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Anyone ever tried asymmetrical formation? How is it?

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The shape/formation itself isn't really all that important. Different formations can be set up to play the same way. It just all depends on the roles you give the players. So I'm sure given the right roles and instructions, this shape can be used effectively. Pretty sure I've seen people use this successfully.

Tbf, it looks fine. Although I'm not sure how the Target Man and Trequartista will interact. Never used that combo together before.

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By my reckoning, there are two ways that you could use to get this working with a Target Man:

1) Switch the AMC to an Attacking Midfielder (Support) and switch the AML to a Winger (Attack) - you may also have to consider the Full Back duties if you switch it up this way. My reasoning is that you could use the middle of the field to support your main attacking lines down the flanks. Belgium have some great dribblers/crossers, so one possible way to get the best out of the Target Man on Attack duty would be to focus play that way and get plenty of balls in to him from out wide. My concern with this method is that a Target Man on Attack duty still requires some level of support, which i'm not sure the AMC could provide alone, even if you switch him to a more aggressive role/duty.

2) Switch to a narrow version of your current formation, bringing the AMR/L players into AMCR/L. This would also work with your full back set up, as it would allow them to overlap the midfield and hopefully create some gaps for the creative players at AMC. As for roles, I would perhaps go for a Support Striker combined with an Attacking Midfielder and an Advanced Playmaker. My reasoning here is that it would give you multiple ways in which you can exploit the Target Man (Attack). As well as having more players close to him to support his play, his aggression will also hopefully open up space for them to play in; a win-win. You should be able to get plenty of crosses in to him as well, as the Full Backs could create overload opportunities and get space for the cross.

Those are my thoughts anyway. I will admit, it's not exactly the craziest asymmetrical formation i've ever seen, I actually used this to great effect in a United save I had. From the title of your thread, I was expecting something much more wild :p

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Perhaps a SS playing behind a TM would work, but honestly changing Lukau's role would be my suggestion...he's a good player in FM and can do a lot more than just win the ball in the air to lay it off to someone.

I agree. I feel like Lukaku is a good enough player all around that it wouldn't be right to limit him to such a role.

But maybe he's trying to create a particular style of player and if that's the case then fair enough. I'd suggest going with an SS behind a TM-s.

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