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Offering a new contract.

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So, I got a job in a new squad, and there is a good stiker that scored 21 goal the season before. Is contract is expiring within 1 months, so I offer him a new one he ask a bit more, and the dirigents says no. Acctually they say I'm supposed to cut in half is wages, WTF! Was the best score the season before, obviously he wont say yes. the team is currently spending €13,600 on wages and the budget is 22,000. He was getting 4,600 , now is asking 5,000. The board says to give max 2,000. It doesn't make any sense. I have more than 8,000 left but I cannot use it. Is there something I dont understand?

PS. I took the job because the economic condition where that, I had some money to use for contract and buying, but they tell you 30,000 available and after, without explanation is, But you can't use it.

I left the job after 20 days, since half team left because I the board would not let me use the allocated budget for the wages. SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG

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