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Learning about formations / OI

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I always thought my football knowledge has been quite high and so on.

Played FM for a long time and I know a lot about the game and how to deal with it.

But one thing is, only once have I created a "great" tactic.

Its a 4-3-3 I made, just won the league with everton, took Millwall to CL victory in 4 years and so on.

I guess it might have been a lucky shot. But now that I try with other forms I seem to always fail.

I have never made a good 4-2-3-1 formation. I want to do a really good 5-2-1-2 as well but I always leak goals.

So is there some kind of manual where I can get to know more instead of guessing?

An example being, I dont really know what Im doing but the shouts, retain posession and pass into space works for me.

So I want do know more about

Press conferences

Opposition instructions

Creating tactics

Anyone has any links or something to reccomend?

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Yes, this I heard a lot. Well changing it will also affect who familiar the team will be with the tactic.

Usually I have one more defensive, counter attacking and one controlling.

Playing like that will take loads of time and I dont know what too look for.

Usually u get the report which formation the opponent struggle against.

Should u really then play that formation with low familiarity instead of your usual formation with high familiarity?

also, I found transfers being one of the easiest things in FM. If I lack players I need I can always almost immideatly get the ones I need in the first window, and always in the second seasons have a very strongs squad.

But I dont know about this since there seems to be different philosophys in FM.

Some people make a very good tactic, a variation like me (one more defensive, one more attacking) keeps it

Some people always adapt to the opposition.

What do you look for in your opponents then? and how

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Well to start with having one defensive, one counter attacking & one controlling is the wrong way to play the game IMO.

My three saved tactics are based on three completely different formations, currently they are 4141, 442 & 352 (Wingbacks).

Within those three formations I change mentality, player roles, instructions as I need to from match to match. I can easily change mentality several times during one match.

Also worth noting is that I don't adapt to the opposition as such I simply choose what I think is the best saved tactic for the opposition I'm expecting to face and then make minor tweaks to areas where I think I can give my team the best chance of winning.

As an example if I'm expecting the opposition to play 4231 I wouldn't choose 442 or 352 as it leaves the opposition AMC with lots of space to work in. The better choice would be 4141 so I can man mark the AMC and try to take advantage of the space the opposition leaves down the wings.

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Ok but then you possess loads of tactical knowledge right?

And you spend loads of time on the matches?

And where did you learn all these?

I cant get the stuff with the formations and so on, but nailing menatlity, shouts and so on based on how the opposition play.

Well I would not know what I was doing

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And you spend loads of time on the matches?

Yes I do spend time on matches, I watch every match on comprehensive highlights making decisions as I go along. On FM14 this equates to around 15-20mins per match.

And where did you learn all these?

I cant get the stuff with the formations and so on, but nailing menatlity, shouts and so on based on how the opposition play.

Well I would not know what I was doing

I learned the basics from years of playing and a little coaching at at youth & sunday league level.

As FM has progressed I've learned over the years how to apply my ideas to the game, sometimes from trial & error, sometimes from reading threads in the tactics forum.

With a little time invested into reading some of the excellent threads in the tactics forum (especially from Cleon atm) you should quickly be able to build basic, solid tactics. After that its about identifying the little tweaks to do from game to game that increase your chances of winning a match.

In terms of mentality I think of it like this:

The more defensive you choose the more players will stand off the opposition and keep their shape when defending while going forwards they'll take more time and play safer passes.

The more attacking you choose the more they'll close down and pressure the opposition when they don't have the ball meaning they'll lose defensive shape and leave space behind. Going forwards they'll get the ball forward quicker and look to get shots off.

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It may not be possible to make a "wonder" tactic that wins all trophies every year without dropping any games, but I have great success in FM using one base tactic with a team 90 minutes of every match without ever changing any aspect of the tactic during the match, only changing team lineups between matches and substituting during matches. It's worked for me well in FM14 and has been doing fine in the FM15 Beta as well.

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There are certain team instructions which when changed do not affect the familiarity of the tactic. Wholesale changes like width, depth, formation and tempo will affect familiarity whereas changes like "drill crosses" or "work ball into box" do not affect familiarity. Try and work those out so you know what changes you can make that will not affect tactic familiarity.

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There are certain team instructions which when changed do not affect the familiarity of the tactic. Wholesale changes like width, depth, formation and tempo will affect familiarity whereas changes like "drill crosses" or "work ball into box" do not affect familiarity. Try and work those out so you know what changes you can make that will not affect tactic familiarity.

People get too hung up on familiarity.

A lot of changes can be made that only have a minor effect and I happily issue instructions, change mentality, change roles, change duties and make occasional changes to the actual position of a player during a match.

People shouldn't be put off from making a change just because familiarity goes down a little.

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