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5 Year Stamina Study

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I would like to start off by saying how much I have enjoyed FMH, from 13 to 15. However, this version has a few bugs, and one is the stamina bug. Anyway, here's my basic attempt at analysing how stamina goes down over the years.

I just did a very quick player search from a small database with Scotland loaded to find out just a little about its effects.

2014 Results

Amount of players in DB


Amount of players with at least 10 stamina


Amount of players with at least 15 stamina


This means that of 3707 players, 81.20% have stamina of 10 or higher and 22.09% have stamina of 15 or higher.

2019 Results

Amount of players in DB


Amount of players with at least 10 stamina


Amount of players with at least 15 stamina


This means that of 3596 players, 72.27% have stamina of 10 or higher and 19.27% have stamina of 15 or higher.

In just 5 years, the amount of players with what you would consider a decent stamina has dropped by over 10%, while the number of players with a green attribute for stamina has dropped by more than 12%!

10% may not seem like much, but just think, in a squad of 25 this could affect up to three of your players. I'm sure someone else could do a more detailed study, but that's my bit.

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Just posted this on FMHVibe. Feel it is relevant.

The stamina bug has been a big talking point ever since FMH2015 has been released. Many fans have noted it and have pinpointed it as a bug and not down to training. If you don't know what this is or want extra reading upon the subject then please have a look at this thread. Thanks to Dirtboy's quick post I have decided to see how bad this is.

This test was conducted with the following parameters...

Device: iPhone 6

Database Large

Leagues Loaded: England (all), Spain, Germany, Italy

Clubs Managed: None

This ensures that I get a good spread of leagues and players without having myself interacting with it. This allows the test to find trends that happen in the game regardless of training, amount of games played, etc...


The Database:

Naturally the first place to start is the amount of players on the database upon recording (12th July 20XX) and how many have 10 or under stamina. Every year I noted each of the numbers to come up with a curve on how many fit into the criteria. The result was not positive at all. From 7926 players in the original database there was an absence of nearly 400 players by 2024. Along with this the players who had 10 or less stamina was going up making the lines go agonisingly closer together and not consistently far apart. The amount of low stamina players went up a shocking 1200 from 2310 to 3527 in which was a steady increase year by year and not just a jump one year due to poor evogens.





This meant that the rise of percentage shockingly nearly rose by double from 29% to a year on year growth to 47% in 2024. This is a massive jump and means nearly half the players are a low stamina player and not less than a third as the database has upon the start. The fact it is consistent shows there is a big problem with stamina in this aspect and it certainly lowers expectations upon stamina and makes finding roles like Box to Box Midfielders near on impossible.





v Pace/Strength:

While it is all well and good to compare stamina to each other but what about the other physical attributes? Do these suffer the same fate as one may assume? It appears not, while pace does drop by nearly 600 players (6%) and 271 drop in strength (1%) this is nowhere near the 18% that stamina drops by in the same time.





So now we have confirmed it is an isolated incident vs similar attributes is it due to the game introducing new evogens much younger or more older players occuring? 20-30 year olds are meant to be in their physical peak so one assumes this would be a lot less. While there are less in percentage to all other aged players (44% down from 47%) in 2024 it is however still up 20% which is a huge increase in just 10 years for these prime players to be suffering and meaning one out of every 3 players (or worse) have this.


But are these quality players? it is easy to say they are all lower leagues and these are the ones getting this but I need to find out if it is. In 2014 only 2 players have a value of £10m+ are have 10 or under stamina. 10 years on and this number shoots up to a huge 65 with some being valued at over £50m! These numbers are mad and show that not only are poor players being effected but the world's best are too with Barcelona, Real Madrid and Manchester United all having players with this bug in their first team. 325% more superstars have this occurring in their profiles than before. A shocking statistic to say the least!



It seems pretty clear doesn't it? The bug does exist. Within the ten years time frame it is influencing nearly half of the database and nearly every 1/3 who should be on their peak aren't stamina wise. This attribute is an isolated incident against similar attributes and it isn't just against lower league players but some of the world's best too! There is an obvious issue needing to be addressed here and I hope SI Games sort it out soon.

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