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4-1-4-1 to 4-4-2

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I am writing this post as I have been struggling at this game since fm14. The writing was on the wall from fm13 but with a combination of Clemons advised shouts I managed to scrape by.

I have tried using a 4-1-4-1 but have not had any enjoyment with it, struggling to get the CMA to support the attack and The WMA to score.

Nowadays I feel I just do not understand the game. I could not tell how a team is playing from another. I watch all games on comprehensive at least and have been reading all the threads on here for years. For my tiny mind I feel as if there are too many variables, attributes, ppm's, formations and different mentalities. I just can not work out why my team is winning or losing.

So anyway, here goes. Let me explain how I want to play this time.

I have decided I want to play with two strikers so I am going to choose a 4-4-2. I understand this will be weak against five man midfields.

GKD. Nothing special no frills

RCWBA. Think of cafu. Providing width, crosses and movement between the lines. The RM will need to be cover him.

DCD. No frills

DCD. No frills

LFBS. Providing cover and support for ML who will be an out and out winger.

RWMS. Providing cover for the RB

RCMD. The anchor man in midfield which any team needs

LCB2BS. Movement between the lines

LWA. Provides width and crosses into the box

RDLFS. Links attack to midfield on the right linking and dropping deep

LAFA. The main goalscorer

Control / Rigid

I want my RB and LM to create space by being wide. My DLF to drop deep, create space and link. My B2B arrive late in the area and my AF to score the goals.

I have chosen control to be pretty high and fairly aggressive. Rigid goes against the 12 steps but feel two blocks is right for this formation.

Constructive criticism on a postcard please.

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A few things i would mention, to hopefully help you along:

1) You hit the nail on the head early in the post - There are loads of variables, and you have only really considered a few - Thats a good start, but you need to consider the bigger picture.

2) Linked to this, i would slightly defy anyone to say whether that is a "good" or "bad" setup. It could be either, depends on too many factors. The players, the level of competition, the PPMs, the suitablity for the role, the country (will impact the type of systems you face).

3) You have no TI listed? Are you playing with none or just not reached that phase yet?

4) That said, to me, fundamentally there is nothing overly "wrong" with that set of roles and duties.

5) A note of caution would be that i would say flat 442 is one of the more difficult formations to get "right", particularly at the higher level.

My suggestion would be to both provide a bit more detail about your team/squad, and also play a few games and write out what you are seeing. That way people can give more specific advice :)

Good luck.

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Just looking at your system...

The 2 defenders, set the faster one with better anticipation to defend, the one with better concentration to cover. This gives your defence another line of cover. You can use a wingback or a fullback, but if you want him to be able to loop those crosses in, he can still be set to FB.

Your 2 central midfielders are not going to do anything creative, I personally would choose a MCa and a B2BMC, at least thats how my 4141 is set up. The reason why I have opted for an MCa is cos i can personalise his instructions in his player instructions, offhand without knowing more of your side its hard to say whats a better fit. Hmm I was reading and trying to decipher each acronym and gave up.. I think you should just stick an image of your formation and of your Team Instructions. If you have done a custom selection list showing:

pace. acceleration,decisions, passing, crossing, marking, tackling, concentration, anticipation, crossing, dribbling, finishign, composure..that will help. Or you can go to my dumdum thread and just download my custom views

Just looking at what you want to achieve..this is how I would set it up

FB(S) DC©(DC(D) FB(A) That would be my last line of defense, since you plan to be a gungho, southamerican cafu styleed formation...I would...then...

put a halfback in the DM Slot

In midfield I would have a ....

MC(a) set to direct passing, and choose a player who likes to make forward runs and run into channels

the other midfielder would be a B2BMC

On the flanks I would set it up with Wingers who could cut inside..i would NEVER want them to cross only since I only had 1 forward, so they would be my secondary goals source..can you see where I am going with this?

Essentially thats what I would do..but too much spoonfeeding is not good on this forums, we want people to learn, and we help them figure things out so they get better and pass on the help..good luck

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I think your tactical setup looks fine so Im gonna mention something else. Just remember that the game has even more variables than the ones you mentioned. I have noticed that teams without good team blending will also fail to win games. Players know the tactic, their role but they can't play as a team and things such as offside trap, simple passes or crosses will go wrong. The players simply don't 'feel' where the others are running or going to be. This is why I believe most people quit their save in the second season.

First season goes fine, sometimes overachieving because opponents underestimate them. Second season they get money, sell a bunch of players, bring in loads of players and most of the times 'high PA kids for cheap' that they find on internet. I don't say there is anything wrong with this but just look at a team such as Man Utd now.

They have good players, good coach, tactic looks fine(at least I think so) but the players simply aren't playing as a team yet. Everything needs time and I think people overlook the importance of team blending. You can't simply buy 10 good players and expect them to perform instantly. It will take at least half a year or maybe longer if you buy a bunch of foreign players.

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Thanks for the replys guys. It's hard to put a screenshot on as my computer can not access the internet and I am writing this from my sons I pad.

I have not added any team or player instructions on purpose as I wanted people to see how I wanted to play first. Also I am a massive fan of KISS so do not use many shouts.

I always start unemployed as a Sunday league player so the players I have at my disposal tend to be pretty weak anyway.

Let me start with my conundrum with attributes, let's say a winger:

Do I have him with an excellent end product of crossing - crossing, technique, anticipation?

Do I have him with excellent product to get to make the cross - dribbling, off the ball, agility, balance?

Do I have him average at all of this?

I have these thought about all the positions and it just blows my mind these days :)

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KISS. As you said in your original post you want your left wing to provide width and cross. Also you say working with limited players, so I would be thinking good crossing ability comparative to league. Maybe an option with pace, and an alternative with dribbling, to give you options for different opponents. Then a ppm of hugs line for width.

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Thanks captain. Unfortunately as I can not upload screenshots I will not be able to give the full picture of how I am doing. I just feel as the game is starting to pass me by now and this is no disrespect to the game at all, in fact the opposite - its me that is the dinosaur and is becoming extinct without being able to adapt to the game.

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Hang in there! Have realistic goals. As low rep team you will have limitations. Perhaps experiment ideas with a top side to gain some confidence. One great tip I read from a mod ( sorry can't remember which one but thanks!) is highlighting your players on the screen. If you press control and left click you can highlight more than one players name. I used this to study different parts of my team. For example click all your defence and watch. You easily see their relative positions, and if you don't like it, change a role or duty or TI and see what happens then. Maybe do this with a throwaway save and analyse without any pressure.

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A couple of things regarding your winger. I work on the assumption that 16 is a decent attribute level for a premier league player. Subtract 1 for every level below that. If you want crosses from him, crossing is obviously a key attribute but so is technique and decisions - how well he strikes the ball and whether he chooses the right option. There is also the position he is crossing from - a winger on attack duty is going to try to cross from the byline. If he lacks the ability to beat his man he's going to lose the ball a lot. I've found in my save that high dribbling is not always necessary. I have a regen winger with 11 for dribbling (in the prem) but he finished last season with an average rating of 7.9 and 18 assists and regularly beats his fullback. The reason? He has 18 pace and 20 acceleration and I've trained him the ppm knocks ball past opponent.

When I'm looking for wingers I look for the following : high crossing, either high dribbling or high pace and acceleration , med to high work rate and stamina (they do a lot of running - my wingers are ranked 1 and 2 for average distance covered in the league).

I would also train the above ppm if the player has low dribbling but high pace / acceleration.

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