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Off Season Salary cap

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I don't understand how the salary cap chart works during the off season.

In my game, the game accounts for the 23 highest salary in my team for counts, except an European player who joined my team during that same off season. Therefore I am 4.5 M$ over the cap. However if I calculate the salaries of my projected starting lineup, I would be about 5 M$ under the cap. Which will be reflected properly when the season starts.

So basically the way the chart is set up just during the off season prevents from signing stars UFA's who are asking lots of money because the team board restricts the maximum salary per year allowed for the player (which is less than what the player is asking for).

Anyone understands the way the game choose which players counts during the off season, is it always the 23 highest salaries ? Any ideas on how to get to sign those players who cost more ? Knowing that when the season will start, the team will be under the cap.


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Not sure which date it started but this stays onto effect until October 1st I believe just before the season starts. I think this is how the game is made just to make sure you don't go over the cap but it sometimes put restraints on UFA's you could sign.

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