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Covering the Raumdeuter

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I've been developing a new tactic using the Raumdeuter role and really pleased with it in the attacking phase, however it leaves us very exposed on the left flank and we concede a shed load of goals from crosses on that side (RMD is in the AML position). Just wondering how other people had managed to counter this and provide a bit more cover on that side. I tried setting him to man mark the opposition full back so he would track back and it seemed to work for a couple of games but now the goals are starting to flow again.

Currently lining up like this:

GK: Sweeper Keeper (Support) [Distribute to Full Backs]

DR: Wing Back (Support)

CB: Central Defender (Defend)

CB: Central Defender (Defend)

DL: Wing Back (Support)

MCR: Deep Lying Playmaker (Defend)

MC: Central Midfielder (Attack) [Roam from Position]

MCL: Central Midfielder (Defend)

AMR: Winger (Support)

AML: Raumdeuter (Attack)

ST: F9 (Support) [Roam from Position]

TI: Shorter Passes, Play Out of Defence, Hit Early Crosses, Push Higher Up, Close Down More, Use Offside Trap

Attacking, Structured

Any additional points would be very welcome as well :D

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The problem might actually not be your roamingdaughter - it might be that CM(A) with roaming on. Depending on his attributes, he may be roaming from position when it's not actually appropriate to do so, which could cause your MCL to tuck in more narrow to cover for him. That would leave more space on the left wing and let your opponent double up on your WBL, who is likely pushed higher up the pitch than a FB would be and thus more exposed to overlapping runs anyway.

But it depends on attributes quite heavily. I have a similarish system (albeit a bit deeper defensively and a more defensive mentality albeit with an attacking approach) and both of my CMs are roamers without the same issue. However, they're also good positionally with high decisions and concentration.

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I'd actually go aggressive behind him not defensive, why split in two? WBa or CWB behind him and if using a DM a BWM in CM

Something like this:






The idea being why wait for the AI to get into those spaces left by the Roamdueter, go and aggressively fill them. I'd actually pull that winger back to the CM stratta as well, but that's just balancing that side.

Edit: this is complete theory, I haven't tested it.

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Thanks guys, I'll have a tinker...another issue I'm having is the striker isn't really scoring any goals. I'm never really sure how to set up a lone striker so there are no reasons he is a F9, I just ran with it.

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Thanks guys, I'll have a tinker...another issue I'm having is the striker isn't really scoring any goals. I'm never really sure how to set up a lone striker so there are no reasons he is a F9, I just ran with it.

You haven't set up to allow him to score in my opinion. Hitting early crosses, the F9 won't have time to be in the box because you are executing your attacks early in the build up when he will be dropped deep. A winger on support will look to beat his man and cross, he won't go for the byline and certainly won't on early crosses shout. That leaves the RD and CMa as your real attacking threat. Hope they're pacey!

Your right side is horribly static; two support roles on the wings and the CM on the right is DLPd, not much movement for the AI to worry about here. I could nearly say the same about the left side actually, the RD is not a penetrative runner role either, and that is something you need to think about.

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Mine's right footed (although just looked and has fairly strong left foot as well) - Remy Cabella. It looks like I'll have to rethink this tactic again, every match we play we just get worse and worse. Fist game of the season we put in an amazing performance and smashed Sunderland 4-0 at home, my players were pinging first time 50 yard passes to the feet of their target, now we can't even make 5 yard passes.

The idea behind having the two central players on defend was to hold and allow all the attacking players to rush forward (originally I did have the RB on attack but reduced it once stuff started to go downhill). I've found having players in the DM strata totally useless on this version, might as well play with 10 men which is why they are pushed up.

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I'm unbeaten in 7 with this set up and get goals out of all the front four, mainly the RMD A and CF A. With your RMD he needs space to work in IMO and if your F9 is dropping deep they will use each other's space possibly. CF A is the best I can see in my set up. A supporting role seems too deep and an AF seems too far forward so maybe try the CF A.

The other thing I noticed from your original post is that you are attacking yet with short passes and using a playmaker. That all suggests possibly that with short passing and also passing to an elected PM means your attacks may break down as it's easy for the opposition to get back. Maybe lose the short passing but add work into box or something like that.

------------------CF A------------------

W S--------------AM S-------------RMD A

--------------AM D----BWM S---------

WB A------CD D--------CD D------WB S

-------------------GK D----------------

mentality - various

shape - fluid

Starting TI's - Close Down More - Prevent Short GK Dist

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