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When would you use much higher tempo and what attributes would you need?

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I'm thinking you would use it when the opposition is completely packing the box maybe. Or if you are playing as a team like West Ham, using 'go route one' and having a target man to knock it down for an onrushing attacking midfielder.

As for attributes, I wonder if high technique is needed because the player will have less time to balance himself and adjust his body. I'm thinking this because wingers need high techique. I've also read that ball playing defenders should be used for counter attacking, so if go route one was supposed to be coupled with a much higher tempo, it would make sense as the ball playing defender uses technique as one of the roles attributes.

This is also just theory though, I've never tried much higher tempo, but would like to no your thoughts.

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I find you need really good all round players (tehnically, mentally, phisically) to play a high tempo game and actually win.

But I think the most important ones are the mental ones. If they dont think and act fast its ruins it, even if they have the required tehnicals and physicals.

Also not sure if this approach is good against very defensive teams. I think you need very good movement from your players and good passing to deal with those types of teams.

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Personally I believe tempo is not what players imagine it to be. In my experience playing with Liverpool in the EPL the faster you set your tempo will add to likely missed passes, rushed shots etc. It will also tire your players out a lot quicker. It has in my opinion nothing whatsoever to do with how fast you counter or attack your opponents. I play with the slowest tempo setting and my team are just as fast on the break as any of our opponents and get back in defence as fast as our opponents my players fitness levels at the end of a match are around 74% - 85%, 5-10% fitter than our opponents and I rarely have any serious injuries. I have had the highest goals for and the lowest goals against in all four seasons I have played so far. Perhaps this not so at the lower levels of play but in the top leagues it most certainly is. try it and see.

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