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Locked minimum release clauses

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When negotiating a contract and the prospective player has the minimum release clause locked at a pre determined amount, does this imply that he is not particularly interested in joining your club? I have had a few players do this and they did have an "interested" status on the negotiation screen.

Also, if the release clause is met will I get a chance to renegotiate a contract to keep him? Or, poof....he's gone?

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Probably views you as a stepping stone, the only way to deal with it is by having a little bit of luck (no one else coming to get them), outperforming as a club, and literally at the first available time he will renegotiate, offering a new contract.

I went through it with 4-5 of the players I bought, I just kept a close eye on them and negotiated them out as soon as I could. Luckily no-one seriously bid.

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