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Board Flaw...

Common issue?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Common issue?

    • Yep! Fix it please!
    • No, not been in this position to witness it.
    • Nope.
    • I've heard about it, it's a flaw.

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Morning Chaps,

First FM for a few years. Picked Barrow. Expectation's playoff's.

Unbeaten in 11 league games. Having only lost 3 games so far in total and still in the cups! Due to this, I ended up with 3 games in hand.

Sitting nicely in 8th place + 3 games in hand, I could easily go top of the league with points to spare!

However, the board questioned me about my job. The fact I was "under achieving" due to being sat in 8th position. Morale was Superb before this point. During the next week, more than half the team declared they weren't happy and would force a leave at the end of the season.

This obviously had a knock on effect, Morale dropped. More players came forward with their displeasure. Regardless of the 3 games in hand.

It seems that this is a massive flaw within the board. They SHOULD be taking more into account when reviewing your position. Had I have been 8th place, with even games... I'd have been fine with this. But, 8th place with the possibility of going top?? This makes absolutely no sense what so ever!

Low morale, then made the team lose their next few games. Uninterested players with abysmal morale simply don't perform. All because of this flaw...

Very frustrating! Anyone else encountered this? This certainly needs patching/fixing!

:edit: p.s:

Only just got past Christmas.

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Encountered it for years.

Best to tell players that you will turn things around.

Oh really? And they've not done anything about it? :-(

Aye, I've done this. But, still frustrating having to deal with it. It seems like such an easy fix though? I mean.. even if they gave you a point for each game in hand. Or worked out the average and adding this on... It would go a long way to solving the problem.

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If it's such a huge flaw, report it in the bugs forum. Doesn't matter whether anyone else has seen it or not, only SI's opinion on it matters, and nothing will get done about it on here.

The poll is asking if other people have had/witnessed this. If I'm the only one.. then it may be something else I've overlooked (don't think so, but double checking). So technically, wouldn't be a bug. I'm just gathering feedback first. More voices are better than 1 reporting a bug which might not be a bug :-)

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The poll is asking if other people have had/witnessed this. If I'm the only one.. then it may be something else I've overlooked (don't think so, but double checking). So technically, wouldn't be a bug. I'm just gathering feedback first. More voices are better than 1 reporting a bug which might not be a bug :-)

I get why you've done it, but if 1000 people said they had experienced it in this thread but no-one uploaded anything, then it may as well be zero. The best first step is to upload what you have, then SI can do something about it. They could turn around and say it isn't a bug - they'd know best - which would be great. But like I say, nothing much will get done about it if it's just talked about here.

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I guess the aim here is to determine what the general feeling is towards this being the normal thing to happen.

Do people feel it's a bug or do people feel it's justified? Is the reaction of the players too severe? Or should you be able to explain to board and players that you've got games in hand and to push on with winning those.

It's certainly very unfair after 8 games and 3 games in hand you're 6th in the league and winning your games in hand pushes you to the top of the league.

The Board/Players should recognise this and hold back judgement until then.

However, if you're in 6th place, 3 games in hand and even winning those there's no chance of catching anyone then the board should be on you and the players etc.

I really don't get why the players get to question the manager anyway? Surely only the captains do this on behalf of the players.

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It's a bug, so please raise it here ideally with a save game - http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/454-Confidence


I ask that you all please allow the uploading of attachments in the bugs section. I don't have webspace to upload game files and I don't feel like installing the FTP deal that another moderator suggested. Especially when the simple solution is to allow attachments in the bugs section. Then, if the issue is wasting resources, delete each attachment after you all review it.

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I ask that you all please allow the uploading of attachments in the bugs section. I don't have webspace to upload game files and I don't feel like installing the FTP deal that another moderator suggested. Especially when the simple solution is to allow attachments in the bugs section. Then, if the issue is wasting resources, delete each attachment after you all review it.

Uploading via the forum would be slower and will likely time-out before the upload is completed, that's why people use FTP software. Save game files are big files and I don't really know of any forum software that can handle large files being uploaded to it, it's not what the software is primarily designed for.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'webspace', if you mean bandwidth then its makes no difference if you uploaded via the forum or an FTP, it'll use the same amount of bandwidth.

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Uploading via the forum would be slower and will likely time-out before the upload is completed, that's why people use FTP software. Save game files are big files and I don't really know of any forum software that can handle large files being uploaded to it, it's not what the software is primarily designed for.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'webspace', if you mean bandwidth then its makes no difference if you uploaded via the forum or an FTP, it'll use the same amount of bandwidth.

Of course. You are right. I was thinking about pkm files which are only a fraction of the size of a save game. It would be nice to at least allow those to be uploaded. 50kb for a pkm file is nothing.

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I ask that you all please allow the uploading of attachments in the bugs section. I don't have webspace to upload game files and I don't feel like installing the FTP deal that another moderator suggested. Especially when the simple solution is to allow attachments in the bugs section. Then, if the issue is wasting resources, delete each attachment after you all review it.

To be fair, that's not going to be solely down to SI, more the forum software. They've talked about changing it a few times, but it's probably a bigger job than they'd want to take on for something that's a "nice-to-have". The way they have it now works fine for everyone else.

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I ask that you all please allow the uploading of attachments in the bugs section. I don't have webspace to upload game files and I don't feel like installing the FTP deal that another moderator suggested. Especially when the simple solution is to allow attachments in the bugs section. Then, if the issue is wasting resources, delete each attachment after you all review it.

You don't install anything with FTP - FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.

To access the FTP just follow the simple instructions.

There are FTP clients you can install - but you don't need them - you can load the FTP into your My Computer area - it's just a folder on a server that you are given access to.

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It is completely up to the speed of your internet connection how long it takes. If you've got fast broadband then it takes less time. If your internet connection is slow then it takes longer.

There are 2 variants to your internet speed, upload speed and download speed, and they vary by internet provider and what plan you're on.

You can determine your internet speed by using an online service such as http://www.speedtest.net/

It will tell you your download and upload speeds.

For a 242mb file it would take me 3.2 seconds to upload as my upload speed is 74mbps.

Of course that's just on the math of it - it's also down to the end user and how fast they can download. So there can be some bottlenecking as it goes through servers with different speeds.

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Seriously uploading game files doesn't even take long, my 242MB game save took less than two minutes to log in and upload successfully.

Yes well, I live in the country and am stuck with crappy WDSL. Downloading a file that big takes about 45 minutes. Uploading a file that big would probably take 3 or 4 hours.

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