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5-2-3 - A formation which is great for youngsters.

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A notion

As I was playing football manager, I recently got promoted by Fulham and now on my second season. I used to play with a 4-2-3-1 which was okay but not effective defensively as I wanted it to be. I decided for a change two games in to my Premier League when I faced Manchester City (H) with a 4-1-2-1-2 formation, put on a counter mentality with a structured play. I scraped a 1-0 win however this is just how I thought to myself, defensive play works. I want to try and build something like Van Gaal's Manchester United but a bit of my own twist. I want to try and establish possession, short passing and deadly attacking while remaining composed and unbreakable at the back.

With my Fulham team this seems to be working well, achieving 7 games unbeaten (5 in the league, 2 in the CAP cup.. and to brag it is 9 games but didn't use this formation for the start of the season lol). It may pick up some draws, but a draw is point more than a loss. As you will see, I have a fairly young starting 11 with my oldest player being Rocker at CB (25) and second youngest Jorenan, GK (22).

With this formation in place, I have only conceded 4 goals and scoring 13 in those 7 games.

So to start it off here is the formation








Why did I choose the roles I did?

GK (D) - I don't want him coming out, making bad decisions and probably costing us a goal. Jorenan is great at shot stopping and has proved that, so therefore that's where I want him to be (on the line).

Player Instructions

- Distribute to Flanks (solely on the purpose of creating width)

- Take short kicks (I don't want it humped up the field to no man's land)

- Pass it shorter.


CB (D) - All three CBs to be set at Center Back (defend), I personally don't like messing about with the CB role, so I keep it simple and it proves to work.


- Close down less (I don't want my CBs being dragged out of position to close down someone when it could exploit the rest of the defence)

- Pass it shorter.


Wing Backs (support) - Both of my WBs will remain on support for the purpose of their importance when attacking but also defending.

Right WB PI

- Stay wider

- Pass shorter

Left WB PI - I find my left side stronger than my right due to the options I have so therefore I would get that side to play more of the football.

- Stay wider

- Pass shorter

- Cross less often

- Shoot less often

- Fewer risky passes


Now for the two players in the center of midfield.

Left CM will be giving the role of box to box midfielder (support) - I find this role is great, the player has to have good stamina or else you'll probably waste a substitute just subbing the player off due to the stamina side of things.


- Close down more

- Pass it shorter

- Fewer risky passes

- Move into channels (I want this player to create space in the middle, look for the ball and be the perfect joint partner in CM)

Right CM will be giving the role of deep lying playmaker (support) - This type of player wants to intitate attacks looking for through balls and etc, and is great at defence.


- Close down more

- Pass it shorter (due to the role, it's the role's nature to initiate long through balls and etc and I want that too change)


AM® is the next position, giving the role of inside forward (support)


- Close down more

- Pass it shorter

AM(L) is giving the role of advanced playmaker(s)


- Pass it shorter.

- Close down more


My upfront guy will be a center forward (S)


- Pass it shorter

- Close down more

- Move into channels.

Team Instructions;

- Retain possession

- Shorter passing

- High tempo

- push higher up

- work ball into box

This thread is still under construction, screenshots and etc will be provided soon as I return when I get back home. If anyone has feedback please don't hesitate to let me know if it can be exploited. This is also my first attempt so if you're going to go all critic on me then please be polite as we all start somewhere at some point.

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Where is the deadly attacking you said that you wanted? I don't see a single attacking player in your tactic. Good on you for your early success, but I am confused as to how it is happening. I do like 3-2 CB/WB setups, though, and I wish you success so I can leverage your testing!

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As I said its a work in progress. When I update the thread with screenshots and more detail, you'll see what I mean. I'll providing examples of how it works for me throughout a match against a weaker then a stronger team and etc. Should be done tomorrow night.

yes, players are on support also for the main fact of the defensive side. What I am gathering with this formation and tactic is that my whole team starts around the half way line, they pass the ball about, working their way upfront as it will show on the screenshots via action zones. The counter mentality is there for the aspect of patience.

And I meant deadly as in affective, yes I score of course but my shooting accuracy is horrible at the minute. I want my players to pass into the box and be affective and its coming along but not as I want it.

Just to add, 2 more games won. Scoring a total of 5 and conceding 1. 3-1 v Swansea (A) and 2-0 v Southampton (H)

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Interesting setup, shape wise it is reminiscent of Bielsa at Marsielle with the double wide men setup. Bielsa splits his 2 CM duties much more distinctly though.

I would be interested to see where you penetration into the box is coming from - With the best will in the world, i would suggest that 13 goals in 7 games is not particularly deadly.

It also looks to me like you could be exploited through the middle. No defensive duty in midfield, the BBM might get caught ahead of the DLP and create space to play though.

Post up some in-play examples of how it works and why, and let us know how it goes over a longer period. Also, the title is a bit misleading is it not? The tactic is the tactic, regardless of the age of your players ?:)

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Interesting setup, shape wise it is reminiscent of Bielsa at Marsielle with the double wide men setup. Bielsa splits his 2 CM duties much more distinctly though.

I would be interested to see where you penetration into the box is coming from - With the best will in the world, i would suggest that 13 goals in 7 games is not particularly deadly.

It also looks to me like you could be exploited through the middle. No defensive duty in midfield, the BBM might get caught ahead of the DLP and create space to play though.

Post up some in-play examples of how it works and why, and let us know how it goes over a longer period. Also, the title is a bit misleading is it not? The tactic is the tactic, regardless of the age of your players ?:)

As I posted above, what I meant by deadly is affective not thumping deadly lol.

I just added the youngster bit into it due to my starting 11 having 1 player over 21 so it was more of a "put it there just because of 5-3-2 as the title is bland" lol

As your suggestion to the penetration in the box, I also stated it above

The majority of goals start with the team around the half way line (the CF being no forward than the D) and it's built up.

Yes, I also admit. I got leaked once or twice out of the 5 conceded since usig this tactic but thats expected.

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  • 1 year later...

A notion

As I was playing football manager, I recently got promoted by Fulham and now on my second season. I used to play with a 4-2-3-1 which was okay but not effective defensively as I wanted it to be. I decided for a change two games in to my Premier League when I faced Manchester City (H) with a 4-1-2-1-2 formation, put on a counter mentality with a structured play. I scraped a 1-0 win however this is just how I thought to myself, defensive play works. I want to try and build something like Van Gaal's Manchester United but a bit of my own twist. I want to try and establish possession, short passing and deadly attacking while remaining composed and unbreakable at the back.

With my Fulham team this seems to be working well, achieving 7 games unbeaten (5 in the league, 2 in the CAP cup.. and to brag it is 9 games but didn't use this formation for the start of the season lol). It may pick up some draws, but a draw is point more than a loss. As you will see, I have a fairly young starting 11 with my oldest player being Rocker at CB (25) and second youngest Jorenan, GK (22).

With this formation in place, I have only conceded 4 goals and scoring 13 in those 7 games.

So to start it off here is the formation








Why did I choose the roles I did?

GK (D) - I don't want him coming out, making bad decisions and probably costing us a goal. Jorenan is great at shot stopping and has proved that, so therefore that's where I want him to be (on the line).

Player Instructions

- Distribute to Flanks (solely on the purpose of creating width)

- Take short kicks (I don't want it humped up the field to no man's land)

- Pass it shorter.


CB (D) - All three CBs to be set at Center Back (defend), I personally don't like messing about with the CB role, so I keep it simple and it proves to work.


- Close down less (I don't want my CBs being dragged out of position to close down someone when it could exploit the rest of the defence)

- Pass it shorter.


Wing Backs (support) - Both of my WBs will remain on support for the purpose of their importance when attacking but also defending.

Right WB PI

- Stay wider

- Pass shorter

Left WB PI - I find my left side stronger than my right due to the options I have so therefore I would get that side to play more of the football.

- Stay wider

- Pass shorter

- Cross less often

- Shoot less often

- Fewer risky passes


Now for the two players in the center of midfield.

Left CM will be giving the role of box to box midfielder (support) - I find this role is great, the player has to have good stamina or else you'll probably waste a substitute just subbing the player off due to the stamina side of things.


- Close down more

- Pass it shorter

- Fewer risky passes

- Move into channels (I want this player to create space in the middle, look for the ball and be the perfect joint partner in CM)

Right CM will be giving the role of deep lying playmaker (support) - This type of player wants to intitate attacks looking for through balls and etc, and is great at defence.


- Close down more

- Pass it shorter (due to the role, it's the role's nature to initiate long through balls and etc and I want that too change)


AM® is the next position, giving the role of inside forward (support)


- Close down more

- Pass it shorter

AM(L) is giving the role of advanced playmaker(s)


- Pass it shorter.

- Close down more


My upfront guy will be a center forward (S)


- Pass it shorter

- Close down more

- Move into channels.

Team Instructions;

- Retain possession

- Shorter passing

- High tempo

- push higher up

- work ball into box

This thread is still under construction, screenshots and etc will be provided soon as I return when I get back home. If anyone has feedback please don't hesitate to let me know if it can be exploited. This is also my first attempt so if you're going to go all critic on me then please be polite as we all start somewhere at some point.

Whats happend next ?

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Seems like a possession tactics. I'd remove high tempo and retain possession instruction TI-s and add pass out of defense. IF on the right wing should definitely be on attack and good finisher. Here's why:

1) You don't want to lose ball, but with so many players in support duty you should have enough passing options. Asking them to retain possession halves your attack and they are not trying to find a scoring opportunity, but keep the ball instead. Good when you're leading, bad when you're behind.

2) Pass out of defense - you have plenty of players at the back, but only two up front (CF and IF, because AP moves so much to midfield). There's no point for you to try keep banging long balls towards them or try any counter attacks - they're 2 against 4-5 defenders and your IF is probably poor in the air, so will lose most of challenges anyway. If your defender wins the ball, keep it, pass it around, there will be familiar faces around him and with short passing you can easily come through midfield.

3) IF to attack - what usually happens in your attack is, that AP comes inside, receives ball from midfield, finds CF who is safely onside, but alone can't hope to beat 2 central defenders on his own, so he either loses the ball or passes it back to AP or IF. Not so much attacking movement. CF(s) demands movement around him. He's the one striker who have decent creativity, passing and decisions. The one who can keep up the ball, then turn and send a clever through ball to attacking wide player, on the run behind defensive line. Lethal attacking formation (and I know, because I use it in 4-1-2-3 formation). You need at least one attacking wide player to make those runs and provide passing options, whether from pass by CF or deep cross by your WB-s

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14 months passed by and you decide to ask this now?

Well sad to see workers posting annoying messages.

How about you; did you wait someone to post about it after many many months to write that comment ???

I don't have to explain about it to you but I was searching about tactics, It might be about 2015's game but as the game engine is same engine with only improvements old tactics would work.

And shame on your prejudice! Even I did not asked you about it..

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