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Bringing more out of my AMC [Role setup]

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Here is my current 4-2-3-1 in this tactical thread: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/418377-Kallemannens-Deep-4-2-3-1-%28CHeriksen-Bplay-tweak%29

Its a very sucessful tactic, but could be improved of course.

What I would like to improve the most, is of course the AMC. Me, and other uses with this tactic, struggle with the AMC.

Usually, my other attacking players get like 7.6 + avg. season rating. AMC ending up at like 7.1

Its an AP set to support, and if you look at the heat map, he acts more like a CM.

The 4-2-3-1 Deep I made, is actually more of a 4-3-3. But I want it to be more of a 4-2-3-1 on paper.

So bring me your suggesstions lads!

I will go through it role by role as it is now.

FB (A)

CD (D)

CD (D)

FB (A)

DM (D)


WA (A)

AP (S)

IF (A)

AF (A)

Now, the defence line, and I absoultley love fullbacks on attack duty, I prefer that big time over wing backs on support duty

I think its very good.

I also love the Advanced forward in this one. Scores tones, being the one striker spear.

But the 5 midfielders! I wanna do some switches here!

Bring me your suggestions, and of course, feel free to change striker and defence line too!

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Please don't open multiple topics about the same formation you are using, one thread is enough.

Also no-one is going to spoon feed you suggestions, if you want help then you need to give more specific or the thread will just be closed. Have a read of this on how you should post if seeking help, you have to provide details, information and screenshots as well as show examples of what you are struggling with etc. This is not a forum where you can post asking for suggestions. That is only acceptable if you fill it with a detailed post. Any suggestion have to be based on the issues you are having and why you feel it needs improving. Or based on a certain concept that you are trying to recreate and can tells us exactly how you want to play and so on. Then someone can actually give you advice, without details no-one can help and all suggestions are pointless as no-one understands what you are trying to do.


Feel free to repost but only if you are more specific and a lot more detailed. If not then the thread will likely be closed again.

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