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eternal questions (width, def line, passing etc.)

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(EDIT - please ignore the manner I asked below questions with and scroll further down for more civilised approach, thank you)

I just need to finally get answers to the questions I never learned through my entire life. I can not play FM any more, if I don't.

1. Encountering opposistion vulnerable in the middle, "play narrower" shout works to my favour, yes or no?

2. Encountering opposistion vulnerable in the wide areas, "play wider" shout works to my favour, yes or no?

3. Encountering opposistion stronger in the middle, "play narrower" shout works to my favour, yes or no?

4. Encountering opposistion stronger in the wide areas, "play wider" shout works to my favour, yes or no?

5. Encountering opposition (for instance) stronger in the wide areas but vulnerable in the middle, the pick of the shout is my gamble and my tactical decision, while picking no shout regarding width leaves things safer and default, yes or no?

6. Higher defensive line and direct passing don't work good togerther, yes or no?

7. Deeper defensive line and short passing don't work good togerther, yes or no?

8. Direct passing and "exploit the middle" shout don't work good togerther, yes or no?

8. Short passing and "exploit the flanks" shout don't work good togerther, yes or no?

9. While playing high defensive line (and more offensive mentality) it's more beneficial to use Advanced Playmaker over Deep Lying Playmaker, which is more suitable to deeper defensive line and more defensive mentalities, yes or no?

10. Using Advanced Playmaker and direct passing does not work good togerther, yes or no?

11. Advanced Playmaker on AMC position and "exploit the flanks" shout don't work good together, yes or no?

12. If I need player in an MC slot to make regular runs forward, Advanced Playmaker (attack) is not a good choice, yes or no?

Thank you very much for your input. If you care to elaborate over whichover question, please do.

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1-5 You are distilling this down to a very simplistic level. The TIs you suggest would make sense, but there is no mention of contextual issues like formations etc., and that's a Hell of a lot of context to miss.

6-8 Not sure how or why you've made these examples, but no.

9-11 Again, really odd examples and again: no. You seem to be trying to pigeon hole the game into finite answers, and it just isn't like that.

12. Why not? What are you basing these examples on? If you watched a match in detail, you'd already know the answers to all of these questions.

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I apologize for the way I put things in the post above. I was tired and frustrated. I wanted to delete the post, however I can not find the option.

I play FM since CM days and I do watch games in full mode, so it's just irritating at times that after all this years you still can not understand certain mechanics.

I have several questions though. I'll ask them in civilised manner and with examples.

1. Pressing and D-line

What I'm trying to do first is to decide where I want to win posession. I have noticed that opposition plays flat back 4 with no DM. All defenders seem vulnerable to pressing, formationwise - having very limited option to pass the ball.

q1: I play flat 4-4-2, which means I have no players in AMR and AML strata to pressure full backs. Does that fact majorly disrupt my pressing plan? Or should my two FW's and wide midfielders do the trick? (Formationwise, apart from the personal stats).

q2: Considering that I want to win the posession higher up the pitch (from the back 4), is it advisable to push higher?

q3: Would it still be advisable to push higher if I had players in AML and AMR strata?

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Nobody can answer the question how high you want to press but you really. However, I've had a high-pressing, direct 4-4-2 with attacking mentality work just fine. Your players need the stamina and the work-rate for it though. Also remember that closing down varies with mentality, an attacking mentality will have high pressing by default for instance.

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Thanks. I kind of meant relation of defensive line to area I want to press on. But yes, I am aware that both mentality and closing down settings matter.

2. Defensive line / Passing style / Distribution

I get fuzzy over this one. So, direct passing transits the ball quicker, short passing puts posession over chances and is less risky passing path. Obvious. But:

q1. defensive line: high, distribution: exploit the middle (opposition weakness). If I pick "direct" approach, aiming for faster transition, doesn't that leave me hitting stray passes due to lack of space in the middle area?

q2. distributin: exploit the flanks. if I'm playing with wingers in MR and ML slots, wouldn't "direct" approach end up hitting balls too far upfield into AMR and AML areas, making the passes difficult to reach?

q3. how would you describe relation of playmaker choice (DLP or APM) to defensive line, if there is any? I always thought that "drop deeper" instruction favours DLP's, as it's more likely to control the play from the back.

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