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Scouts won't scout

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I have 1 scout covering 3 countries each on average. For example, Scout x is assigned to scout Germany-Holland-Belgium, whereas Scout y is assigned to scout Portugal-Spain-France, Scout z is assigned to scout Italy-Croatia-Switzerland, Scout A is assigned to cover Argentina-Uruguay-Colombia and so forth..

The settings for each nation scouting are ages between 15-19, current ability 1 star potential ability 4 stars, and duration is ONGOING.

Problem is each scout is stuck with reporting from one country, and still "preparing" for the other two. Is it because I set the duration "ongoing"? Each of these countries needs to be scouted as they create new regens on close dates.. But I can't assign each country a separate scout for obvious reasons..

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Scouts can only work on one country at a time & by setting the assignment to ongoing it will never end to allow them to move to the next country they have been asked to look for players in.

So what should I do? When I set to "until finished", I see that the assignment is immediately finished... When I set to 1-3-6 whatever months, it's the same where the scout only scouts that country for that period and then stops, and in the meantime, doesn't scout anywhere else.

What I want is my scout covering his pre-assigned group of countries taking his turn throughout the entire year until I assign something else to them. Do I have to manually assign them something every month?

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