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Why do Players Keep Missing So Many One On Ones

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Can anybody tell me if there is some sort of shooting bug in FM15 as game after game I dominate possession, create so many chances but score so few goals(in fact I struggle to even hit the the target) and as the opposition seem to need fewer chances to score the amount of one goal defeats increase. I wouldn't mind if the lack of goals were down to superman like performances from the goalkeepers but it is not and it is in fact more and more common to have between 15 and 30 efforts at goal, get less than a third of those on target and only score once or maybe twice, usually through a rebound. This is made even more annoying because of the fact the defences are so flimsy and the tracking and marking of opposition players and their runs is practically non existent it is inevitable they will create chances of their own and as the opposition AI need fewer chances they will score at least once.

I also find it difficult to judge the flow of the game as the selection of highlights is so poor. It can, at times, resemble a game of ping pong as all you get to see is corner after corner and free kick after free kick and rarely any of the actual build up. Quite of often you'll see it flash up that your striker was caught offside then the very next highlight you are shown is an opposition corner or free kick at the opposite end of the field.

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The way I understand it is that in order to keep scores within a reasonable rate, the finishing / ability to score is toned down a bit. That's just what I've read on here, but I don't remember who said it. I'm 95% sure it was a moderator though.

I think it's silly. If defenses are poor and lots of chances are created, then the ability to create chances is the problem. Not the goal scoring. So therefore, instead of toning down the ability to actually finish, they should (and I mean SI) improve defending.

But I don't know, I could be wrong!

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The way I understand it is that in order to keep scores within a reasonable rate, the finishing / ability to score is toned down a bit. That's just what I've read on here, but I don't remember who said it. I'm 95% sure it was a moderator though.

I think it's silly. If defenses are poor and lots of chances are created, then the ability to create chances is the problem. Not the goal scoring. So therefore, instead of toning down the ability to actually finish, they should (and I mean SI) improve defending.

But I don't know, I could be wrong!

A few years ago, I read that the conversion rate for one-on-ones averages somewhere around 1 in 3. It depends on the player too, of course (at one point, Messi scored with roughly every third shot on target and Torres had a great knack of rounding the keeper), but the one-on-one conversion rate does seem a bit low in FM15. The point is that 1 in 3 isn't particularly high either.

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What bababooey states is not correct!

However, finishing is being worked on to try to improve shot placement so more good chances at least test the keeper, rather than flying high, wide or not very handsome. Any additional goals from this are likely to be offset by a tweak to overly efficient long shots.

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What's the status of direct freekicks in the game? I've got Gylfi Sigurdsson placing one or two on target per season, after having sometimes half a dozen attempts per game.

Overall conversion rate is 3%, which is in life with real life. What SI are looking at is ensuring that there is the right balance between who is scoring them, and who isn't.

There is also a need to work the keeper more, as loads of them just fizz wildly over.

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Overall conversion rate is 3%, which is in life with real life. What SI are looking at is ensuring that there is the right balance between who is scoring them, and who isn't.

There is also a need to work the keeper more, as loads of them just fizz wildly over.

Yeah that's my main complaint. It's just shot after shot blazed over the bar.

That and watching my 6th choice taker rifle one in the top corner during pre-season.

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What bababooey states is not correct!

However, finishing is being worked on to try to improve shot placement so more good chances at least test the keeper, rather than flying high, wide or not very handsome. Any additional goals from this are likely to be offset by a tweak to overly efficient long shots.

My mistake!

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The problem is that you are more likely to hit the corner flag than score from a one on one. The amount of open goals missed is beyond belief, the only saving grace is that the misses, ridiculous that they are, occur on both sides even if the opposition seem to need significantly fewer chances to produce a goal. That said if you are creating five or six one v ones a game you would the keeper to be tested at least once but the fact is that in FM15 you are more likely to score from range or from a rebound than you are from a one on one and that is just crazy. I have actually seen more goals scored from the halfway line than from inside the six yard box. It is very annoying as I have the team set on defensive and structured with instructions to retain possession,play out of defence, work the ball into the box, pass it short with ultra slow tempo and as a result I am controlling most games only to lose due my strikers failure to convert simple one ones and my defenders inability to track opposition runs through the middle of defence

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I've not noticed this to be honest. Last season in my Liverpool save Balotelli scored 36 goals, at least 20 of which came from inside the 6 yard box. He could have scored 50+ if he had converted every clear cut chance, but where is the realism in that?

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I've not noticed this to be honest. Last season in my Liverpool save Balotelli scored 36 goals, at least 20 of which came from inside the 6 yard box. He could have scored 50+ if he had converted every clear cut chance, but where is the realism in that?
My problem is not with the shots that are saved or hit the woodwork but with the amount of shots that go flying wildly over the bar, the amount of shots that end up closer to the corner flag and I don't just mean from inside the six yard box, I mean any kind of one on one where a striker is played through and is running at the keeper and not crosses into the box.

The shots to saves ratio is very poor in my opinion even more so when you consider the amount of goals lost due to the unrealistic way in which defenders pick up opposition strikers. For example if I play a back 4 against 2 strikers more often than not both central defenders will get drawn to one striker leaving the other completely free or one defender will enter a challenge with one striker who wins the battle and plays it through to the other striker who runs through and scores with the covering defender stood still. To stand a chance of winning in FM15 you have to score more than once as clean sheets are a rarity due to basic fundamental problems with the defending mechanics. You should be able to pick up one striker making a run straight through the middle of your defence without resort to playing with 3 centre backs.

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Think the issue is the distribution of shots. People create a good tactic that results in say 10 one on ones, convert none, get quite rage-quitty about it. And I understand why. If those one on ones didn't happen so much it would be a lot better.

That said, the 3% statistic doesn't impress me, I'd like to see the statistics for one on one's dead centre and the conversion rate for open goal shots. I think the stats would be a lot higher on both counts as I'm pretty sure the statisticians are counting side approach / impossible angle chances as 'one on ones' which, doesn't quite reflect the situation appropriately. In my opinion anyway.

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Think the issue is the distribution of shots. People create a good tactic that results in say 10 one on ones, convert none, get quite rage-quitty about it. And I understand why. If those one on ones didn't happen so much it would be a lot better.

That said, the 3% statistic doesn't impress me, I'd like to see the statistics for one on one's dead centre and the conversion rate for open goal shots. I think the stats would be a lot higher on both counts as I'm pretty sure the statisticians are counting side approach / impossible angle chances as 'one on ones' which, doesn't quite reflect the situation appropriately. In my opinion anyway.

The 3% refers to direct free kick conversion rates. The quoted figure for one on ones was 1 in 3 or 33%

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The 3% refers to direct free kick conversion rates. The quoted figure for one on ones was 1 in 3 or 33%

I'd like to see the source and analysis of conversion rates, I couldn't find much on google about it, though I did find an interesting one about types of goals scored (not necessarily conversion rates obviously.) Was interesting to see crosses was almost 50% of goals. NB: This was for Euro 2012; http://thesportjournal.org/article/analysis-of-goal-scoring-patterns-in-the-2012-european-football-championship/

The SportScout performance analysis tool was used to time code when goal scored and the associated behaviors relating to goal scoring. Results: It was presented that 57.9 % of the goals were scored in the second half and most of them in the last 15-min period, while the first goal seems to play an important role in the final result of the match. Most goals were scored during open play (72.4%) but 27.6% scored after a set play, mainly following corner kick and free kick. Concerning initiation zone of the attack, it was presented that 56.6% began from the attacking half. Most goals were scored after a cross (43.7%) while regarding goal scoring area, over 90% of goals were scored inside the penalty area and specifically from the area between penalty spot and goal zone (42.1%). Finally, almost ½ of goals were scored without any pressure from defenders.

Concerning the set play’s effectiveness, the data collected in present study are similar to those found by other authors and allow us to assert that corner kick (47.6%) and free kick (33.3%) are the plays that are performed on set pieces which result in the highest number of goals. Thus, free kicks and corner kicks have been shown to be the greatest source of goals, producing 46% and 13% of goals respectively at the 1994 World Cup (46) and 50% and 47.6% at the 1998 competition (15) and 33.3% and 26.7% at the 2006 competition (5).

The bottom bit interests me in terms of total goals scored, I know it's for the whole competition but I think goals from set pieces for me is roughly 90% corners 10% freekicks. O_O Not a point made in good standing though.

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I'd like to see the source and analysis of conversion rates, I couldn't find much on google about it, though I did find an interesting one about types of goals scored (not necessarily conversion rates obviously.) Was interesting to see crosses was almost 50% of goals. NB: This was for Euro 2012; http://thesportjournal.org/article/analysis-of-goal-scoring-patterns-in-the-2012-european-football-championship/

The SportScout performance analysis tool was used to time code when goal scored and the associated behaviors relating to goal scoring. Results: It was presented that 57.9 % of the goals were scored in the second half and most of them in the last 15-min period, while the first goal seems to play an important role in the final result of the match. Most goals were scored during open play (72.4%) but 27.6% scored after a set play, mainly following corner kick and free kick. Concerning initiation zone of the attack, it was presented that 56.6% began from the attacking half. Most goals were scored after a cross (43.7%) while regarding goal scoring area, over 90% of goals were scored inside the penalty area and specifically from the area between penalty spot and goal zone (42.1%). Finally, almost ½ of goals were scored without any pressure from defenders.

Concerning the set play’s effectiveness, the data collected in present study are similar to those found by other authors and allow us to assert that corner kick (47.6%) and free kick (33.3%) are the plays that are performed on set pieces which result in the highest number of goals. Thus, free kicks and corner kicks have been shown to be the greatest source of goals, producing 46% and 13% of goals respectively at the 1994 World Cup (46) and 50% and 47.6% at the 1998 competition (15) and 33.3% and 26.7% at the 2006 competition (5).

The bottom bit interests me in terms of total goals scored, I know it's for the whole competition but I think goals from set pieces for me is roughly 90% corners 10% freekicks. O_O Not a point made in good standing though.

it's all very well quoting real life statistics but the majority of misses, certainly the ones I've experienced, are glitchy and unrealistic. I mean how times do you see(in a real life game of football) somebody run through on goal, have a shot and the ball goes out for a throw in without being under pressure or the ball hitting anybody else. This happens at least once a game in FM15 and is just one example of the many problems faced in FM15 when it come to one on one chances
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it's all very well quoting real life statistics but the majority of misses, certainly the ones I've experienced, are glitchy and unrealistic. I mean how times do you see(in a real life game of football) somebody run through on goal, have a shot and the ball goes out for a throw in without being under pressure or the ball hitting anybody else. This happens at least once a game in FM15 and is just one example of the many problems faced in FM15 when it come to one on one chances

If you believe its a glitch and unrealistic then why haven't you submitted a bug report? It's pointless posting in here if you are using words like glitch and unrealistic. So I'm going to direct you to the bugs forum where you can provide evidence so SI can look at it then, as you claim its a glitch. Then if if turns out it is a glitch, then the correct people can look at it. It shouldn't be hard for you to provide evidence as it happens a lot to you unfortunately and you have other issues frequent as well.


read this before posting though


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it's all very well quoting real life statistics but the majority of misses, certainly the ones I've experienced, are glitchy and unrealistic. I mean how times do you see(in a real life game of football) somebody run through on goal, have a shot and the ball goes out for a throw in without being under pressure or the ball hitting anybody else. This happens at least once a game in FM15 and is just one example of the many problems faced in FM15 when it come to one on one chances

Oh, I don't disagree with you in full, I think the perception of chances has always been a common issue. Like on the feedback thread, apparently the amount of goals from crosses is too high according to the player base, but according to some of the statisticians it's actual in line with real life based on cross success (under 10%) yet total goals from crosses is supposed to be around 40%.

I posted that little blurb as I'm quite interested in seeing what statistics SI uses for its model, or what statistics those who use them think are 'correct'. Because depending on the type used, there can be very different results. For example the shots on target = goal conversion rate is apparently quite a poor method of judging the statistics, but is one I see used sometimes to justify chances missed. As far as I'm aware SI soak test the game to ensure the statistics are in line with IRL over the course of a season, which isn't strictly an issue on its own but is when it comes to seeing what you're seeing.

That make sense?

Because if we accept that as the basic premise it means that the game isn't 'glitchy' but based on a flawed representative model. That said, I already noted I'm no expert on it so what I think could be miles wrong! :)

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If you believe its a glitch and unrealistic then why haven't you submitted a bug report? It's pointless posting in here if you are using words like glitch and unrealistic. So I'm going to direct you to the bugs forum where you can provide evidence so SI can look at it then, as you claim its a glitch. Then if if turns out it is a glitch, then the correct people can look at it. It shouldn't be hard for you to provide evidence as it happens a lot to you unfortunately and you have other issues frequent as well.


read this before posting though


Maybe the reason for not submitting a report is because I am not a SI employee and shouldn't have to do their work for them and also I lack the time and the technical knowledge and expertise required to submit a bug report. Regardless of whether or not there is a bug here my point was that is very little point using real life examples when the match engine plays nothing like a real life game of football(you only have to look at the amount of people using the same tactic to realise that). Furthermore if you'd taken the time to read more of my posts in this thread you would see that I have actually raised several tactical issues as well, perhaps you, as a self proclaimed tactics guru, can convince me that these issues are down to bad tactics and not happening because of other factors after all that is the reason i started this thread, to get feedback and advice about how best to proceed.
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Think the issue is the distribution of shots. People create a good tactic that results in say 10 one on ones, convert none, get quite rage-quitty about it. And I understand why. If those one on ones didn't happen so much it would be a lot better.

That said, the 3% statistic doesn't impress me, I'd like to see the statistics for one on one's dead centre and the conversion rate for open goal shots. I think the stats would be a lot higher on both counts as I'm pretty sure the statisticians are counting side approach / impossible angle chances as 'one on ones' which, doesn't quite reflect the situation appropriately. In my opinion anyway.

It really is about the pplayer on the endball someone who has high finishing and composure will score it but somone who is fast but low composure or finishing may have a hard time without the right ppm like around the keeper or place shots

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Maybe the reason for not submitting a report is because I am not a SI employee and shouldn't have to do their work for them and also I lack the time and the technical knowledge and expertise required to submit a bug report. Regardless of whether or not there is a bug here my point was that is very little point using real life examples when the match engine plays nothing like a real life game of football(you only have to look at the amount of people using the same tactic to realise that). Furthermore if you'd taken the time to read more of my posts in this thread you would see that I have actually raised several tactical issues as well, perhaps you, as a self proclaimed tactics guru, can convince me that these issues are down to bad tactics and not happening because of other factors after all that is the reason i started this thread, to get feedback and advice about how best to proceed.

I'm not a self proclaimed anything.

You said its a glitch, its not my place to convince you anything. If you think something is a bug or glitch then you should raise it as a bug in the bugs section. I did read your posts and checked every single post you've done and you've done 1 tactical bug report before not several like you claim.

I'm closing the thread anyway, I've directed you to what you should do if you think something is a bug or not. If you don't submit a report that's up to you.

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