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Help end my MK Dons nightmare!!!

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So, I'm struggling like mad atm, to just win a game! Getting very, very frustrated. I'm not brilliant with tactics hence why I'm here asking for help.

Basically my team don't seem to be able defend at all. And now I'm tinkering with everything in the hope it will change my fortunes, if anything they're getting worse.

On occasions I'm finding my CM's are standing off too much and others they chase the ball and get pulled out of position and the opposition just passes round them. It's the same with my CB's. I feel as if its just too easy for an opponent to carve me wide open.

Here is the formation I play. I mix between playing counter/standard


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Try Changing your CB's to CD - Stoppers. Carruthers to AP-A, Your Wingers to Support and playing Afobe as a CF-Support.

Team Instructions - Shorter Passing, Pass into Space, Work Ball into box, Whipped Crosses, Run At Defence, Exploit the Flanks, Push Higher Up, Roam from Positions, Use Tighter Marking, Use Offside Trap, Prevent Short GK, Lower Tempo.

Try Changing your Mentality to Control and Shape to Fluid

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Counter is a cautious mentality, so it is no surprise your defence and midfield stand off a lot. But you have team instructions available, that's what they are for! Your central defence is a problem - you have a Defend-Cover pair, which will not attack players in the space in front of it, giving the opponents room to play between your defence and midfield. I would recommend either Defend-Defend or Stopper-Cover. Whichever suits best.

Oh and some team instructions to help focus a style of play is important too.

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