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What I still need to clarify about match preparation...

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1) Are the improvements from match preparation directly proportional to the number of days spent on match preparation? e.g. Will attacking movement preparation be 3 times as effective if I spend 3 days of attacking movement preparation instead of 1?

2) Is there a limit to the number of days where match preparation continues to improve the required area - or will this simply be eating up training time with no extra benefit?

3) I always seem to start losing when I've fully learned all tactics and I lower the match preparation training and switch to something other than "Tactics only". Is this just a coincidence, is there something wrong with the game, or am I doing something wrong with this approach (e.g. is this causing more tiredness and resulting in worse performances?).

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1) No, the number of days only increases your tactical familiarity. The e.g. attacking bonus will always be the same.

2) As in 1), it doesn't improve anything actually, it just gives a boost for the upcoming match, but it doesn't add up (except for teamwork, which increases team cohesion and adds up)

3) Coincidence

I know this is badly documented in game, which is a shame (the more so as it's been like that for 3 or 4 editions of FM). Me too always thought that match preparation adds up

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1) Yes, but only 'Match Tactics' and 'Teamwork' are cumulative. All the others are small bonuses for each match that will be the same regardless of how much time you spend on them.

2) Once your tactics reach full familiarity (or near as damn it) then just playing games should keep them at that level. However, when you buy/sell players or tweak instructions familiarity will reduce, so best to keep some training on I would say.

3) Definitely a coincidence. You probably only remember the games you have lost, which is why there seems to be a pattern in your mind.

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Have been trying to understand this but i find it difficult and includes question 1) of the opening post.. Question 2) is from the moment next oppoment team report is accounced until the upcoming match. 3)lowering the match preparation training and switch to something other than usual is about the level in the squad and how well trained they are in the match preparation training

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Thanks Raniel3 and rootfm, the situation is much clearer now :thup:. I had it pretty much backwards so I can now understand why everyone says to drop match training once tactics are learned fully.

I agree with Raniel - this could be worded a bit better (or the Ass Man could have told me that I was wasting match preparation time on something that wasn't cumulative.

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