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Where have all the good South American players gone?

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I can hear you all shout, "IN EUROPE", which they mostly are, however, surely there must be some good players coming through in South America?

This is what's happening; playing in Europe I send scouts to South America looking for young talent. I've done this managing Tottenham and Dortmund. Every time they keep coming back, nation after nation, saying there aren't any good young players.

So I start a game unemployed and apply for and get a job in Brazil. I send out my scouts, same thing, no good young players.

Searching in the scouting page for players with potential ability of over 160 reveals nothing. I am playing with a large database, I have every league active, either playable or view, but I've yet to find any hot prospects based in South America.

Surely this can't be right?

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I think that when you start in july 2014 there wont be a youth intake in sout america in december/januari. It will start a year later in season 15/16. Maybe thats why you can find new players/ regens in first season.

There are good brazilians from the start, like Gabriel Barbosa, Malcom and kennedy. My scouts do find these three during the first season.


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