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How does the AI make his inside forwards track back?

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I've been trying to play inside forwards in this game but they don't ever track back and leave us heavily outnumbered in dangerous areas on the side of the pitch. So I decided to employ man-marking to solve this problem. But it also seems to destroy the shape going forwards.

Yet when I occasionally watch a full match, I notice the AI's Inside Forward sprint back and double up on my wingers with their fullbacks and play like a real strike when they have the ball but at the same time they don't seem to be man-marking anybody. They recognize dangerous spaces and cover them.

How does the AI do this? Are they not setup as inside forwards? I checked the instructions and mostly any player on that upper hand corner of the pitch just doesn't have any instructions to enable him to defend, unless told to man-mark.

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I get my IF's to do a decent defending job by having them on support duty. Much better than in previous FM's. But if you expect them to follow opp. players all the way down all the time, you expect too much. They would have to take over the full backs jobs then. If you really want them to defend that deep, you have to get them to man mark the opp. wide men. But I don't do this, and I see no difference in the defensive behaviour of my IF's or wingers on support duty, and those of the AI's.

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Close down more, mark tightly, overall look to sit slightly deeper and use inside forwards with high acceleration and pace (stamina also a must unless you plan on subbing them regularly at the tail end of matches) - this way you can still use IF(A)s and they will still take part defensively under most conditions, although still not as much as with a support duty.

Which is how it should be - on attack, they will be too high up the pitch to get back and defend sometimes, and would exhaust themselves if they tried if they don't have very high stamina... although if they have really good work rate and teamwork and concentration and decisions as well as the right mix of hidden attributes, they'll still try.

You could also set them to man mark the opposing full backs, but this is a bit risky as if the opposing full backs get forward a lot, you'll have no width in transition to the attacking phase. So only useful if you don't play on the counter-attack.

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