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[FM 14] Patch 14.3.0 tactics tip for plaing premier leauge for the first time.

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I have always played LLM games and always failed with this (started at FM 2010 then fm 2011, 2012 and now 2014.

Most of the time i set a tactic and it works, but after a season the tactic is read and i loose every game (yep you have never Heard that Before ;) )

Last one was with a Swedish league on the lowest "tier", got well with mostly wins , 2 losses when the players got complacent also some draw however the last 10 games i lost every match after this.

i have a "normal persons knowledge of football" i dont follow any games on the tv and have no interest in football other than playing the game.

but i can see if a winger (in the player information) is bad at crossing i make change in the personal instructions so he does not do this and know to pair do different player types to complement them (stopper with cover and so on) .

the thing is when i play it Always start of rather good then i have a problem seeing were the short comings is with the tactics.

when checking my last save i notice that all on the defence had bad determination and both of the centrals were stoppers (is determination an that important stat?)

I saw one that stated that all you need in the lower league is pace, stamina and determination is that correct too be able to “win” ?

So i started thinking what if i try an elite league? They have players that are best and does not have the same mistakes then the lower league have. It might be easier to see where I fail in my tactics

Then when i feel "ready" i might go back to lower league again.

Now for the questions.

i am thinking of creating two tactics one for away with counters and more of a defensive play with direct passes and so on.

and one for offensive with more faster but shorter passes, start attack from defence

try using more pair all over the field

Should i have totally different "look" in those two tactics? For example use 4-4-2 for offence and 5-3-2 for defence (just example not what i will use as this depend on the team i will start with)

or just change the different roles the two tactics use and keep the same "shape"?

is this enough so they don’t read my tactics so fast as they usualy do?

What do you guys do to limit the loses in game?

(is thinking of playing Everton btw)

thanks in advanced for any advice.

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