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Official Football Manager 2015 Feedback Thread 15.3.0

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I'm set up as a 4-3-3, standard mentality away (attacking at home).

Hmm. Lots of Attack Duties? Is that a default Man U squad? Could you confirm in more detail please what your Roles, Duties etc. are? Either in here, the tactics forum or by PM?

I'm obliged to be interested in this. I tend to only generate 10-15 shots but have a reasonably "balanced" system, so I'd expect it. To generate your score lines, I'd have to go really gung-ho with my Duties.

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Patient build up play is lethal, I use a flat defensive 3-4-3 with only one attacking striker and I dominate possession at around 69-77% per game and create 10-15 quality chances a game and I'm scoring plenty of goals. I think I've only failed to score less than 2 goals on 4 occasions throughout the season. So patient build up play can be very rewarding.

If you're using the 4-2-3-1 that you did a thread on for FM14 then I see a few flaws with that set up which won't help you when breaking sides down. It lacks any kind of real movement if its same as in this thread or based on this which I assume it is;


It's quite static and very central focused.

How exactly is it static?

The idea is that the right side is more attack-focused, so the right wing-back is therefore less attacking and the right defending midfielder is more focused on controlling space. The left side has a support AMC, and he provides early passing option and arrives later in the area. On that side, the wing-back is attacking and the hole he is leaving behind is covered by a more aggressive defending midfielder. The DLF-A provided plenty of passing option behind the opposition defense, and an early passing option as well as making one-two combos with the TQ very often. The tactic was good both at quick attacks, longer attacks, (initial attack phase, redistribution phase and the restart phase) wide play and central play in FM14. In FM15, it is far less dynamic. The only individual instructions are that the support AMCL is given "run with ball" and the team is told to build up attacks from defense.

How would you suggest approaching the roles, individual and team instructions for this narrow tactic in FM15? I don't like the passing team instructions; Retain Possession is better covered by "play slower" and "Work Ball into Box" stops crossing. More Direct instructs them to find the striker first and then move the team up afterwards, which is a bad idea when I have five midfielders. Shorter Passing may make it difficult for the full backs, and stop too many quick attacks. Finding this balance between quick attacks, longer attacks and defensive capabilities is really what I am after, because that is what I had in FM14.

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Hmm. Lots of Attack Duties? Is that a default Man U squad? Could you confirm in more detail please what your Roles, Duties etc. are? Either in here, the tactics forum or by PM?

I'm obliged to be interested in this. I tend to only generate 10-15 shots but have a reasonably "balanced" system, so I'd expect it. To generate your score lines, I'd have to go really gung-ho with my Duties.

One defensive midfielder, two playmakers, three strikers. To be fair, it is more attacking than I've set up in other saves I've done, but I've got the players to allow for that.


De Gea

Rafael - Jones - Rojo - Shaw


Mata - Di Maria

RvP - Falcao - Rooney

I swap sometimes to a 3-5-2 I have created too, in some away games, so its a mix of 2/3 set ups.

I added Depay, but he doesn't play every game.

I've not got my laptop with me at the moment.

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Nothing like losing a game due to the goalkeeper ignoring his instruction (distribute to fullback), instead he thinks booting the ball up the pitch to the imaginary striker (sending off, 3 injuries..had no striker.)...only for the opposition to get the ball and counter instantly and score.


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Hard for me to say, but this game is a joke! Seems to me that since introduction of 3D SI couldn't cope with challenges, but this year is to extreme!!! 3 games to Atletico M in short period, 4:2 home, 4:1 away (Super cup) and finally this...


Can you explain why it's "a joke"? Otherwise your post is useless.

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You were in charge of Real, I assume?

Yes, but it doesn't really matter. I'm pretty sure that it's impossible in modern football to achieve 50 shots, especially at this level. It's similar in other games (10 so far), averaging 30+shots per game and having hockey results.

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Yes, but it doesn't really matter. I'm pretty sure that it's impossible in modern football to achieve 50 shots, especially at this level. It's similar in other games (10 so far), averaging 30+shots per game and having hockey results.
That would depend, wouldn't it? What's your tactical setup?
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Don't understand why defenders just wander off from players they're marking on corners, it's not even the attacking team making good movement, it's just stupid AI wandering around then turning to look at the attacker head the ball.

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I never get involved in tactical discussions so all I'll say is that I find if all of your input is logical the games output almost always is too.

The question then becomes "what's logical? " at which point I pour another drink and stop reading. :)

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To clarify, in my view the issue isn't as much the fact that a user controlled team can have 50 shots, although that in itself shows poor decision making, but more that the AI seems so hopeless to withstand it. It's not like in previous games where players got their teams to rack up empty shot stats and then complained that they were countered. In this game that approach actually works. You can't fault someones tactics when they win 6-0. If the tactics are poor then the AI should be able to exploit them. I suppose this is the drawback of a more 'sandbox' like approach to tactical flexibility, which I like, but it does show that the AI is seriously poor at tactical management and that surely has to be the focus for the next version.

My own experience with the newest patch is that whatever your tactical approach, the ME changes regarding directness and recognition of space mean it's actually very difficult to AVOID having a huge shot count against severely weaker sides. What happens is that the weaker team retreats very deep, the attacking players aggressively surge into the space vacated in front of their box and from there on it's very hard to hold them back from trying quick attacking moves that end in shots. Then again, why would you even try to avoid it, given that it's pretty much certain to result in goals and the AI isn't trying to be a threat on the counter?

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I am not to familiar with the rule sets in the Conference league in England but is there no standing rule that games have to be rescheduled when a certain number of players are away on international duty?

I know it is not likely that most teams in that league have a few internationals but I have 4 key players away on international duty and I have to play the league games.

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I doubt any real team will continue having shots at goal non-stop while having such a big lead. The players usually get complacent when 2-3 goals up.

Maybe that's the problem though. You may get complacent in you're build-up play when your several goals up, but you also have more of an incentive to shoot from stupid angles since you've already got the game sewn up.

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Has there been some tweak to the home / away performance? I'm stuggling to understand why my strikers hit the target (not neccesarily score) much more at home than away. It's not that the positions of the shots are much different either :9.

It doesn't seem to matter what I do - slow play down and try and probe for an opening or try and catch people on the break; my strikers to plain miss the target more often away than at home (or fire a one on one straight at the keeper :( ).

On top of that I've found some truly strange results since the patch. Man City turned up at my place and tried to play defensively and were taken apart. 3 days later Forest turn up and do the same much more effectively. City have far the better defenders so the only thing I can imagine is that Forest are used to playing like that while City aren't? 3 days after the Forest game Man U turn up and play defensively and are taken apart...

Had a comedy goal as well when playing Stoke away. N'Zonzi clears a throw in from their box all the way down the pitch with not one of their players in sight. Stones leaves the ball for Szczesny at about a 3rd of the way from our goal - Scz is at the penalty spot with the ball rolling towards him and Doiuf is at the halfway line chasing it down - fruitless task you'd think?? Apparently not as Szcz ambles out towards the all and even gets their first before allowing the onrushing Diouf to nick it off his toes and stick it in the back of the net :(. I may have been 4-1 up at the time and I know he's not getting his clean sheet bonus but really??? Maybe he stopped for a smoke on the way to the ball????

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Hmm. Lots of Attack Duties? Is that a default Man U squad? Could you confirm in more detail please what your Roles, Duties etc. are? Either in here, the tactics forum or by PM?

I'm obliged to be interested in this. I tend to only generate 10-15 shots but have a reasonably "balanced" system, so I'd expect it. To generate your score lines, I'd have to go really gung-ho with my Duties.

Unfortunately this is what I have a problem with. I don't think the game is realistic, it never has been, and nor do I want it to be realistic because let's face it none of us would win anything! But I do like there to be at least the illusion that things are realistic within the game mechanics and if the only way to achieve realistic results is to actually intentionally create a set of tactics that ensures you don't just crush teams? Then there is something very wrong indeed.

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There is a major bug with the players in the 15.3 update.



We're working to address it - please follow the instructions listed in this post - http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/421002-Reviewed-15.3-Update-Match-Engine-Issue-The-Zombie-Glide?p=10199848&viewfull=1#post10199848

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Unfortunately this is what I have a problem with. I don't think the game is realistic, it never has been, and nor do I want it to be realistic because let's face it none of us would win anything! But I do like there to be at least the illusion that things are realistic within the game mechanics and if the only way to achieve realistic results is to actually intentionally create a set of tactics that ensures you don't just crush teams? Then there is something very wrong indeed.

What I should have said is "to generate your shot counts (not score lines!), I'd have to go really gung-ho with my Duties."

It's more than possible to win comfortably with a more refined approach to chance creation. A common theme on the forum is that users occasionally post screens of games with 50+ shots and a few goals. Whilst it is arguable that these shot counts should be reduced by a more appropriate AI approach to defending these onslaughts, what is equally clear is that if you are taking 50 shots in a game, your approach is inefficient and overly offensive in that match.

I said the same yesterday, but would people prefer a locked down game where your stats are locked to generate 12-15 shots per match, 2.7 goals, x tackles, y headers? You can still generate outlying stats in the game as a result of the combination of your inputs and the AI strategy. If anyone is regularly seeing high shot counts and a relatively inefficient return for those shots, then my stance is that they need to reel in their approach to those matches.

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Seven injuries of 2 weeks+.

October in my first season.

Thanks for notifying us of your injuries every few posts. Perhaps it would be more impactive if you waited for a longer period of time to see if any short term trends are diluted by a longer term period of time? Might also be handy to give the numbers context by detailing what sort of injuries you are getting, whether you have an aggressive tactical approach, and what your training is like.

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Has anyone reported an issue with Transfer Budgets since the patch? Now this may just be my club but i've got 30+ million in the bank after qualifying for the champions league last season (I'm Le Havre in france) making it to the semi final so making a load of money. I finished 3rd last season which gets me into the final qualifying stage of the champions league and I'm expected to qualify for the champions league again this year, but I've been given a 500k transfer budget... that can't be right can it?

I was given 10m 2 season's ago when the club had very little money in the back and 7 million last season when I was almost in the red. I'm hoping the patch hasn't messed up my budget becuase it will kill my game as I need to improve the squad to stay with the big teams. I hope its my board doing it for a reason?

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I said the same yesterday, but would people prefer a locked down game where your stats are locked to generate 12-15 shots per match, 2.7 goals, x tackles, y headers? You can still generate outlying stats in the game as a result of the combination of your inputs and the AI strategy. If anyone is regularly seeing high shot counts and a relatively inefficient return for those shots, then my stance is that they need to reel in their approach to those matches.

That's a strawman. Nobody's asking for that. What I want is an AI that a) won't let itself be bombarded like this without trying to react and b) aggressively counters any team that recklessly throws men forward. No team should just sit back and allow the opponents to have 50 shots at goal whilst winning 6-0. The defending Spanish champions definitely shouldn't. I really like the tactical flexibility in FM15 but I expected the AI to become more competitive in the final ME version. Instead their approach has remained the same and it's compounded by ME changes that make them even more helpless when confronted with an onslaught. I personally find that a tad disappointing.

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That's a strawman. Nobody's asking for that. What I want is an AI that a) won't let itself be bombarded like this without trying to react and b) aggressively counters any team that recklessly throws men forward. No team should just sit back and allow the opponents to have 50 shots at goal whilst winning 6-0. The defending Spanish champions definitely shouldn't. I really like the tactical flexibility in FM15 but I expected the AI to become more competitive in the final ME version. Instead their approach has remained the same and it's compounded by ME changes that make them even more helpless when confronted with an onslaught. I personally find that a tad disappointing.

I agree with you, which is why I said this:

Whilst it is arguable that these shot counts should be reduced by a more appropriate AI approach to defending these onslaughts, what is equally clear is that if you are taking 50 shots in a game, your approach is inefficient and overly offensive in that match..

My broader point was that if people are complaining about generating high numbers of shots, then they are not in a position whereby they are obliged to continue in the same vein - they can modify their approach. Whether they should need to is obviously a bigger question, but the underlying fact is that their approach, allied to the AI strategy, is contributing to the stats they see.

Personally, I would not want to regularly watch a match with 50 shots for my side; it would do my head in, so I would change things to create football in the image that I want to see. One of my saves has me in charge of Southampton 11 seasons in, and we are vastly superior to everyone else. Most sides sit deep and we still generate a maximum of 25 shots on a regular basis, and that is not as a result of me reining my strategy in to massage the stats. The AI approach is a factor, but it is not the only one.

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To clarify, in my view the issue isn't as much the fact that a user controlled team can have 50 shots, although that in itself shows poor decision making, but more that the AI seems so hopeless to withstand it. It's not like in previous games where players got their teams to rack up empty shot stats and then complained that they were countered. In this game that approach actually works. You can't fault someones tactics when they win 6-0. If the tactics are poor then the AI should be able to exploit them. I suppose this is the drawback of a more 'sandbox' like approach to tactical flexibility, which I like, but it does show that the AI is seriously poor at tactical management and that surely has to be the focus for the next version.

My own experience with the newest patch is that whatever your tactical approach, the ME changes regarding directness and recognition of space mean it's actually very difficult to AVOID having a huge shot count against severely weaker sides. What happens is that the weaker team retreats very deep, the attacking players aggressively surge into the space vacated in front of their box and from there on it's very hard to hold them back from trying quick attacking moves that end in shots. Then again, why would you even try to avoid it, given that it's pretty much certain to result in goals and the AI isn't trying to be a threat on the counter?

Completely agree. I don't know how it'd be possible to disagree, tbh. You can't ask managers to build "conservative" tactics to produce more realistic results. Believe me, I tried and I haven't given up yet, but in the end I play to win, and 9 times out 10 you "just" need an attacking tactic to win. Usually when I try and slow things up, the opponents get cockier, more aggressive, and eventually they start playing "unrealistically". I'm still convinced that the ME in itself is not to blame, and I agree that you can't force the ME to produce realistic results (that solution would be worse than the problem).

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I have a graphical issue since the last patch, apologies if it's already been mentioned but I couldn't find any reference or solution. Basically, in game all players now stand with their arms outstretched, and no longer run but rather glide/hover around the ground, almost as if they have all been possessed :) Any idea how to fix this ?

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Well he has just beaten the defending champions 6-0 whilst having 50 shots. Whatever the tactics it is disappointing that the AI still lets itself be overwhelmed in this manner.

I agree with you and it's because of that, that I was thinking that he was using some sort of exploit tactic.

4231 wide, Flexible, CONTROL, push higher up, play wider, use offside, only 2 players on atack duties (Ronaldo&Bale as inside forwards), all others on support (CB's on defend). Nothing special.

While not an optimal setup, it doesn't seem to be exploitative. I'd hazard a guess that you had many long shots because of a lack of proper movement. 50 is still a lot though especially considering the opposition. A pkm in the bugs forum would be appreciated here.

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I have a graphical issue since the last patch, apologies if it's already been mentioned but I couldn't find any reference or solution. Basically, in game all players now stand with their arms outstretched, and no longer run but rather glide/hover around the ground, almost as if they have all been possessed :) Any idea how to fix this ?

Have a read through here (check SI's responses especially): http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/421002-Reviewed-15.3-Update-Match-Engine-Issue-The-Zombie-Glide

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Looks like there is a problem with giving players a rest day, adding an extra day onto the designated rest period.

It depends when in the day you give them the rest instruction. If it's before Midday it will count for that day, otherwise it rolls over and so will show as 1 extra.


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hi.why after update on Pari Zermain players Marquinhos,Verrati,Digne are on transfer list and with very low price?It happens every save?could y fix it?

It's an issue we're aware of and looking into.

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