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AI negotiations tend to be way lower than they should be

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So I started a thread on the fm subreddit and I asked Miles on twitter about it.

The short story is I had an amazing 2 seasons I have a very very young team and the average price of the players that are transfer targets of other teams is 20-25 million. Carlos Fierro for instance is valued at 20 million.

The issue im having isn't that im asking too much for my players but the AI is asking for way too low and won't budge at all. So for instance for Fierro who scored a goal a game last season and totaled 40 goals in all competitions no team would pay more than 25 million even though at his age and his stats right now are seriously up there. The guy should be going for closer to 50 million than 25 with a record like that.

His stats speak for themselves and its not a case of supply and demand its more of a case that the default negotiation system needs a bit of changes IMO. There were 10 clubs after a 20 million rated player. But there are no options other than setting the asking price and hoping that the AI sees exactly why you are charging that much.

What I would suggest is personality types in negotiation be a lot more varied and especially when a club like PSG or Man City are after a player. Like if I turn down your first offer of 9 million im not going to accept the same offer in 2 more days that is not how negotiation works.

Also id like if there was a discussion option to talk to the team and tell them why you are charging that much. So for Fierro id give his goal rate as a reason to pay above the odds and id give his age since he is still getting better. Its worth the price im asking for.

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When rejecting a bid, you can select why you have rejected that bid - though admittedly the options are relatively limited (offer wasn't good enough, player is indespensible, don't want to sell to a rival team etc.)

They will usually come back with a slightly improved offer, but rarely will they increase it by gigantic proportions.

What happens when you negotiate the bids? Do they just automatically pull out of the offer? Does the player want to leave? Are you actively trying to offload him?

If he's valued in game at £20m and you're actively trying to get rid of him, you won't get more than £25m. If you are trying to keep him and he is happy at the club, that should drive the AI bids higher.

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Ive had my MC valued at 22 million. He still had 4 years on his contract. Man United bids an astounishing 21 million. I selected "no, he is indispensable " Knowing that the AI can bid upto 3 times per transfer window on 1 player I denied their second bid of 36 million aswell with the same reply "no he is indispensable". Their 3rd bid was 62 million. I had a replacement in training (albeit a bit to young for permanent XI team but can rotate with another young promising MC. I sold him.

Same situation with a promising striker from Colombia. Bought him for 1.1 million. He starred in 3 seasons and improvwed liked a madman. Unstoppable. 30+ goals per season. No injuries, no suspensions. The perfect striker.

He also had 4 years left on his contract. Real Madrid offered 32 million. I flat out typed in 75 million and selected negotiate. A couple of days later I get a reply from Real Madrid that the 75 million was acceptable.

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Something to consider--what's Fierro's contract status with you? If he's only got a year left on his current deal, nobody is going to come in with a huge offer if they think he'll just be available on a free in the near future anyway.

Also, he may have scored a goal per game for you, but at what level? If he's doing that in the Premier League that's one thing, but if he's doing it in League One, then how good is he really?

If the AI will only marginally increase their bid, that could be an indication that they want to unsettle your player and get him that way also.

If you want to get the AI to pay significantly over the odds for one of your players, you've pretty much got to do the following:

--The player has got to have a few years to run on his current deal.

--The player shouldn't be transfer listed.

--When you get those media questions about your player being a transfer target, make sure you say something like, "I have no intention of selling" or "If any interested team wants him, they'll have to make a very good offer for me to sell."

--Your club shouldn't have a reputation significantly lower than the interested club.

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