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I'm at a total loss with this game, I need help!

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Currently in my 5th season, just finish 6th in the EPL last year. I suddenly find that my previously successful tactics are useless, I'm losing to teams around me, losing to teams below me, and getting battered by the top 4 who I used to occasionally get draws out of.

I like playing a 4231 wide. I've got really pacey, young wingers and want to utilise them. I like the idea of having overlapping FBs getting the crosses in, whilst the wingers cut inside and shoot/cross.

I find that if I push up too much, I get caught on the counter. But, if I try and play counter myself I just invite pressure and lose.

I'm essentially starting from scratch all over again. Would appreciate the help!

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If you want specific help then you have to help us by being as detailed as possible. This explains more;


If you are just after learning how the game works and making a tactic from scratch then these two topics are excellent for you;



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