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Team reputations

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I hope I am opening this thread in the right place. I searched for an answer to this but couldn't find.

I'm managing a very reputable team, but my club's information shows "Good Junior Coaching". I look at clubs like Man Utd, Real Madrid, Barcelona and their info shows "Excellent Junior Coaching". So what I try to do is transfer their Junior Staff, so I open up their Youth Coach staff page and look at their coaches and what do I see: Their coaches are the same level as mine if not worse. Well, I get Tony Whelan (good coach) from Man Utd, Gelsenkirchen's U-19 head coach (really good) and a few others from these clubs, and end up with a near top U-19 staff. But then I look again and what do I see?

Man Utd - Excellent Youth Coaching

Barcelona - Excellent Youth Coaching (with only 1 U-19 coach and a crap U-19 head coach)

Real Madrid - Excellent Youth Coaching (with crap and small staff)

Me (Bayern) - Good Youth Coaching!!!!

How's this possible? I have a star studded cast for my junior staff with the staff all full, engines fired up, basically the best in the game for Junior coaches now and I am still rated behind them..

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I see, but now that I already have asked the following to the board and got them approved:

- improve youth training facilities

- improve senior training facilities

- find a foreign affiliate club for youth recruitment

I can no longer ask a higher junior coaching budget or better youth recruitment or anything else.. They're just not in the options anymore. Will they be available sometime in the future as the game progresses? I'm still in the early months in 2014..

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Also another question. For foreign affiliate clubs, the club suggested 3 really crap clubs in Brazil: Parana, Paysandu, and Ceara. I look at these clubs, and their youth recruitment and facilities show adequate, average, poor etc..

What am I supposed to get out of this? Why can't I affiliate a club like Boca? or is it possible to see if any of these clubs will do me any good?

Sorry, too many questions. Last time I played FM was in 2008..

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