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Players being able to set non negotioable criteria is unrealistic

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I get that they can have certain demands, but now I have a youth player who started playing more and he wants a raise, which I think is fair. The problem is he doesn't allow his minimum release fee to be altered. In real life I am the one to offer a contract and he can reject it. Now I can't offer him something which makes him unhappy, while I can't talk with him about it. I think this is not a realistic situation and doesn't help me :p

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I think its fine.

Götze did not sign a new contract with Dortmund in 2010 without having that 38Mil transfer clause, he was 19 and in his 2nd full first team season.

Also Players who have higher potential than the club youre currently managing tend to ask for a release clause to make sure they get "higher" football by all means.

This has increased in this version imho, as i find the greed of players/unloyality rises in real life by every year, it matches that realism SI aims at.

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Frustrating maybe, implausible that you can't discuss it maybe, but unrealistic - no.

Players have far more demands, and irrational behaviours, than FM recreates. Insisting on a reasonable clause is certainly not unrealistic.

I think it's unrealistic to accept a 9k per year, but I get the fact that he doesn't want to change his fee. But now I am the one not offering him a better contract, while he is the one being unreasonable. If I could offer him something he wouldn't be upset with me ;)


I think he saw it too and allowed me to change this. Very realistic! (and good for me!

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