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4-2-2-2 - Modern take on Brazil's classic Formation

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Hello all,

I have been playing this formation now for quite some time now and tweaked to the point where I am very happy with it and thought I'd share it with you all.

I have posted it in the steam workshop, but can be difficult to find with so many in there.


This formation was mainly designed from my on personal dislike of playing wingers in FM and my wish to play 2 forwards, but from a team stand point, many squads either have very few or lack of quality wingers so this should be ideal for them.

Due to many teams not naturally used to this type of formation, it will take time for the team to become fluid in all aspects but once they do you will notice you controlling many games. This was the aim. To be in possession of the football as much as possible but still playing at a high tempo. Against weaker opponents, you will have games of 60-65% possession.

No formation is full proof and I will admit, due to the high pressing, attacking system, you will get some games where you might throw away leads but FM would be boring anyway if everything was perfect :D Very much like the Liverpool team of last season you will blow some teams away but you might want a spare tweaked PLAN B if things not quite rolling for you. Are you listening Brendon?.... sorry couldn't resist.

Goals should come from all places when this is in full flow. An example, after 47 games so far this season:-

AF - 29

CF -28

T - 19

AM - 10

RPM -10

Rest single figures.

Lineup(from right to left)


GK - Defend - Pass Shorter, Distribute to Centrebacks (if they are being marked he will pass to fullbacks anyway).

WB -Support - Close Down less, Tackle Harder

CD - Stopper

CD- Cover

WB - Attack - Close Down Less, Tackle Harder

Central Midfield:

RPM - Support (When playing a top team and I mean your Bayern, Real, Barce, Chelsea etc, change this player to CM - Defend)

BWM - Defend - Shoot less Often, Mark Tighter, Pass it shorter

Attacking Midfield:

T - Attack - Run wide with Ball

AM - Support


CF - Support

AF - Attack

Mentality - Attacking

Shape - Fluid

Team Instructions - Retain, Shorter Passing, Work Ball Into Box, Low Crosses, Push Higher Up, Higher Temp, Be More Expressive

Have fun everyone. Maybe this helps someone and if anyone makes it even better, great let us know.

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Gave this a try last night and it looks very good - I made one change to the roles though - changed the bwmd to a dlpd with closes down more and tackle harder. The football its producing with the new me is awesome!

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I would try this tactic, but cant get the workshop to play ball.

I have subscribed to the tactic, but when I go to import it is not there.

I subed to a few others to test and none of them show up either.

You don't need to download anything, OP has all the instructions you need to make the tactic.
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I love the brazilian 4-2-2-2 and new patch seems to like central play much better! I also share the dislike for wingers and the devotion for Evandro Roncatto so will give this a go :)

See only older fans would get the Roncatto REF :D

Yes since update its playing even better. BTW Workshop can be frustrating. I found the only way for it to work is to load FM2015, subscribe from there, exit the game, reload and now it should be there. Annoying I know.

The only reason I would leave the BWM role in there is due to the pressing game. IMHO you need one of these for it to work. What you can do is make the BWM support, change the RPM to DLP and make him Defend. I'm sure you will have similar results.

Oh btw whatever changes you make, make sure the more defensive midfielder is on the same side as the Left back or you will get nailed.

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good attacking tactic, build up from centre is excellent and actually resulted in several killer balls/ 1 on 1 chances for the striker - something I was missing since FM12!

the two man midfield - with any role/duty setup - can be somewhat fragile against more attacking teams as it seems to me the ME like 1-DM formations much better when it comes to defensive balance which btw is something I dislike and don't agree with.

all in all tactic looks very promising esp after last update, if you can find a way to give more stability to defence and midfield this would be perfect! always Roncatto :)

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I found that in the second half the other team will often have a go and then the tactic becomes very leaky. To counter this I had a second copy of the tactic but with control mentality and less attacking TI's (can't remember what they were - at work at the moment) and this seemed to overcome this problem. This is a naturally leaky tactic but generally I found was outstanding on attack with the midfield passing sublime at times. I only used the second tactic when leading by at least two goals and only in the second half against lesser opposition.

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All the instructions are in the OP just copy them mate. Anyway ive just played 2 games with this tactic 1 against rotherham in the cup which i comfortably won 3-0 then ive just played arsenal in the league and won 2-0 loving the way they play the ball about its just what ive been looking for. Which site do you use to upload your screenshots

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Love this tactic currently smashing every1 i play just now,the switching of the RPM to CM/D in games against bigger sides/tough away games is a genius stroke.

Will keep going & post my results when season is over but im confident this is the one,for me anyway,top stuff Ron!!!

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