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Gundo's FM08 Small club from a small nation European adventure challenge

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Well done aaberdeenn, you're correct, the longer you stick around, the sooner you'll lose people like Semialjac. I sold him at the end of my 3rd season as he requested to leave. Bit of a blow but Ante Popovic has filled his boots brilliantly. I'm hoping you get promoted mate, best of luck. icon14.gif

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Thanks for that. I've just gone through pre-season and I've lost Semialjac for £500k, board intervened, it wiped my debt but gave me no transfer funds. icon_mad.gif

I've not got any decent full backs or a left winger so I've resorted to playing good Centre Backs such as Verhas at full back.

Drew my first 1-1. I think this season could be very hard.

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Ah unlucky pal. Similar thing happened to me with Verhas. Chairman sold him. It was devastating and I reckon cost us promotion is season 3. Amazingly this season we've won our first 6 games of season 4, think this could be the one... icon_smile.gif

Hope it picks up for you. icon14.gif

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At last...........

Skjetten secure promotion to the First Division

After a long hard strugggle we've achieved it at the second time of asking! First season we managed a respectable 5th place and ensured a good foundation for a challenge this year. Last year, we found ourselves battling in the Second Division Group 2, this year it was Group 4! icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway, promtion was secured by three points thanks to a one man show. Sadly, i can't get Photobucket to work at the moment, but a screenie will follow. icon_wink.gif

An eighteen year old Striker called Stian Ringstad (i know Gundo has mentioned him before) took the league apart with 30 goals in 24 games with an average rating of 7.83. No surprises that a few of the big guns are sniffing round him. icon_rolleyes.gif

To be honest he is the only player worth commenting about. Sadly the rest were very mediocre and i'm not sure how on earth we managed to get promoted.

I'll keep you all posted on how my player recruitent goes and of course a few screenies to prove everything icon_wink.gif

Stain Ringstad the Norwegian Burda? icon_wink.gif

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Well done cookie. icon14.gif

So it seems we both found the Norwegian Burda. \o/ He is immense isn't he. icon_wink.gif

I think it'll be second time lucky for Randaberg aswel this season, *fingers crossed.

On side note did you read this?

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Originally posted by Gundo:

Well done cookie. icon14.gif

So it seems we both found the Norwegian Burda. \o/ He is immense isn't he. icon_wink.gif

I think it'll be second time lucky for Randaberg aswel this season, *fingers crossed.

On side note did you read this?

Hmmmm yes, this could prove to be a little problematic. My squad is so poor i'm not sure how this is really going to affect me, but i'll keep you posted anyway icon14.gif

Good luck in your season icon14.gif

On a side note i've just been informed that my stadium is going to be expanded by 3000 and i'll be gound sharing with Lillestrom for the time being icon_wink.gif

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cookie how much did it cost you to get hold of Stian Ringstad? I had to beg, borrow and steal in order to secure his services. He cost us 35k at the start of our second season. I had to sell one or two of my better players in order to raise the funds, I had 14k transfer fund aswel which helped. Let's hope it pays off with our promotion!

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I'm now over 4mil in debt due to the stadium expansion icon_eek.gif

The worst thing of all is that they are moaning about my handling of finances. I didn't even ask for the bloody expansion icon_mad.gif

This is gonna be really tough! Anyone got a parachute i can borrow 'cos i have a feeling that Skjetten will be falling that fast icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by cookie15:


I'm now over 4mil in debt due to the stadium expansion icon_eek.gif

The worst thing of all is that they are moaning about my handling of finances. I didn't even ask for the bloody expansion icon_mad.gif

This is gonna be really tough! Anyone got a parachute i can borrow 'cos i have a feeling that Skjetten will be falling that fast icon_frown.gif

Ahh, you love all the added difficulty lol. icon_biggrin.gif

I'm sure you can turn things round. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

cookie how much did it cost you to get hold of Stian Ringstad? I had to beg, borrow and steal in order to secure his services. He cost us 35k at the start of our second season. I had to sell one or two of my better players in order to raise the funds, I had 14k transfer fund aswel which helped. Let's hope it pays off with our promotion!

Likewise £35K, broke the bank etc, but he's got a 40% sell on clause as well icon_frown.gif

Not sure the board will keep letting me reject bids for him with us owing so much money! icon_rolleyes.gif

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Talking of handling finances, I gotta love some of things confidence says about it.

I have about £7M balance thanks to champions league but its already being spent on another training facility upgrade and they said they're expanding the stadium. Full update coming sooonish.

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Originally posted by cookie15:


I'm now over 4mil in debt due to the stadium expansion icon_eek.gif

The worst thing of all is that they are moaning about my handling of finances. I didn't even ask for the bloody expansion icon_mad.gif

This is gonna be really tough! Anyone got a parachute i can borrow 'cos i have a feeling that Skjetten will be falling that fast icon_frown.gif

As long as you do well in the other areas, you should be able to hang on to your job just fine. Just barking dogs. icon_smile.gif

I'm in my 8th season, and the board have been blaming me for the money THEY spent for 5 of those season.

They'll also make some cash injections along the way.

It still makes it more of a challenge though, because it means you'll have to make sure your team does well on the pitch, and you'll have to do it without money for transfers and wages. icon_smile.gif

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Békéscsaba Elöre 2013/14 Winter "break"

Note the quote marks on break, it is indeed the winter update but I do not have a break this season. I'm going for the triple this season so I need to win the league cup as well meaning lots of matches. I decided it was best to win the first stage of this so your fixtures get pushed into the winter break rather than all squashed up in the last bit of season. Add onto this champions league fixtures and I was still playing two or three games a week all the time.

All these cup games meant that I didn't get round to playing the league so I'm quite a lot of games behind to be played over winter but its all going swimmingly there. I also won the first stage of the league cup so I can play under 19's in 2nd stage and still be in the overall final and I'm still in the cup so the triple is on!

Champions league success though will not be with me this season for it all went a bit tits up despite making sure I had a fully fit and rested best possible team for each game. Games against Sporting and Bordeaux were actually very even home and away and I was a bit unlucky (even on the 7-3 one icon_smile.gif) but Sevilla are in a different class.

Sporting 1-0 Békéscsaba

Békéscsaba 0-3 Sevilla

Békéscsaba 0-1 Bordeaux

Bordeaux 7-3 Békéscsaba

Békéscsaba 0-1 Sporting

Sevilla 5-3 Békéscsaba

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Quacky Have you had any International call ups for any of you homegrown players that the clubs youth system churned out yet?

Just to be competing in the Champions League that early, is an achievement in it's self. I'm sure it won't be too many seasons before it all clicks. icon14.gif

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A lot of my youth team are under 19 internationals and have a little bit of talent but none of them are good enough. I keep upgrading the facilities and reputation must be going up by now so I'm hoping someone with some quality will be born next season icon_biggrin.gif. The coach reports thing although sensible is sort of taking the fun out trying to play a guy who looks good for his age in the hope that he has some potential to match.

Its definitely something I need to work on with the homegrown rules though, always nice when you've used up a couple of the quota with surefire starters.

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Originally posted by CoachFlu:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by cookie15:


I'm now over 4mil in debt due to the stadium expansion icon_eek.gif

The worst thing of all is that they are moaning about my handling of finances. I didn't even ask for the bloody expansion icon_mad.gif

This is gonna be really tough! Anyone got a parachute i can borrow 'cos i have a feeling that Skjetten will be falling that fast icon_frown.gif

As long as you do well in the other areas, you should be able to hang on to your job just fine. Just barking dogs. icon_smile.gif

I'm in my 8th season, and the board have been blaming me for the money THEY spent for 5 of those season.

They'll also make some cash injections along the way.

It still makes it more of a challenge though, because it means you'll have to make sure your team does well on the pitch, and you'll have to do it without money for transfers and wages. icon_smile.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's easier said than done icon_rolleyes.gif

We've just lost our opening game 4-2 away from home at Brynne.

Must say that you were right about the board. Every month they seem to inject anywhere between £350-£500K, so fingers crossed icon14.gif

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NK Slovan winter update

Exciting spring ahead.

League table:

1. Livar 33

2. Aluminij 30

3. Mura 30

4. Slovan 29

This year in the second league is chaos itself. Livar spanked us. We spanked Mura. Mura spanked Triglav. Newcomers Aluminij started with a 3-0 away win over Mura, and are firing from all guns.

Unfortunately when we took the lead in the championship, we dropped 4 points in two games - one unlucky and one plain awful.

I feel we are now better than everyone except for Livar. We'll see.

Out of the cup.

Smashed club record signing with a 60K transfer of a 18-year-old striker.

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I played the start of my 4th season last night. i couldn't win any games and could barely fashion a goal. It was dire. I lost the away leg of Salzburg game 1-0, then got thumped at home in the league by the relegation favourites...

So i saved it before the second leg and turned it off. I figured the FM gods, that Jimbo is so fond of, were angry with me, and punishing me for my shock early qualification for the Champions League.

I'm gonna play the second leg now.

I'll be back in 10 to give my report...

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Oh well, nevermind, back to the league I suppose.

We were holding them nicely. They had superior possession and much better passing, but they weren't getting many shots in. Unfortunately my substitute left winger decided to pass the ball to one of their strikers in the area in the 87th minute, and he put it in the empty net from 5 yards...


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Ouch, Quacky icon_frown.gif


We just played our first promotion derby, Mura at home. The usual 2-2 (from the last 6 matches there were 4 2-2s!), but we hit the post in the 93th minute, and the ref blew for full time when my right winger was on the run down the flank, with defenders far behind him icon_mad.gif

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I hate when a team consists of ****in' grey players, they ****in' play like posessed, have ****in' 100% fitness, and of course beat me because our players are dead from the Mura game, which was played in downpour.

icon_mad.gif :banghead: *explodes*

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Meldert, Belgium - December 10th 2015

Mid-season table

One match short of mid-season, but it's the winter break, so close enough.

A struggling season so far. Which is not unexpected, but still, it's a bit frustrating. So far, the season can be summed up in one sentence: "Supporter spokestwat believes the fans were disappointed with the team's inability to convert chances into goals."

It's not that we can't score at all. 16 matches, 16 goals, mhmyeah. But we've given away several points already, which could have been prevented if we had just been just a touch more efficient up front. And being so close to the relegation zone, every point could be crucial.

Nevertheless, we're in slightly better shape than we were three seasons ago at this stage. So I'm still confident that we can survive in the First Division this season.

Oddly though, the bookmakers don't seem to consider us relegation battlers. Well, our media prediction is 14th, which isn't great, but they rate us as favorites for pretty much all our home matches, and some of the away matches as well.

The board's expectation is to "stay clear of relegation." I suppose 14th would qualify as that. Guess I better not cut it too close though.

They expect us to get to the Quarter Finals of the Belgian Cup as well. Also slightly high, I feel. We're still in it for now, but we'll need to get lucky to get through the next round and meet those expectations.

No change in the financial situation. Still a few mil in the red. With the increased match day income and the occasional cash injection, the balance remains fairly stable between -2 and -3 million euro now. Perhaps next season we can slowly start climbing out of the red. As long as we avoid relegation, at least, but that should be manageable.

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Békéscsaba Elöre 2013/14 Final..... Finally

This is possibly the longest season ever as you can see from the summary I played 69 games and thats with not progressing from champions league group stages and playing minimum number games in the 2nd stage of league cup. Anyway you can also see that we won the triple \o/ and that http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/9669/41golazozo9.jpg destroyed my goalscoring records. Its the most points I've scored in the <A HREF="http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/3510/season6finalcw2.jpg%5B/URL%5D" TARGET=_blank>http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/3510/season6finalcw2.jpg</A> too so all round big success.

We got a boost just after Christmas when HSV splashed the cash giving us some free monies to pay for training upgrades and 2000 extra seats. Turns out I'm much loved by the board and to my surprise I'm officially world class but it was far from easy. With so many matches I had 6 games in 10 days at the end of the season (talk about your team being knackered emgergo!) where the rest period was a game an almighty 3 days away, so I salute the weary troops on a well deserved happy holiday.

Coefficients, 296th 6.960 Hungary 24th 10.833

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iacovone's End of Season Update, Slavonija, Croatian Second Division (4th Season)

Hurrah! icon_biggrin.gif

We did it! At the 4th attempt, I've dragged Slavonija out of the dark hole that is the second division.

League Table

As you can see here we really did runaway with it this year. Despite an unsteady period just after the winter break, normal service was resumed and a familiar hero shot us to the title and promotion to the First Division.

We truly did romp the league, staying undefeated against all of the big names up there with us - Inter (Z), Slaven Belupo and Cakovec. We suffered with the size of our squad at times but fortunately any long term injuries came just before the 3 month winter break. So can't complain really.

On promotion we were awarded significant TV revenue to be spread across the season. icon14.gif

Finances are looking rosy and we saw a huge crowd watch the final home game of the season. 3066 people attended to watch the trophy being presented, treble the average attendance for the season. Luckily it seems we have managed to retain some of these fans for this season. icon_smile.gif

Now the obvious ambition is to stay up. The squad is small still but we have added some quality. The current under 21 keeper has joined us which should prove a lifesaver! The only worry is in defence where I have two young but promising CBs.

Anyway with the new season fast approaching...C'mon the Slavs!! icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

Quacky Congrats on the treble. icon14.gif

iacovone Well done on promotion. icon14.gif Does that mean Slavonija are amongst the big boys of Croatian football now?

Gundo that is precisely what it means. Dinamo, Hadjuk Split, Rijeka, etc.

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Originally posted by iacovone:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

Quacky Congrats on the treble. icon14.gif

iacovone Well done on promotion. icon14.gif Does that mean Slavonija are amongst the big boys of Croatian football now?

Gundo that is precisely what it means. Dinamo, Hadjuk Split, Rijeka, etc. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Super stuff. icon14.gif

Now you can look forward to some monumental domestic battles with those clubs... icon_cool.gif

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Do any of you know what are the major combining factors that contribute to a clubs valuation?

I'm assuming; healthy finances, league you play in, value of players? Anything else I've missed?

Just want to know the main ones tbh.

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Originally posted by iacovone:

Just set a new Slavonija attendance record - over 5000 came for our first home game in the top flight. icon_cool.gif

What's your capacity?

In my home tie with Salzburg we set a new record attendance of 5999, which I thought was funny as our capacity is 6000..

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Great news (well for the Norwegian contingent anyway icon_biggrin.gif ) SI have confirmed that the squad registration issue in 8.01 in the Norwegian leagues is wrong and that it'll be corrected in next patch. \o/ icon_smile.gif

And it'll be save game compatible also. icon_smile.gif

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We are 16 games into our League campaign now, only 10 left to play. Here's how the table looks at present, remember only top team gets promoted and reserve teams can't go up either.

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> (Top 5)

Team Pts

Start 2 36

Vigør 35

Sandnes 33

Vinking 2 30

Randaberg 30 </pre>

So it ain't going to be an easy task to gain promotion, out of my last 10 games I have to play all of the teams above me and the games against Vigør & Sandnes are my last two games!

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Originally posted by Gundo:

Great news (well for the Norwegian contingent anyway icon_biggrin.gif ) SI have confirmed that the squad registration issue in 8.01 in the Norwegian leagues is wrong and that it'll be corrected in next patch. \o/ icon_smile.gif

And it'll be save game compatible also. icon_smile.gif

Great news Gundo, well spotted mate icon14.gif

Come on Randaberg you can do it icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by migwar:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by iacovone:

Just set a new Slavonija attendance record - over 5000 came for our first home game in the top flight. icon_cool.gif

What's your capacity?

In my home tie with Salzburg we set a new record attendance of 5999, which I thought was funny as our capacity is 6000.. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Our capacity is 5240 so just a couple of hundred off the max.

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Originally posted by Quacky:

Bank balance has a pretty big effect on the valuation, my one mirrors my balance pretty closely, it increased by £2.5M when I sold that guy for that value.

The reason I'd say it isn't is that my value has increased every year, but my bank balance has gone down...

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Went 2-0 down in my latest game v OS, only for us to stage a miraculous comeback and winning the game 3-2! icon_biggrin.gif

(Top 5)

Team Pts

Vigør 43

Randaberg 40

Start 2 39

Sandnes 38

Vinking 2 36

Only 6 games to go... Nerves are jangling. icon_rolleyes.gif

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