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How come I'm struggling away with Chelsea?

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Even at home I'm sometimes struggling to keep hold of the ball, create chances, etc... But away is where I'm getting battered, even against the weaker sides like Sunderland, Villa, Palace etc.


Any idea where I'm going wrong?

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Attacking starts with a high line, high tempo, and lots of width... then you've added Push Higher Up, Higher Tempo and Exploit the Flanks.

So you're playing wide/high/fast... but also passing shorter and working the ball into the box, which doesn't really fit.

The striker is also fairly isolated, with only the CM/A really looking to join him in the box.

What I would guess is happening is your team is giving the ball away either because A. They're too spread out and don't have enough passing options or B. They're sending it out wide and hitting unsuccessful crosses toward the isolated striker.

Then, once possession is squandered, you're very vulnerable to counter attacks with such a high line and the fullbacks way up the field because of Exploit the Flanks.

If you want to play fast and wide, you should go a little more direct and try to get more people in the box to cross at. If you want to play a possession game, you should lose Exploit the Flanks, try to slow things down a little, and generate more movement through your roles.

I'd recommend the stickied 12 step guide and Pairs and Combinations thread for more ideas.

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You have to be aware that "possession" (or "control of the game") is a DEFENSIVE measure. While you are keeping possession, you are not necessarily creating chances or shooting or anything like that, you are just holding onto the ball. BUT as YOU have the ball, your opponent can't score!

So seeing that you choose "attacking" as your mentality, I suppose your primary objective is to score goals first (and probably after you scored one or two, control the game). You want to hit them hard and fast. This is fine, in theory, but you can't hit hard and fast if you only have ONE player in the penalty box. Your wingers will stay wide, and your CM(a) will not arrive in time in the penalty box because you are playing a fast game going straight for the goal (short passing only means you go straight for the goal with shorter passes). So if you want to keep this style of play, you need at least in inside forward or you need to change your formation (another ST or an AMC). However be aware, that for such an intensive game you need players with high resistance, workrate, aggressivity, bravery and probably strenght too. If you don't have them, you will be outplayed by teams especially away from home, where they are not so easily intimidated by your game.

You could also take a step back, go for mentality "control", drop "hassle opponents", drop "push higher up (at least away from home)" and drop "higher tempo". You will still play rather offensive, but a tad more patient and balanced

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