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Barcelona finances

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Not sure if this is a bug or not but I am losing 8 million pounds per month with Barcelona, 3 months into the season.

Surely this is wrong. The only thing I can think of is I have too many players in the b team.

On another save I went through 1 season and I had to take a loan out because finances were so bad , this was near end of season plus my transfer budget was cut to 10%. Plus training facilities were cancelled due to bad finances. All in first season.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I would assume they get massive amounts of money from TV-deals and sponsorship during the summer...?

I posted about the percentage made available from transfer revenue-drop in the bugs forum, but Stu didn't seem to agree with me. Basically going into the negative (despite having a massive windfall of cash around the corner) will cause this to drop very low, and it won't be changed in a short time even if the financial situation of the club changes. With me at Sassuolo at the start of the 2nd season, I had £45m in the bank and a projected balance of over £70m, but the percentage was locked at 5% until the last day of the summer transfer window.

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I have a strong suspicion as to why, especially as I reported it on FM14.

In the database, Barcelona have an average attendance of 72,000 but 86,353 season ticket holders. The database price of a season ticket is for just 7 games. This means that most games you will get near no gate receipts.

This is clearly not the real life situation, as in FM a season ticket means free entry to all league games. IRL, the 86,353 season ticket holders get different amounts of free games, hence the average price of just 7 games.

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Barcelona does lose a lot of money. Spanish clubs have traditionally lived way beyond their means and have gotten interest free loans from Spanish banks or the Spanish government themselves and these loans were then later forgiven.

Things have changed in recent years but as recently as 2010 Barcelona lost almost 80 million Euros.

UEFA Fair Play was formed to try and combat this and rich owners giving 'gifts' to their teams. But the rich teams have already found loopholes.

Barcelona has reported profits in the last few seasons, but football club accounting reports are notoriously unreliable since there is no oversight and if the club is not publicly owned then the financial records do not have to be released in whole.

There is also no association that makes clubs report their finances in any one style. Thus, clubs can and do use some very creative accounting tricks to report their finances however they please.

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I think a lot of the big clubs "lose" money most of the year because of the fact that sponsorship is paid in one huge chunk, and the other largest income (other than TV revenue, which is paid over the course of the season) is usually season tickets, also mostly gained in one portion of the year (the start of the football year). As a result, they "lose" money per month, but profit or only have a small actual loss per year.

...in Football Manager, that is, not talking real life here. :D

For example in my save, last season, United earned over a hundred million from sponsorship. That was the single largest income by quite a ways, dwarfing even TV revenue.

Second season, sponsorship income has pretty much doubled and TV revenue will also be much higher over the season, but still making a bigger loss per month because outlays have increased in line with income (higher wages etc).

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Second season, sponsorship income has pretty much doubled and TV revenue will also be much higher over the season, but still making a bigger loss per month because outlays have increased in line with income (higher wages etc).

Yeh, thank God they haven't built in rl inflation as well :D

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Yeh, thank God they haven't built in rl inflation as well :D

Haha. Even trying to calculate that would be a nightmare! They'd have to do tax changes to match it, too...

Though in a sense you do have to deal with inflation. Just getting into the CL, for example, is more expensive even though your income increases - players expect higher wages if they're competing in the continent's elite tournament, and you also need a bigger squad... but transfer income tends to actually decline because any player you sell is one you don't want, and everyone bloody knows it.

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I'm in Brazil and haven't got out of division 3 yet but the same will apply when I get rolling.

One thing you can do is extend any good players you have as long as possible before you start doing well, sometimes if you just add £25 quid they didn't ask for they'll accept an added year.

I actually got a very good 20 yr old to extend 4 years at a pittance, will just have to tell his agent to sod off when the kid plays well and he demands a rise on his behalf :D

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