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How to scout Worldwide?

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I'm not sure the money is a reason to remove it, there is no difference in cost between sending a scout to different regions one at a time or worldwide.

What is implausible is that a team would tell a scout - here is a blank cheque, go wherever you want and do what you want. Scouting is far more targeted than that and FM now reflects this.

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what you are able to scout is based on the board restriction and your scouting network. (unless i'm mistaken) This is not an arcade game. its a football simulator.

If you want to "world wide" scout use FM Scout or manage a bigger club

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You can set them to scout within the allowed regions, which is effectively worldwide, if you have worldwide scouting allowed by the board.

Yeah but I understand the frustration.

I want a roaming scout who'll have a remit to scout for 'youth talent' who are the next 'Messi'. So I want him around the world, from England to Brazil. Anything he sends that lands on my desk can then be read and assigned to specific scouts for 'targeting' over a course of 1-3months until I'm satisfied that they are or are not the next Messi.

As it is, you can't do that.

Suppose I'll just have to pick and choose, which, if any, regions I want to scout the talent from. Ho hum!

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When creating an assignment just leave scope set to scouting region & the assigned scout will look for players within your board permitted range, if that's unrestricted then he will be looking for players across the globe.

That doesn't work. I tried it and afterwards looked at the assignment details and it said he was in the region of South Europe.

Anyways I found out why they don't let you scout worldwide... It now cost £0.69 in the Downloads section to do it. All about the £$£$.

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When creating an assignment just leave scope set to scouting region & the assigned scout will look for players within your board permitted range, if that's unrestricted then he will be looking for players across the globe.

Yeah Alex, I think there's a bug because I did that. I then went and checked it up a few months down the line and it was restricted to 'UK and Ireland' (I'm Manchester United).

It might be something in the code that resets a blank to being where the club is?

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