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Lost knowledge

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I know this is not something that is new in the latest version of FM, but why is all knowledge of player attributes from your old club lost after you resign? That just makes no sense to me. I find it fun to watch how young players I bought develop but now I first have to find another club and then scout them all over again.

In can see how you lose a little knowledge since you don't 'see' them on the field everyday anymore, but knowledge should be 100% especially if you just resigned. As time goes on knowledge should get less.

Was wondering if I'm the only one who finds this unrealistic and a little annoying.

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I posted about this twice in the feedback thread, but had no response either time.

I agree with you. I resigned as Middlesbrough boss after two seasons, and landed a job at Coventry. I immediately got a team report from Boro to see if any of my old squad would join on loan, and every single player had the old attribute ranges again. I do get that my new scouts won't know them, but I knew them all really well. You're right, it makes no sense.

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