I guess...

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I'm glad there aren't any game breaking issues. Your feedback has been great - I've spent way more time on the editor than I have actually playing this game so I'm relying on many pairs of eyes to spot things that I might have missed.

I'm happy to add more refs in - I've already created around 80. It's a great way to add more diversity to regen names as well, because the game draws names from any American that is in the system - non-player and player alike.

And yeah, Podunk is definitely thinking about the youth system the way I would. You gotta consider the USA culture with training youth for sports and most of it is done through primary and secondary schools and colleges unlike the academy system in Europe. Even our rare sports academies here in the USA are mainly directed at training kids for the college game... so it's weird. How do you represent that in a file like this? Even SI only recently was able to program the English academy system for Football Manager a couple of years ago (and of course, there's no way to duplicate it for a custom league).

So I'm just sort of stuck with creating a U18 team. It's not as interesting as I'd like. I originally had the idea for U23 teams being the 2nd reserve team, but decided against it in favor of putting normal Reserves in the game like the MLS has in reality. I guess that's why this is a half fantasy half reality file...

But anyway, now that I've been play testing it pretty thoroughly myself, I'm putting together a list of things I want to change in the next version. I'll put it up here sometime soon.

Will the next version makes an impact on our ability to continue our saves?

I just would like to know and also I'm very curious about your list of things you mentioned that you wanted to change too.

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Will the next version makes an impact on our ability to continue our saves?

I just would like to know and also I'm very curious about your list of things you mentioned that you wanted to change too.

You gotta start a new save with each version. Don't even think about the next one yet :cool: Not going to release it until the database update in February (unless someone finds a game breaking bug of some sort).

I'm keeping the list to myself at the moment. I am waiting to see if people report the same things or are seeing the same things as I am. This will help me know what to work on first.

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