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Wages and Attributes


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In the pre-game editor I keep editing the wages of some teams so they have tonnes of wages but when I load the game the wages are a lot lower than what I put it to, and when I ask the chairman to increase the wages he won't because of financial fair play, which shouldn't be there because in the advanced rules none of the FFP rules are enabled.

This also keeps happening to attributes, on some of the players I put their attributes up to high amounts but when I load the server, they are always lower even if their Current Ability is 200/200.

If anyone knows how to fix this, I would be very happy if you left a comment and thanks in advance. (If anyone responds)

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there are other factors to bring into it re wages..increase income via sponsorship etc remove debts too etc etc

regarding player ca/pa the game has always adjust them slightly..but this year it seems to bit very buggy and has been reported some changes are not showing at all !!

the option you have is to use an in game editor to resolve this the non SI one is very good, cant comment on SI one I havent used it

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