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Insane 4231 tactic|Manchester United|5 PLs and One Champions League in 6 seasons

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This is by far my most successful save on FM. I used to have a bright start but then fail to keep it going, but now this team and tactic is still going strong after 6 seasons.

Just thought you guys would like to try this out.

This is my Tactic:

It is a 4-2-3-1 narrow, with 3 AM's behind the striker.



Retain Possession

Work into box

Pass into space

Higher Tempo

Be More expressive

Exploit middle

Stay on feet

Hassle Opponents

Player Roles/instructions

GK(GK/Def) RB(Fullback/Support/run wide with ball/cross more often) 2xCB(Centre Back/Defend) LB(Full Back/support/cross more often/mark tighter)

CM(Box to Box/support) CM(Deep Lying Playmaker/defend/more direct passes)

CAM(Advanced Playmaker/support) CAM(Enganche/attack/more direct passes) CAM(Advanced Playmaker/support)


Set Pieces

Attacking Corners


Obviously you would like your strongest corner attribute takers to take corners. I tell them to aim for the near post to my best headers (usually CB's) as this for me yields a lot of goals. I also have other taller players in the box if the corner is not directed properly and I have a player lurk outside the box incase the ball falls outside of the box from an opposition header. This means I have more of an opportunity to retain possession.

Defending Corners


Make sure to have your players man both posts and your CB's mark tall players, I have cleared many goals off goal lines and won many headers from this.

Attacking FK's


Make sure to have your best FK takers for this and better passers too. I have my player aim for the far post to the tall CB's as this seems to create more goals and scoring opportunities.

Defending FK's


Pretty stock standard stuff, make sure you have a wall and people marking players.


For throw ins I tend to like to keep them short in order to retain possession, however if you have a person with a long throw trait you can get them to throw it into your box when you are in range, this seems to also create havoc for the opposition.

For Penalties just have the best ones take it, also look at their composure as well and how well they handle pressure.

This tactic for me is all about the 3 playmakers as they create the chances and act like the engine of the team, they have to be very creative and be decent passers as well. For an Enganche you want a player who can finish well as I've noticed they are more closer to goal and have several chances during games. Players like Juan Mata has worked extremely well for me in that role as they can get forward score and create chances. The 2 advanced playmakers beside the Enganche create alot of the chances, obviously you'll want good passers in that position as well as players who can be creative. I try to maximize the creative freedom they have by setting the fluidity to "Fluid" and have Be More Expressive in the shouts. The mentality for this tactic is standard as I do not want to be too attacking or defensive, I normally change the mentality during games when the situation changes.

For other positions, ideally you would like Full backs who can deliver good crosses as they would be providing the width in this system. I have my full backs set to "Cross more often" so they can provide crosses when chances aren't being made through the middle. For the defenders, I like to look for players who can do their job and stop goal and also handle pressure well. Positioning , tackling and marking are big attributes and also pay attention to mental attributes such as concentration and determination, however you would like to have at least one defender who is pretty tall so you can take advantage of set pieces. I have my corner takers aim at the near post as this seems to yield quite a number of goals for the Centre Backs and I have my free kick takers aim for the far post as this seems to create more goals for me as well. For Central Midfielders I have a Deep Lying Playmaker set to defend, as I had alot of messages from my AM that I was leaking through the middle. He is there to set up plays and to intercept balls. You would want a player who is a good passer, tackler as well as very good mentally, positioning is an important attribute for this role I believe. The other midfielder i have is a Box to Box midfielder. You would want a player who is all rounded in most attributes for that position so that he can defend and score. Make sure Stamina , passing, finishing, tackling is one your watch when you purchase a box to box midfielder. The last couple of positions are the Striker and the Goalkeeper. Goalkeeper for me is pretty straight forward. For the striker you would want a player who will feed off the 3 AM's. They have to have a lethal finish as well as an ability to time their runs well. I have the striker role set to as "poacher" for this reason. I want the striker to feed finish the chances as the 3 AM's are the main guys who i look to in order to create goals.

Also my vision when creating this tactic was to retain possession and move it at high speeds to tire the opposition and to create chances, hence the "Retain Possession" and "Higher Tempo" shouts. The hassle opponent instruction is to ensure possession is won back as quick as possible although you can concede a lot of yellow cards, I switch this instruction off when the game is in the bag, or if a player is on a yellow card I would sometimes go into player instructions and tell that player to "Ease off Tackles". Whenever I am in trouble during games or the game is becoming stale( ie; 45 minutes in only 1 shot) I would do a variety of things. I would set the mentality to a control or something more attacking, switch the positions of my 3 AM's around, or I would ask my assistant what opposition instructions I should do. Doing a combinations of these things has helped me come from behind in many matches.

For my Opposition instructions I like to force them to bring the ball back to the middle as this system is about "Exploiting the Middle". So for the full backs and wingers, if a right footed player is on the right flank I would do "show onto left foot" and vice versa. I also like to set the marking of at most 2 players (a striker and a dangerous attacking midfielder) to "Always" and it is at most two is that my players can still have the kind of freedom that I want them to have. I also like to close down on one central midfielder who is usually the best passer to give him less time on the ball to create chances.

When buying players for this system I like to have players who are versatile, so I would like my attacking midfielders to play out wide and in the centre, and also their determination has to be at a decent level (eg;14+) as I have been behind in many games home and away yet still come away with the win or draw due to the players determination to get back into it. The best example I can give was going behind Chelsea 2-0 at half time in Stanford bridge then scoring 5 goals in the second half to win 5-2. Also at big clubs a lot of these players will have high ambitions so make sure to keep challenging them, tell them if they are not scoring goals that they will be dropped if they don't, if they are performing badly , tell them that too. My team talk during the games are usually in an assertive tone along with telling them that we expect a win. When going behind or level I always tell them that I am not happy, but when we have won the match i always tell them I am pleased as I have noticed that if i tell them we got away with a performance they do badly the next game.

Back up Tactics

I have 2 other tactics which i use during games if i need a change, one is a more attacking 4-4-2, and the other is a more defensive tactic, with the midfield packed (ie;4-2-3-1 wide) (i make a new defensive tactic after every season, superstition haha)

As stated before this tactic has won 5 PL's ,1 Champions Leagues(3 finals, one won), 3 Capital One cups,1 FA Cup, and 3 Community shields in 6 seasons.



*I can't seem to upload images on here as I dont have enough privileges and the links i use are invalid, hence the links

LINK FOR TACTIC DOWNLOAD: http://wikisend.com/download/406302/4-2-3-1%20narrow.tac

2nd link if link 1 does not work or if file does not work:http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g61c5623eaadd5c5f999562988f11e5ca4077f4d69

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Opening poster - please read this thread and then post back with the required level of detail.

The fact that you are already receiving basic questions about Fluidity and Mentality implies that the opening post is missing a fair bit of detail.


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This looks like an interesting tactic man, shame you can't upload it though. Am going to give it a go now with my Forest team, 7th season in.

thanks man, ive only tried this with manchester united so i dont know if its only good for clubs with really creative players, yeah i dont know how to upload tactics, im willing to try if someone tells me how

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thanks man, ive only tried this with manchester united so i dont know if its only good for clubs with really creative players, yeah i dont know how to upload tactics, im willing to try if someone tells me how

Get an account on fileshare / Mediashare /rapidshare or a page like that. Upload the tactic over there and post the link here. Easiest way.

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Get an account on fileshare / Mediashare /rapidshare or a page like that. Upload the tactic over there and post the link here. Easiest way.

oh ok, one of the things i cant get my head around is , how do you get your tactic into a file which someone can just download and play off haha

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