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[FM15] Arab Money [WIP]

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Right guys,

I had quite a lot of success with my last mission to do the Arab takeover with wealthy Gulf Clubs free from FFP free spending and becoming a force in the game. The only problem with the last version was that it wasn't realistic enough, all the clubs became hideously wealthy really quickly and it rapidly became a crapshoot. I've simulated various versions of this incarnation to make it more realistic. This is a work in progress, and thus far I have only worked on Qatar to get it perfect. I am going to add the UAE and Kuwait. All of the clubs reps are same as average top division teams in Europe. There will be a gradual buildup but by 2026 they have some of the top players in the world and dominate financially.

The main changes are this:

  • The clubs have no transfer windows
  • They have sugar daddy backing
  • The reputations of the league is set in stone so that it will not change
  • They obviously do not pay tax or dividends
  • To make it more of a challenge, the league season has been doubled in length so you will need a big squad to cope
  • The Gulf Cooperation Champions League replaces the AFC and the remuneration is generous

This is a work in progress and I need your feedback! I want to make this as good as possible. Move the files to editor data and off you go.



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