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Much Need Live-Match Interactions

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I am rather enjoying the game so far. It is so addictive to play. Even when I'm not playing, I am

Thinking up tactics and ways to approach the interactions in the game. Which brings me to my point.

It It had been a while since I played FM. There have been a lot of changes and new options to interact but a few key

ways managers irl actually interact are still missing from the game.

I noticed now you have the option to 'shout' advice or general comments at your players. I don't what on version this was

Implemented nor what effect it may have but it's very welcomed. It adds realism. Managers though should also have to option to criticise or applaud the refereeing DURING THE MATCH. F.ex When for some unexplicable reason you have a perfectly legal goal anulled, all the while the replay clearly shows your player was onside. Post match you may be asked to make comment on some random play that you never even saw, or a call that appeared correct. We as managers can take different approaches as irl managers do, and acquire much of their reputation. During TV matches the manager's reactions are always highlighted.

I know there's already a form to criticise referee calls but what I'm saying is it's slightly broken and needs expanding.

The other option, and this I beleive this is almost criminally lacking is the live interaction with your fellow manager.

As it is now, you nearly have no way to communicate with other managers. What I find is missing is the greeting before the match. Wish good luck and or make some kind of snide comment. After the match there's the usual hand-shake with some parting words. "we/you were un/lucky", "I/you was tactically outclassed". Or just, "thanks for the friendly".

This sort of interaction is what would be the primary way to build a relationship (or destroy one)

Imagine if on the next press conference they made a point to ask why I DID NOT shake the hand of my fellow manager?!

The really good thing about this live-match interactions is that you might if so inclined, be two-faced and contradict your own actions during the post-match interviews. Praise the linesmen, and say what great friends you and your opposing manager really are. Pretty much like you do now, but since the comments you made to them, during the match..would only be between you and them, ... this could add like a whole new level of mind games!

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