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Affects of Laptop C Drive Full

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Yep it can affect performance.

Download CCleaner and look at some tutorials on using it to free up disk space (don't install it on the C: drive though lol :) )

Haha i already have it installed previously to the memory being full i'll run it hopefully it frees up some space. Cheers dude:thup:

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If your save is on the C:/ be aware that every day you progress in game makes the save get bigger and bigger......

I'd consider deleting anything unnecessary from your C:/, save FM to The Cloud, or save it on external storage.

The biggest files saved on my hard drive is music (around 38GB) always stored it on my hard drive but that crashed on me so can't transfer them back on it. All i use my laptop for is FM really not even internet as i mainly use my work laptop for that tho i'll try defragging the drive and run C Cleaner hopefully that might free up some space. Cheers Guys

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Lesson number one with FM is not to install it on the C: drive. Install Steam content on a seperate partition or an external drive with at least 500Gb of free space,that way you'll have all the space you need for FM15 and all likely add-ons until FM16 is released !

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Basically i have 1MB of memory left on my C Drive on the laptop. Will this affect the performance of FM? ie. make it run slower. Not a tech head so forgive my ignorance but just wanted to know :)

Move your documents folder to another drive ( and I don't mean copy / paste ). Right click on your documents folder, choose properties and then the location tab. Change the location and let the PC do it's thing. Many games use the documents folder for all kinds of data and FM is no different. This can quickly fill up your C drive.

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Buy an external hard drive and transfer all your music etc stuff you don't use that often onto it, even FM.

Also go through all your files like vids, pictures etc and delete all the crap youve gathered over the period you've had the PC.

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