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Question about this tactic...

The tactic i am using is:


I'm not claming the rights to the tactic i just remained it for the use of this post as i don't want to post stuff from other sites..



- can L Defenders play wing back if they arent WB listed...

- what would M © be listed as box to box midfielder or advanced play

- I have on my roster AM © and ST © would that be Complete forward L or Complete forward R or could be either

Just writing down on paper who plays which positions for the tactic so that when it comes to subs i know who can play what and whos good for the subs or am i better of having for example Adam Boyes him and Alex Johnson i plan on having as my left (CF) and right (CF) as my starting 2 strikers.. am i better off setting up them as specific tactics to work on or train my players on the positions that they will be playing in the tactic..

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- can L Defenders play wing back if they arent WB listed... If you mean DL/R then yes, absolutely

- what would M © be listed as box to box midfielder or advanced play Either

- I have on my roster AM © and ST © would that be Complete forward L or Complete forward R or could be either Either

Attributes are King here. If the player has the attributes for the role then work away.

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A few items to note :)

- "can L Defenders play wing back if they arent WB listed..." There are 2 separate issues here: Tactical Position and Tactical Role. It's not clear which you are after, so I'll explain both (hopefully in an unconfusing way !)

The Tactical Position is where you set a player to play on the Tactic screen, and their ability to be able to play in that position - highlighted on their profile page in varying shades from red (can't play there) through bright green (Natural). In the 2nd screen shot above, this is reflected in the column labelled "Position". Following through your example, players marked as D(L) or D® are able to play with a great degree of ability in those slots which appear on the Tactic screen (ie., the 2 bottom most corner positions = D(L) and D®).

To play a player in the "wing back" position on the Tactics screen (that is the position on the left or right of the Defensive Midfield line), this would be listed on the Squad screen shot you posted as "WB(L/R)" in the Position column. As neither your D(L) nor D® are listed as WB(L/R), you should check their profile page to see how accomplished (or not) they are at playing in the WB(L/R) positions. If they are not at least "Accomplished" in this position, you will need to train them in that position if you want them to play there with any degree of reliability.

This then brings us to the Tactical Role. This is the Role you give a player in the position that you have identified as being part of your formation on the Tactics screen. Taking your Left Defender as the example, if their position on your tactic screen is D(L), you can assign them the tactical role of either Fullback or Wingback, and then assign them the duty of defend, support or attack. However, if their position on your tactic is at WB(L) then you can only select them to play as a Wingback.

The "Wingback" and "Fullback" are broadly similar roles, which is why your left or right back could play either role. Giving a player a Wingback role tends to be slightly more attacking, while a Fullback role tends to be a bit more solid in defence.

TL;DR - yes, your L Defender can play a Wingback role, but may struggle if you try to place him in the wingback position.

- "what would M © be listed as box to box midfielder or advanced play". Again, I think you may be confusing position and role.

A player who is listed (on your Squad screen shot above) as "M©" in the Position column, is a player who can play very well in the central midfield position. There are loads of different roles that can play in this position however - box to box and advanced playmaker are just two of them. In your first screen shot, click the down arrow next to either Box to Box or Advanced Playmaker to see a full list of roles that can play in this "MC" position.

Some roles can only play in the MC position (eg., the box to box midfielder). However, some roles (such as the Advanced Playmaker) can be played in multiple positions (the AP can play at MC, Advanced MC or even Advanced Left/Right Midfield). So you could, for example, have several of your players all playing as an Advanced Playmaker positioned around your formation.

The role that you assign can depend very much on the player you want to play there. For example, you may have 2 players who can both naturally play in the MC position. One has got huge amounts of stamina and workrate as attributes, the other is much better at passing and vision. It would therefore be beneficial to play the one with stamina/workrate as your box to box midfielder, while the one with better passing and vision as your advanced playmaker. Of course, players with different attributes again will suit different roles.

- "I have on my roster AM © and ST © would that be Complete forward L or Complete forward R or could be either". As peleJunior above says, it depends on their attributes.

When the roster says AM© + ST©, it just means the player is able to play in either of those two positions with a high degree of ability. What role a player is best suited to in that position is down to his attributes. Take a look at a player's profile page - there is a drop down box above their listed attributes from which you can select a role, which will then highlight what the game considers to be ideal attributes for that role.

However, don't be afraid to play a striker as, say, a Poacher even if he seems ideally suited as a Complete Forward - different roles can share some of the same attributes. It comes down to how you want your team to play and the players you have at your disposal - ie., your tactical set up. Don'y vary too far though, some "Complete Forwards" may be exceedingly bad as a Poacher - which is where transfers and/or different player training comes into play if you really want to play with a Poacher and don't have someone suitable.

Finally (yes I know this is getting a bit long now ), I'll mention the tactic you have posted above.

You have set an Attacking mentality along with 14 Team Instructions. You haven't mentioned what those TIs are, however be aware that setting a mentality also sets some default "instructions" in varying degrees. For example, think of a scale from 0 to 20. An attacking mentality will by default set a defensive line towards the high end of that scale, whereas a defensive mentality will set your def line at the lower end of that scale. Likewise so will the amount of closing down your players will be set to by default. There are lots of other settings as well, the stickies on this forum will help you out further.

Now, I don't know what your 14 Team Instructions are, but I'll bet 2 of them are Higher Defensive Line and Close Down More. As you already have an attacking mentality, which already gives you a very high def line with lots of closing down, adding in these TIs will almost move these instructions off the scale. This is not necessarily a bad thing, I play like it myself in one of my saves, just be aware of the implications - ie., acres of space in behind your high def line which the opposition could exploit, and all of your players being pulled out of position to close down opponents, which again will leave gaps.

Some things to mull over to counteract this

- use the Offside Trap if your 2 central defenders have good mental attributes such as positioning, team work and decisions

- use pacey central defenders to cover the space in behind better

- use a sweeper keeper (you are )

- give your 2 central defenders a Personal Instruction of Close Down Less

Next, with an attacking mentality, your left/right defenders will be given an attacking duty as you have set them to "automatic". With 2 attack minded wingers ahead of them, this could leave you without much defensive cover down the flanks.

And finally (at last!) playing an Advanced Playmaker + Box to Box Midfielder in central midfield will not give you much defensive cover. Consider changing roles to give your defenders better cover (a Deep Lying Playmaker may be better suited in stead of the AP).

Phew ! Out ;)

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