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Goalkeeping training good for aerial ability?

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This is my third thread related with low aerial players skills. It frustrate me is that my players win only 25-30 percent of aerial fights.My players in this skills have only from 10 to 12 points in this.Outside a goalkeeper only left back player have 15,but if it does not bring on a decrease my strikers and defenders skills in the offensive and defensive,even if I set in this trainig type "attacking" and "defensive" on "intensive" on this training type?Here the user on the forum gave what type of training causing increases skill:


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Base on what I know, the "Aerial" of GK and "Aerial" for other positions are two attribute.

"Aerial" of GK is a attributes of GK skill, which can be increased by GK training.

"Aerial" of others is combination of "Heading" and "Jumping Reach". "Aerail"=("heading"+"Jumping Reach")/2

"Jumping Reach"=height+jumping, which cannot be improved by training, more like a natural.

"Heading" is the skill of heading, which can be improved by "defending" training.

In FMH2015, "Aerial" of non-GK positions are difficult to improve. Because "Heading" increase 2, then "Aerial" increase 1.

Hope my explanation can help you.

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Base on what I know, the "Aerial" of GK and "Aerial" for other positions are two attribute.

"Aerial" of GK is a attributes of GK skill, which can be increased by GK training.

"Aerial" of others is combination of "Heading" and "Jumping Reach". "Aerail"=("heading"+"Jumping Reach")/2

"Jumping Reach"=height+jumping, which cannot be improved by training, more like a natural.

"Heading" is the skill of heading, which can be improved by "defending" training.

In FMH2015, "Aerial" of non-GK positions are difficult to improve. Because "Heading" increase 2, then "Aerial" increase 1

Hope my explanation can help you.

So it goes, I have to accept the fact that my players will lose most of the aerial fights? For problem does not affect a heading skill, because when it is a corner kick, then my players do not come to shoot.Because probably they lose those fights with opponents.The same is of the crossing pass from the side.My wingers who are also performers a corner kicks have a 20 points in "crossing" skill.But the same problem applies to the defenders.

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I mainly set my young goalkeepers to handling, afaik one point of handling is worth more than any other attribute (maybe not relexes?) for goalkeepers. You could try tight marking/closing down with your wide midfielders to limit crosses coming in.

edit: didn't see this was in the handheld forum, so ignore what I just said as it probably doesn't apply :D

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So it goes, I have to accept the fact that my players will lose most of the aerial fights? For problem does not affect a heading skill, because when it is a corner kick, then my players do not come to shoot.Because probably they lose those fights with opponents.The same is of the crossing pass from the side.My wingers who are also performers a corner kicks have a 20 points in "crossing" skill.But the same problem applies to the defenders.

In my save, I did not find "losing aerial fights". Of course, my team conceded mostly by counter attack and set-piece. It is same in real life.

I find my Timo Werner (single FC as ADF) score a lot in corner-kick after his come to my team 3rd season. His aerial has not changed and I has not changed my tactics.

I don't know why suddenly he find the way to win aerials against defenders.

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In my save, I did not find "losing aerial fights". Of course, my team conceded mostly by counter attack and set-piece. It is same in real life.

I find my Timo Werner (single FC as ADF) score a lot in corner-kick after his come to my team 3rd season. His aerial has not changed and I has not changed my tactics.

I don't know why suddenly he find the way to win aerials against defenders.

OK, but that does not change the fact,that In my opinion,training should be a little more developed in this game. For example, with the opportunity to train set-pieces game,so that,the team was them better. I don't know like you, but I play on new match engine.

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